What old dog just earned a new trick?
Asked by
filmfann (
December 21st, 2010
It’s Kayak8! Let’s welcome him to the 10K Mansion!
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56 Answers
hey, I see what you did there :)
I dun geddit, whatever the joke is.
Anyways, here’s your present.
Congratulations @Kayak8, from one Ohioan to another! The dog may be old, but it’s certainly adorable.
Welcome Kayak8! I love your comments, and you deserve all the adulation! WTG!
I am actually not sure if Kayak8 is male or female, so you will excuse the masculine form if I am incorrect.
@filmfann But he’d/she’d still look like the bomb in those shoes.
Congrat-grat-grat-gratulations!!!! Love reading what you write!
Congratulations Kayak8! Your posts are insightful and your doggy avatar brings many a smile to my face. Rainbow high-fives to you for making it to the mansion :)
Welcome to an awesome canine!
Yay! Many congrats. To me you are 20K jelly.
Break out the Milk Bones and Snausages, party in the kennel! ;-)
waggin tail….....doggie kisses to the nose…....
Thanks for your knowledge!! me and maynard are loving each other.
Happy Holidays!!!
Kayak, you’re a great member of our community. Congratulations!
Way to go Kayak, righteous.
Thrilled to see you get your well-earned milestone. Rumor has it, the mansion’s dog houses are nicer than my place. Rock on, dawg.
I have no idea who you are, but congratulations!
<——-Zuppy says: Yay! <wagging and barking and running in circles> Congratulations! Can I come play with you sometimes? I hear they have a super dog park there for those of us of the canid persuasion! Here’s something for you to play with in your new home!
Congrats on the 10 grand Kayak8!
I’ll add my joyous yap to the rest!
Mazel Tov @Kayak8! Amongst all the many fine dogs int the Fluther kennel, you are one of the wisest and most considerate.
Sincere Congratulations from one dog lover to another. I love reading your interesting posts and you have really added to this community. There’s room in the mansion for all the puppies and kittehs of Fluther!
Congratulation!! \o/\o/\o/\o/ and cheers. You’re a great asset to the community:-)
Congratulations on the 10 K!
So, which stroke do you use most often? The forward sweep, reverse sweep, the sculling draw, the draw stroke?
No doubt about it – the dog paddle, of course!
Congratulations and welcome to the mansion! Great work!
Congratulations and celebrations.
Congratulations @Kayak8! You are a welcomed and appreciated member of the Collective. Your answers are fine and your presence adds to us all.
@Kayak8 – You are one of my favorite jellies and I hope you know how much I mean that! Whenever I see your name in a thread, I practically jump to read what you’ve said. You’re so smart and very witty and I love it! I love your sense of humor. I get such a kick out of reading a thread and finding a small piece of your quiet, subtle humor, nestled in between two serious answers. Your serious answers are well worth reading, too, and much enjoyed. I hope you plan to stick around because things really wouldn’t be the same without you!
P.S. I’ve had a little Fluther crush on you for a while now. :)
Congrats @Kayak8 – welcome to the mansion!
I soooo wanna hit 10k, it looks like so much fun, and I DO love mansions…
Thank you all very much!!! I was really hoping to not hit the 10K mark while there was so much other commotion going on, but you all consistently remind me why Fluther is the wonderful community that it is…the people!
For the record, Kayak is a kind of boat (not some part of the West Indies as was posited in another thread) and K8 is my name. So we will be doing gender identification flashcards in a future question.
In celebration of the 10K mark, my dog Grits (seen at left) asked to have a turn as well. His brother Bender has represented for my first bit of time here on Fluther. As I have a cat and a propensity to collect strays, I suspect I will stick around for a while!
To a wonderful jelly, congrats!! Happy, happy 10K day!!
I completely missed this question! Sorry @kayak8! Congrats!!
Hola K8! So glad to celebrate even thought I’m L8!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Happy 10K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pssssssst, what I want to know is: how come it doesn’t register that I hit 5k? Just curious…
@Kayak8 : “Ho’omaikai!” That’s a hearty congratulations in Hawaiian. I enjoy your posts. You often hit the mark where I miss widely. Thank you for being part of the collective.
@WillWorkForChocolate Perhaps that is something else that went away with the GAs and GQs on the community feed.
I tried to throw you a party because I didn’t see this one, and I got all drunk there and then found out about this one in a different part of the mansion. I came to congratulate you, but also apologize because I was…you know…really drunk by the time I made it to this wing. And I kind of ruined the bathroom over here.
Sorry, again. And congratulations, again.
@Seaofclouds No, I don’t think so… it still lists the 5k award thing on the giant list but where it stars awards that you’ve earned, I have no star next to the “Mariner” award, lol. Maybe I broked it.
@WillWorkForChocolate Ohh, I know sometimes there is quite a bit of a delay in the award showing up on your profile. So it could just be that. I just know 5K use to show up on the community feed, but you didn’t show up there (unless I missed it).
No, I don’t think it did. The only reason I knew I’d hit it was because Adirondackwannabe PM’d me to congratulate me and tell me he was the one who put me over, haha!
Late, but always great. Like you. Happy 10 Ky jelly. Have a breastful booby great day!
Awards are/were being wonky.
I forgot the Present.
For your eight kayaks.
@Fred931 Thank you very much. I think I can modify the design for the 4 spaces that I need. This is perfect!
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