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Jude's avatar

Anyone ever own a Siamese cat? What were they like temperament-wise?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 22nd, 2010


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19 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

They’re my favorites! I’ve lived with several, including my current boy. Very friendly, playful, outgoing and fearless but the most distinctive characteristic is the constant talking!
They have an endless vocabulary and an opinion about everything.

Coloma's avatar

My favs. too! I have had 4 now over the years and they are usually very people oriented and affectionate. My newest is a Torti point and she is a sweetheart!

They also tend to be pretty long lived, my first female lived for over 17 years and my last, sadly only made it to 14, with the other guy at 16. My new female is only 18 mos. old so I am hoping for a lot of years with her.

Great cats!

Bluefreedom's avatar

The Siamese cat that I own is one that was a stray and I rescued her from an apartment complex that I lived in years ago. Since she was a stray for a long time, she doesn’t like to be picked up but whenever I sit on the couch to watch television, she jumps up into my lap almost instantaneously every time and purrs like there is no tomorrow. She is very friendly and lovable and absolutely gorgeous. One of the best cats I’ve ever owned, hands down.

mrrich724's avatar

The siamese I got to know well was like every other cat I’ve owned or known. . . they ignored their owner, and then were very friendly when feeding time came :/

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I knew two that were very loving and talkative.
Try these guys if you’d like a dog in a cat suit. ;)

marinelife's avatar

They are wonderful in terms of personality. Very friendly. But you have to not mind their almost constant vocalizing.

tinyfaery's avatar

Siamese cats love people, but have a lot of catitude. They are very talkative and have a horrible meow. Yikes! Info.

Kraigmo's avatar

I once had a Siamese-Russian Blue cat, and he was very loving, and very intelligent. He always wanted to be petted, and he also figured out by observation how to open the door by pushing the door handle down. He was too loving or too curious and would wander places. My phone number was on his tag, and one day I got 5 voicemails in a row from 5 different taverns downtown (they were all on the same street) telling me that my cat was in their bar.

Kayak8's avatar

Have had them my entire life. Love em to bits!

Jude's avatar

Talking like this?

gondwanalon's avatar

I have a 16 year old Siamese male cat. He is the freindliest cat that I’ve ever had. He follows me around the house like a puppy. When I sit on the couch he had got to be on my lap. He totally trusts me. He has an eye problem and he loves to have me clean it and put antibiotic drop in it (from the vet). Even in his advanced age he still loves to play especially with his “turbo-scatcher”.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ve only ever had a half Siamese, and she was lovely, but she sure had the voice that all of the above mentioned. If you want a quiet cat, well, don’t get one. Otherwise, enjoy the companionship.

Poppet's avatar

I’m on my 3rd Siamese! They are wonderful. I think they are closest to being a dog as you can get in a cat! He comes when called (well, MOST of the time!) & is very affectionate. Long-lived, as someone else said—My first one lasted about 21 yrs, I believe! This guy is about 14, but has diabetes so I’m hoping that won’t shorten his life too much—we will miss him terribly! He is such a sweetheart! Great cats!

simone54's avatar

They talk a lot.

lillycoyote's avatar

I had a siamese mix and he was handsome, sweet, loyal and a bit high strung. But he was a mix. I lived with a pair of siamese cats for a couple of years, cats that belonged to my roommate and because of that experience I wouldn’t necessarily seek out siamese cats. And, as others have said, they talk a lot.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’ve known three Siamese cats. Two were mean little bastards and one was very sweet! I get the impression that they can be very aloof and the two mean ones that I knew took aloof to a whole new level of PURE EVIL.

Kardamom's avatar

My friend had 2 and I had one that was part calico and part siamese. They’re very friendly and don’t mind if you pick them up. They do tend to meow a lot and make a lot of really funny different kinds of sounds. It’s like they have a totally different meow for every thing they want or with different emotions. Some of the meows can be very long and drawn out. If you’ve been around them for awhile you can kind of figure out which each type of meow means—I’m hungry, I need a rump scratch, I love your new wool blanket. etc.

They also like to be up high on top of things like your couch or your fridge or cabinets. They like to leap up there. And they tend to like to cuddle, usually up on the back of your chair next to your neck and will not hesitate to sleep at the top of your head in your bed.

I find them totally delightful, but if you find it hard to listen to a LOT of meowing, you might want to consider a more quiet breed.

Kardamom's avatar

@Poppet I have a Himalayan and he has diabetes too. He has to have injections twice a day and will actually come and find you when it’s time to get his injections. He’s 13 and doing really well, although he could stand to lose a few lbs. He’s 22lbs. He has the same colorations of the Siamese kitties, but Himalayans are much quieter. He has 2 regular sounds. A fairly long one that says: I’m hungry, or I just pooped and the other is a little tiny high pitched squeek that says: I need to be carried upstairs now. Although the coloration is similar to the Siamese, his fur is about 10 times fluffier. He’s “hatching” a catnip mouse right now. Sitting on top of it just like a hen.

Coloma's avatar


Yes, my last kitty I lost in May was a Himalayan without the persian face. He was the sweetest cat ever, he was very quiet until his senior years when he started meowing much more, kitty dementia setting in. haha

My other 2 Siamese were more vocal but the new one is very quiet…who knows!

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