Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

If you don't celebrate Christmas but you get the day off on December 25th, how do you spend the day?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) December 23rd, 2010

Since not everyone celebrates Christmas, I’m curious to know what other people do with the free time they get. It is a holiday in many locations, after all.

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12 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m not sure what you mean by celebrate. We will have our family over for dinner, just like every other week-end. The one difference this year is that my grandmother-In-Law had to go in the hospital today for a heart operation.

I wrapped a couple of the gifts we have for the toddler boys, instead of just giving them out as I usually do on the week ends.

coffeenut's avatar

I get 4 days off…but I’m taking 7
Part of my vacation I will spend with family they celebrate Christmas

The rest of the time…Rest and Relaxation…lol

I have a new(ish) book I’m planning on reading.

Cruiser's avatar

I celebrate Christmas and as I got older I found it entirely surreal that there actually were people who didn’t Celebrate the Christmas Holiday at all. As time went by I would get the stories of the inconvenience of most stores being closed and ordering out Chinese food and just having a regular normal day off of work watching all the cool Christmas shows on TV.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I pretend to celebrate it.

YARNLADY's avatar

I forgot that I love the multicolored lights blinking off and on, so I string those on my fence and around my family room, and a friend made a wreath for me with colored lights also.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@YARNLADY : Putting up lights, having a Christmas tree, singing Christmas carols, going to church: these things and more are what I mean by celebrating the holiday.

SuperMouse's avatar

I do not celebrate Christmas and my kids will be with their father for the day. My fiance’ and I are planning to go to the movies. We are thinking of spending some time with the little Fockers and maybe seeing True Grit.

JustJessica's avatar

I celebrate Christmas so I can’t answer the question, but I am very curious how other will . Very good question though. I guess I’ve always in the back of my mind wondered the same thing.

AmWiser's avatar

I spend it with those that do celebrate (like my Mom and other family members).

SamIAm's avatar

Used to do the typical Jew on Christmas deal – Chinese food and a movie :) Now we kinda celebrate (I’m not going home this year) but will still try to get out and see a movie, something with the family.

rss's avatar

Usually either Chinese food + movie (like @Samantha_Rae) or I’ll tag along with a friend or SO if we are close enough and in the same place. One year I went to work (and took a day off at a later time). This was actually one of my most productive days since no one was around and I had nothing else to do!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Our family doesn’t celebrate any religious event but we do enjoy the day off work to enjoy each other and visiting friends. It’s also a lot of fun to put on a spread for a few meals we wouldn’t otherwise eat during the year, especially together at one time.

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