Social Question

If you make someone a very solemn promise in a dream, do you keep it when you wake up?
Warning: this is long but it would mean a lot if you’d take the time to read it and think about your answer.
(I swore I’d never post a “dream question” but this really hit me hard this morning and I’ve been thinking about it all day.)
In my dream last night, my 4 yr old was dying of cancer. She looked awful- thin and pale and bald. She seemed to only have hours left, and my mother was preparing to give her another breathing treatment.
I was sitting in her hospital bed, holding her, rocking her and sobbing. I began begging God, “If you will give me this one miracle, make my child healthy again, I swear I will do the hardest thing I’ve ever done and quit smoking (my hubby and I do not smoke in the house, so she wasn’t dying due to secondhand smoke).”
As soon as I made that promise, I woke up and my face was wet from crying in my sleep (which I’ve never done before) and I just sat there thinking, “I’m awake, and my child is healthy… and I swore to God if she was healthy I’d quit smoking.”
I’m not one of those people who thinks every dream means something, but I do believe that sometimes our subconcious speaks to us in our dreams and (since I’m a believer) I feel that God speaks to us in our dreams sometimes. I honestly feel that this is God telling me “You have to quit now, or it will be too late. Stop stalling.” And I intend to keep the promise I made, even though it was in a dream.
So my question to you is simple: if you make a promise in a dream, whether it’s to God or just to another person, do you keep that promise?
*Please do not belittle my faith and beliefs, that’s not what this question is about. Thanks.