It's a Fluther holiday party! What do you think the jellies are doing?
Asked by
Blueroses (
December 24th, 2010
For one night of celebration, the Mansion is open to all in the spirit of revelry. How are the various jellies participating?
I’ll start with a few:
MissAnthrope is hosting a workshop on “toy” repair
Papayalily is writing and directing the pageant
bob_ is flirting with Symbeline’s undead date
jillthetooth is hoarding the wine and giggling
Dog is herding the new members through a guided tour
What is going on in the other rooms?
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112 Answers
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I am enjoying sleep deprivation. It’s kind of like being drunk, only with a BAC of 0.00
I’m avoiding Karaoke and laughing with JeanPaulSartre.
I’m inspecting the treats on the buffet table while nodding my head in time to the music.
I’m organizing a band while trying to keep all the dogs in the mansion entertained and away from the snacks.
I’ll bring the happy brownies and organize the drum circle and Marwyn the goose will oversee the dinner rolls. ;-)
I went to the land for a while. Then I dive into the ocean again, looking for a tech-news clams. I was tired and hungry, ate some deep fried crabs with thousand island sauce, in front of my coral computer.
Maybe this holiday I’m only stay in my reefs. Don’t go anywhere with my submarine.
@Blueroses I will kill you, literally..if you make me.
I’m at work defending all of your freedoms. Specifically the one (the 1st Amendment one) that says you can write WHATEVER you want on Fluther and not get victimized for it. Like you would in North Korea, for example.
Oooooh… I love karaoke!!! <breaks out the portable karaoke machine>
If the party is right now… I’m hooked up to I.V. getting third session (3 of 3-days in a row) of chemo (mega dosing of prednisone). Counting down the minutes so I can go eat! Craving protein!
@prolificus We’re setting aside the best treats for you. We want you healthy and happy :-)
Hm, anyone will have a Jellyfish Soup Dinner for this holiday?
But wait, why this question is posted under Meta section?
I think this one is for Social section.
@Hedaru – If it has Fluther in the title it belongs in the Meta section.
I’m at work, hoping to be let to go home soon so I can enjoy my out-of-town visitors.
@world_hello – Thanks for your information. I just know it. Where did you know? (the link?)
@Mama_Cakes is creating new Xmas memories and traditions. She’s also serving delicious bean soup out of a crock pot. Yum!
@Bunnygrl is organizing a bunch of pups to bark out “Jingle Bells” and is showing Love Actually on the big screen TV.
@Jeruba is making a nice Xmas phone call to the “other” Jeruba who she finally located.
@Cyanoticwasp is reading a very funny “alternative” version of The Night Before Christmas that he composed himself.
@tedd is dancing up a storm and gettin’ down and gettin’ funky whilst surrounded by friends and family and his favorite Fluthers.
And I am in the kitchen preparing vegetarian crudites.
Happy Life to Everyone! And don’t forget to take home some pie as you leave the party. There’s plenty for everyone.
While wrapping my presents, had Miracle On 34th Street on…. love that movie!
@Hedaru meta may be social but relates specifically to the fluther community. All are welcome.
@Kardamom :-D awesome! That’s what I was hoping for. Be sure to duck the flying fruitcakes in the kitchen.
@Blueroses – Thanks. I get it. So know I now. wow.
I wish I have some real friends like @Kardamom has in here.
Allie is at the store buying cookie ingredients and thinking about how she needs to change her sheets.
Katawagrey is madly filming everybody for the Fluther documentary (she says) but is hoping for some good blackmail opportunities so she can amke a little money (sorry, honey, couldn’t resist).
JilltheTooth is getting the money ready. Having too much fun.
I’m on the beach listening to this.
@hawaii_jake you really know how to hurt a guy! geezz.. It’s 35 degrees here!
@Bluefreedom, I know you probably get this a lot, but thank you for your service.
Oh, and I just drank half a jug of Sangria and now I’m flirting with everyone and trying to play guitar with my tongue.
@Bluefreedom please accept my thanks as well. Stay safe out there.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard talented tongues are welcome at every party.
@hawaii_jake I’d like a pineapple daquiri please.
I’m thankful my species is invisible on film. No fodder for Katawa’s blackmail
@BoBo1946 – I’m here better: 30 F is way much cooler. Yeah. Wanna try a snow pile?
@Blueroses—Here’s your daiquiri complete with a pineapple slice and little paper umbrella.
@BoBo1946—:) Come on in. The water’s fine.
@Bluefreedom—Thank you.
Just say NO! To pie!
Pied out over here, and that’s just from baking them, not even eating any yet. lol
Merry Christmas to my youngest and oldest ‘crushes.’ ! ;-)
@Coloma : All right. No more nog for you. That was lousy. :)~
I’m ploughing through the beer supply, and trying to persuade the band to let me get up on stage and sing this with them.
Not even gonna lie, I’m probably drunk and trying to get in everyone’s pants.
ha ha ha @Coloma!
Rock on @downtide, it’s your party!
boy that daquiri went down fast. Is there more?
@rangerr some of the jellies aren’t wearing pants. Just sayin’ :-)
wheres my shirt i don t think i m wering one nemore lol
oh hey rangerrrrrr come here often? ;-)
disclaimer: not actually inebriated… maybe…
Yeah, a little below my usual ability, blame it exhaustion.
Nothing that a little scantily clad Samoan dude couldn’t cure. ;-)
center stage in the billiards room, we have a nude fiddling contest. @YarnLady will be checking IDs but never fear… @ucme is selling passable fakes in the 2nd floor bathroom
—@ucme nothing, nothing tra-la-la āŖ. We all know you’d never try to skirt the law ;)
I was in no way suggesting that you are anything but genuine—
‘Hay boy’ yep, adding Hay boy to my santa list now.
I’m playing background music in the entrance hall, which no-one is actually listening to, but boy do I get some sour looks when I pause for a quick sip of champagne! And I’m waiting for @Austinlad to show up… I just know he’s gotta come back one day…
I’m looking for the door stop, it was here a few minutes ago. Four years ago it was fruitcake I got for Christmas. @Blueroses Have you seen it.
I’m enjoying @harple‘s entrance music and pouring more champagne.
Cruiser has your fruitcake @Tropical_Willie. I think he was building a trebuchet in the backyard.
I’m the wine swilling dancing queen to the left :-)
I’m @Symbeline’s undead date.
@harple Amen to wishing for Austinlad’s return.
I am trying to hang coats, but the closet is getting full. Will somebody please volunteer their bedroom for coat overflow?
yay! a dancing queen @stardust. the ballroom is that >> way
@marinelife you could use the loft studio, but knock first… bob_ & Vunessuh might be busy.
You mean Symbeline and Vunessuh…
so all of @bob_’s flirting was for naught? He’d be crushed if there wasn’t such an abundance of sammich fixin’s on the buffet…... @chyna !!! Dogs!
Zen is trying to find Jeruba.
Coloma is avoiding the kitchen.
film_girl and filmfann are arguing over whether A Christmas Story is funny.
@sakura is sat in the corner trying to pluck up the courage to talk to somone face to face
Heh…just had a message from my daughter about the wacky gift her dad sent.
The family ‘stories’ start NOW! lol
Apparently he sent her a Ceramic Armadillo wine holder with the Armadillo ‘chugging’ the wine bottle while lying on his back dressed in cowboy gear, hat, scarf, pistols. ;-/
We had a hearty laugh and while she is rather annoyed, her dad knows she doesn’t drink wine nor does she have any western themed items in her life or a thing for Armadillo’s..but, whatever. hahahaha
She was rather annoyed but I convinced her to just laugh, ‘A’ is for effort! hahahaha
<< pouring more drinks and taking @sakura by the hand and dragging to the karaoke machine.
A Christmas Story is funny.
Yep, outta the kitchen and just came in from a blissful happy brownie walk down to the stream on my property, with cats and geese trailing along. Geese had a blast ‘muddling and puddling’ in the creek!
I’m piss drunk and naked, as usual. :p
Do I have to leave now? :(
@Fred931 Please don’t go. Unless you have a problem with karaoke and nudity
@Blueroses I thought the problem was having children in the room with the nudity. No problem with me. XP
Hey y’all mateys, I just woke up and the rain is pouring down with a cyclone warning for good measure!
Sorry I missed the party, but sounds like it still might be going on.
Gotta walk the dogs now, momentary lull in the rain, only a heavy drizzle. bbl
Parties still here!
I’m having a silent night before the next two days of celebrations.
@Fred931 There are plenty of other rooms for the children, believe me.
@all I am sitting at the desk, frantically gluing the backing on the rest of the coasters I made to give out to everyone.
@YARNLADY will the wine I just poured for you hurt or help your efforts?
Hurray for the Aussie guest! @rooeytoo. So glad you could make it. Did you bring more food?
@Gamrz360 We’ll distract @john65pennington from noticing any gambling activity. Nudity, anyone?
@Blueroses – yep I brought emu steaks, kangaroo fillets and water buffalo stew! Hozzat???
@Blueroses Thank you, I’m sure the wine will help, as long as I don’t get any on the gifts.
Oh darn, I can’t control the dogs, watch @augustlan doing the nakie dance and keep the band away from the drinks. Forget controlling the dogs, I’m joining the naked dancers!
Uh oh, I think one of those dogs just ate one of my tofu weiner appetizers! He was supposed to be in the other room barking Jingle Bells.
Hey, where the heck is @Scarlett? She’s supposed to be photographing this whole shebang for next year’s Xmas cards.
I think we could spend the next 24 hours watching “A Christmas Story” marathon on TBS.
I’ll throw another log on the fire. Someone’s got to do it.
I am embarrassed that I came late and am hiding in a corner.
Hold on, is that a game of Twister going on over there? Maybe I should investigate….?
I’ll take photos of the naked Twister game.
well, I’m assuming it’s naked
I hadn’t quite thought that through, but I’m assuming it is as well.
Of course it’s naked Twister. Look at that pile of writhing tenacles!
No.. No.. No!! My wobbly bits don’t need to be exposed in a good game of Twister, thank you very much!!
Dammit, I wanted to play Twister. You grown-ups ruin everything.
@Fred931 It’s okay, I might be still willing to play. Think I’d need a drink first, though.
I might finish playing Civ 5 between naps and Egg Nog
Dammit, you guys started a party without me…again.
I’ve got to find @Coloma, before all the brownies are gone.
@Blueroses, you are just wicked cool.
I just happen to have a case of wine with me and I’m sharing.:P
Naked hot tubbing over here, bring pool toys. lol
I’ll save you a brownie. ;-)
Well, this was posted 9 hours ago. Late as usual. What am I doing? Reading 96 fucking posts.
WooHoo! @seazen is here. Party in the house!
I’ll be in charge of making sure minors don’t drink—by giving all the alcohol to the seƱoritas in the house.
I was busy playing naked twister and judging the nude fiddle contest… I’m all about the sexy things going down around here….
@AmWiser That almost melted my lil old heart, you sweet thang!
@seazen !!!! Fuck yeah! party is still going and now we’re all meeting somewhere…. bob_ you’ll have to let go now
Merrfully Christmas Everybody!!!!!!
I’m glad you and Sadie are finally having a Merry White Christmas!
It seems that should at least ameliorate your jealousy of Jake. ;-)
I haven’t had a white one since 1984.
loll… I love Jake… he is a hoot!
Merry Christmas Brain to you and your family. Love your avatar!
Fun for you & Sadie!
We might see snow mid-week, but a miss right now.
@Blueroses wait, what? Let go? I thought you had the key to the handcuffs.
Thanks @blueroses for draging her out of the corner and attempts to sing we wish you a merry Christmas :)
<< hopes everybody will whisper today and please don’t slam the doors
* Bashes in the door * HAY GUISE WATSAP??1
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