What do you think of this "Xmas is evil" campaign?
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Mat74UK (
December 23rd, 2010
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58 Answers
It seems to be about as extremist as the Florida pastor and church that wanted to burn the Koran.
Meh. The most effective weapon against Evil is Humor—and this is funny. Have we learned nothing from Monsters, Inc.? If people wish to demonstrate their idiocy, let them. If they want to hurt people, shut them down with extreme prejudice.
@williamlweaver I am in total agreement. I was looking for the exact best way to describe this without attacking Islam or religion as a whole. My original response to this was “This is why I hate religion.” But even though I do hate it, it’s more, “This is why I hate hypocrites.”
Besides, it seems pretty small scale.
I find this humorous because it’s a Muslim group doing it. I don’t know why they don’t address a real evil. Terrorist for example.
Does the UK have a problem with Holiday raves and vandalism around the holidays? More than any other time of the year?
About the only valid point I see on the poster is debt. They should have stopped there, and gone with “Jesus would not want you to go into debt to celebrate his birthday.” The muslim faith does not allow for financial debt.
Otherwise, it’s a flame campaign.
<shrug> An extremist hate group is espousing their extreme hate. I find it eyeroll worthy.
I am pretty underwelmed by that. Much easier than them blowing up a building.
Really, if this the worst they can do, I’m fine with it.
It’s always the stupidest among us who generally scream the loudest. I just wonder what the scene was like at the Kinko’s where these dudes got the posters printed out…to be a fly on the wall…
Propagana garbage and is frankly not so. All of Islam have the very same things that America or any other nation does. Just laugh it off as some ignorant people who don’t understand mankind
Actually, you offended me by linking to dailymail. It is a tabloid rag.
@world_hello – I did state that I didn’t mean to offend and that included the British media (tongue in cheek)
(1) “them”? For reals? ;-)
(2) That is my favorite freakin’ South Park thing ever. I sing that song every Christmas.
It makes me pleased that I live in a free society where idiots are free to advertise their idiocy.
Well, I’m just shocked someone read my plans. Buy gifts for children’s cancer center…CHECK! Enjoy having family and friends over…CHECK. Pillage and Plunder…CHECK!
I got a good laugh out of it and find it just plain stupid. However, if the group responsible wants to waste their time and money…let them.
I know what I believe and feel, extreme views, such as this, won’t change my view. Just makes me want to sing a Christmas carol to them, maybe it will brighten their day! ;)
@meiosis – It’s so funny that we totally agree in principle, considering how when it comes to the nitty gritty of the content of speech – you seem to be pleased by the idiocy expressed until it advocates violence, and I think many times when it advocates violence it makes the message more clearly idiotic, and advertises them all the more.
@iamthemob I agree that threatening violence makes them appear more idiotic, but it also engenders fear, and therefore causes harm, in intended victims, and that is where I draw the line. Claiming Christmas is evil harms no-one, except themselves. Claiming you’re going to attack people crosses the line from no-harm to harm.
@meiosis – without derailing too much, as I feel our positions differ very little and there are potential harms to both and so find your stance totally reasonable, I’ll just say that it’s campaigns such as these that offer a gateway to people inclined to hate, and then the hate and incitement to violence may be expressed in more private context among people in the campaigns – where the idiocy, therefore, is no longer seen…
…but again, you’re also correct. ;-)
I like the way it says: “In Islam we are protected from all of these evils. We have marriage, family, honour, dignity, security, rights for man, woman and child.”
HA!!! Tights for man? Yeah. Rights for woman and child? Not so much. Muslim rights for women and children, include the right to demean and beat the women and the right to marry your daughter off when she’s 10 years old.
I’m sure nothing will come of it, but the statements on the poster make me want to laugh, then vomit, then laugh some more.
Well, I think it is awful, and ridiculous, and meaningless all at once. It also makes me think of politicans who are gay and vote against gay rights, and cheat on their wives and preach family values. I know too many macho Arab men who cheat on their wives to listen to that garbage. Not saying all Arab Muslim men cheat, just saying. Pretty much all of the macho cultures have a lot of sex and cheating going on, and then there are the non-macho cultures who also have sex and cheating going on. My point is enough with the self righteous bullshit.
I think it is wonderful. I am all for people speaking out against whatever they want. If we could convince everyone to use advertizing and persuasion instead of violence and coersion we would finally have peace on Earth. Maybe goodwill toward man would follow.
@stump – you know, it’s ballsy to call it wonderful. But after seeing it, I think you’re 100% right.
@iamthemob Thanks. I personally think if US foreign policy makers put money in advertising instead of weapons, democracy and human rights would sweep the globe.
In the eyes of Good nothing is evil for evil is also something that works for its benefit.
In the eyes if evil nothing is good except that which works for its benefit.
Therefore understand the difference of the nature good and evil.
and what is good to evil is actually evil indeed.
Of course xmas is no longer about what it was created to be, it has become a way to sell things out and get more and more money. But I don’t think it’s all bad – when I was younger I used to put all my folks together with lots of presents under the tree and a tasteful banquet in the table. There’s food, presents, singing, people and even if it was kinda fake there was love in there and that love was really essential for who I am today.
I like xmas and I do believe in its spirit. Nothing bad about it.
I think they’re a bunch of idiots whose time would be better spent cleaning the grout in their bathrooms. How completely boring.
Another muslim group spouting hate. What else is new? Jesus is OK with me.
@gondwanalon The only problem I have with your statment is that poster sounds like some Christians, except for Jesus not being the son of God. Although, I have not seen many negative posters from the Christians lately, just a few nutjobs on tv ruining it for the rest.
@gondwanalon – see what @JLeslie. Your statement is more accurate if we make it “Another religious group spouting hate. What else is new?”
Of course…it’s most accurate as “Another interest group spouting hate. What else is new?”
@iamthemob better what you wrote. There are some crazy right wing Jews also, we just rarely hear from them.
I would however like to know where these raves are going to be held…. :P
@uberbatman If yo go, make sure to tell @HC if you take some pills that are being passed around but don’t eat candy that has no wrapping on it.~ Keep us posted!
I think the preoccupation with raves is pretty hilarious.
rights for woman? lol
It’s hilarious, and shows that the Muslims behind it really, really failed to do their research. Or even to connect their arguments with their message, really.
I have some muslim friends from Yemen. They have never given me the impression they thought Christmas was evil. But they know I’m a Christian, and I don’t promote any of the nonsense that the authors of this poster say is all about Christmas (with the exception of God having a son Nevertheless, together we both seem to have come to the conclusion that we have more in common than we ever knew. They know me and my habits well, and they agree with me. Neither of us drink or sleep around, we believe in remaining virgins until being married, don’t do drugs, don’t believe in going into debt, do dress modestly, we are against violence, crime, vandalism, and abortion, etc. etc., and so on). I’d say the folks who came up with this poster are uninformed and mentally unbalanced, and considering the level of their passion, they are also possibly dangerous. I’d like to consider locking them up to protect the innocent.
@snowberry Surely you wouldn’t lock anyone up because of what they printed on a poster, would you?
@snowberry Santa won’t be giving them any presents. Isn’t that punishment enough?
Propaganda !
I wouldn’t be surprised if these posters were the brainchild of the UK government, designed to incite hatred and gain support for the unpopular wars against Muslim nations. As well as keeping the nation in a state of fear in order for them to accept more draconian laws in order to [enslave] erm.. protect them.
No, but I’d sure recommend looking at them pretty hard. As I said, these folks sound, at the very least, unbalanced, and potentially dangerous. They might be cut from the same cloth as those nut cases on 9/11. You never know.
What do I think of it? Not much.
God, whether you believe in him/her or not, is still God.
Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.
Omg that’s fuckin priceless lmao. Better to just let this campaign die in its own ridicule.
Funny… if I were an agent provocateur attempting to discredit Islam with some kind of false flag trolling operation, it would look something like those posters…
Unfortunately, there are some Muslims who do believe this nonsense, especially in areas of the world where they are dependent on propoganda from numskulls like this who call it news.
It’s sad and laughable (not in a good way) that any one religious group thinks their holidays are somehow less dumb than holidays of any other group.
What I really wanna know is where are those people getting all the “raves?” : D
Read the poster carefully! : D
Engrish is a difficult wangridge to adwertise in. : D
@CaptainHarley Yeah. I’d love to see actual facts backing up their claim that Christmas is evil in the ways they describe.
I almost hate to say this on here, but they think it’s evil because it’s not Islam. And that’s the gospel truth!
When India’s turn comes, then it will be “Hinduism is evil!”
@CaptainHarley Well, that’s obvious – just like some Christians think Islam is evil, so do these Muslims think Christianity is evil. Aww, they’re just like Christians, after all.
@CaptainHarley: Im empreszed with your speling! Now stop proofreading their posters! Merry Christmas, my friend!
The poster is stupidly anti-Islam without even knowing it. Because if you apply the logic used on the poster, applying all of the Christian-capitalist society’s sins and ills, heavily generalized, then using that logic, one could conclude that Islam is a murderous, anti-woman, anti-liberty, violent, Klingon-like religion.
The poster is so stupid, I can’t even tell if it’s real or someone’s attempt to smear Islam through false representation.
LOL@ cak
You nut! Merry Christmas to you as well, my friend! : ))
@marinelife It has been suggested that the Floridian Koran-burner was, in fact, a troll.
* roffles @ “Christianity creates paganism” claim. *
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