(NSFW possibly) What's the strangest way you've been propositioned for something?
Have you been asked for/ to do something in a strange manner? How did you respond? Did you say yes? Was it funny?
Since this is sort of ambiguous, I’ll give an example.
I once asked a crush of mine if he would be my S/O by playing him “Do you want to” by Franz Ferdinand. It made him laugh, but it totally worked!
So, fun/cute/funny stories like that.
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30 Answers
Someone once wanted to pay me 20 dollars to masturbate in front of them. I’m sure they were harmless, but I felt so WTF and got scared and didn’t do it lol.
I got bribed into looking at porn with one of friends….It was weird…We’re still friends now, but still….She bribed me 25…...I was just thinking….“Nahhhh she doesn’t have 25 and plus she might grab my junk…..or something else o.o” So….yeah…....
A girl in high school told me all about how she masturbated with a hair brush and how her vagina was “super tight and only 3 inches deep” and how she loved to drink orange juice and lay under her ceiling fan naked.
I asked her why she was telling me all this, and she told me it was to “turn me on and get me to fuck her.”
Another girl my freshman year of college sent me a picture of her snatch in a picture message. The text portion read “plz? ;-)”
There have been other ways that I’d rather not get into on a public forum… mostly involving photos of my schlong.
Hmmm. Well, apparently every time I’ve been propositioned it’s been super innocent, or at least I thought it was.
The only time that I ever was uncomfortable was when this guy who had just broken up with one of my friends asked me to “come to the party in his pants” at lunch behind the school. I was fourteen, and didn’t have a clue what he was meaning. So I said no.
I laugh about it, because it’s so obvious now, but at the time I had no idea.
@Vincent_Lloyd, they were, but I’m not the type to have hookups or sex outside of relationships. I don’t really find that kind of extreme bluntness sexy. Just not my thing.
Someone once told me I could rape them…. Which puzzled me of course. “Um, but it wouldn’t be rape I’d it was consensual. Why would you say it like that?” This was the most disturbing proposition. But there have been others.
It was my first day in New York City. I was staying at the midtown Y. I had put my stuff in my room and was wandering around the building. I went into the TV room and came back out into the hallway. A black guy—maybe in his thirties—approached my 22 year old self, and kind of mumbled quietly, “Do you want me to suck your cock?”
I wasn’t quite sure if I heard what I thought I heard, but he repeated himself, and I understood him clearly.
“No thanks,” I said, and I walked away. I remember being proud of how cool I was about it, and also thinking that what they said about the Y was true. This was a couple of years before the Village People released their song, “YMCA.”
Rex Ryan offered to sell me some shoes for a good price, if I would try them on in his presence.
Well she wouldn’t have scurvy.
@everephebe Scurvy is so sexy. Nothing like a paralyzed vagina to really get me interested.
Well, I did once have a guy tell me how he wanted to get waxed, but was scared, and needed me to go first. At this point, I should mention my strict policy against hair removal via waxing – that shit hurts! The friend who was going to do it basically harassed me until I agreed to do it (she’d been dying to wax me for some time). So I took, like, 2K mgs of Vicodin and 2mg Xanax and a few shots of rum, and stripped down (because according to her, you can’t wax legs with your underwear on). Course, as I was passing out I found out that he wasn’t so much interested in being waxed as having sex with me.
I really don’t know. She emphasized the orange juice part though.
And I’m not sure how a shallow vagina is supposed to turn me on.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard If she was about 15 at the time, give or take, she probably just got confused because a lot of times men say they want a “small” vagina when they mean tight or horizontally small (and 3 inches non-aroused is normal, but she probably didn’t know that).
Or she thought you had a really short penis and that would make you feel better because there wouldn’t be all this unfilled room in her vagina. Which really doesn’t seem that flattering.
Great name for a band, Shallow Paralyzed Vaginas
A broke friend of mine once asked me via Instant Message if she could come up from LA (I live a few hours north of Los Angeles) in order to sleep with me for money.
“I’m really good…I’ll do anything you want…stay the whole weekend..”
“How much money are we talking about?”
“I don’t know, sixty bucks?”
A woman who I had never met before used the following line to pick me up, and I quote (it is burned in my memory)
“Will you be my Gypsy prince?”
Uhmmm…. no thannkyou. * exit stage left*
@FutureMemory Good to see you too. I am not certain how much I am going to be around though.
I was sitting next to one of my classmates in med school. The lecturer had taken a tangent and I drew a stick figure doodle in my notes. She leaned over and made one mark on my drawing and then wrote above it “dick figure”. Then she wrote on my note pad that she wanted sausage for lunch and asked if I wanted to come to her place.
@sleepdoc So was sausage on her menu that day?
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard wait did she say orange juice or OJ? Because maybe she was trying to hint at wanting giving you a BJ? Just a stray thought…
@everephebe, not in a funny way. She just mentioned the orange juice for whatever reason… No deeper meaning to it, as far as I can tell.
I had a hell of a time one late night this summer in Paris convincing a “straight” guy that I did not want to blow him in exchange for weed!
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