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john65pennington's avatar

May I wish everyone on Fluther a Merry Christmas?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 25th, 2010

This my first Christmas on Fluther and I was wondering if it’s appropriate to wish all my friends Merry Christmas? The moderators may take this off, but at least maybe, it will stay long enough to reach my friends. Please remember what Christmas stands for and why we celebrate on December 25th. Question: if you are single or have grown children, how do you celebrate Christmas Day?

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Merry Christmas to you too, John.

We fix a special breakfast (this year it is a red and green Italian frittata with sausage and toast and raspberry jam). After breakfast, we sit down with coffee and open presents (this year the package from home did not make it so presents are sparse, but oh well).

Right now it just started to snow a little bit so we have that bit of magic too. We prepare a fancy meal (this year we are having prime rib). We rent movies to watch. We have two this year. We listen to Christmas music.

john65pennington's avatar

Marinelife, your Christmas breakfast sounds great. hope you receive all the blessings you have wished for. john

filmfann's avatar

Merry Christmas to all the wonderful jellies of this remarkable site! Have a wonderful day, and a prosperous New Year!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Merry Christmas,John!
I haven’t any Christmas traditions.This year, we will cook a big ass ham and stick close to home.
Happy Holidays everyone! ;)

BarnacleBill's avatar

Merry Christmas, John. We have the children home, and friends come by for dinner, then we go to a movie tonight.

Trillian's avatar

Merry Christmas John. Thank you.

Blueroses's avatar

Merry Christmas to you!
We singles will get together, eat food, play video games and enjoy each other’s company. After dark we’ll drive around and look at lights.

stardust's avatar

Merry Christmas John & everyone else :-)
Quiet chirstmas this year – eating and watching movies for the day.

cookieman's avatar

Sure you may. Buon Natale to you too.

Cruiser's avatar

Uh….John….<<Whispers>> this is your second Christmas here!! Merry Christmas again sir!! ;)

I celebrated today by going on my annual Christmas walk in the woods!!

ETpro's avatar

Absolutely you may, and here is wishing the same for you, @john65pennington and for all the other Jellies.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Merry Christmas to you as well, @john65pennington and to all of our other wonderful Jellies! I hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed themselves.

We spent the day opening presents and checking out our new toys. :) It was nice just being together again!

augustlan's avatar

Merry Christmas, everyone! And a very happy Saturday for those who don’t celebrate this holiday.

john65pennington's avatar

Well, i guess it is my 2nd Christmas on Fluther. you see how time flies when you are having fun?

BoBo1946's avatar

Merry Christmas my friend…. little late, but that is okay. The thought is what counts.

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