IT'S CHRISTMAS!! What did you find under the tree this morning?
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Fred931 (
December 25th, 2010
I got two models of my own car, tried to start on them, and immediately found out the 12-pack of model paint I got as well didn’t have the right paint for the first step! HOW EXCITING!!
I nominate Hedaru to pancake duty this morning!
You can probably also tell I got a boatload of sugary candy as well!
So wha’cha get?
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Nothing…I’m finding joy in baking some cookies. I’m very happy for you. And, I hope everyone has a great day.
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Only two presents. The rest did not arrive from home (not going to be here until the 28th).
Had a great Christmas breakfast though.
What I got for Christmas:
The house is quiet
because the kids are gone.
So I get to read, relax,
and Fluther all day long.
In between some of the above,
I’ll start preparing a family dinner
for tomorrow….. with love.
A graphics tablet, a beautiful amber necklace, a variety of hot sauce lol, a coffee maker, The Grand Design by Steven Hawking and a table top easel.
About 50% of my back yard is under my Dutch elm. ;-)
@marinelife You get two Christmases!
No tree, no presents at my house.
A digital camera, a purse, gloves, scarf, Calvin Klein Beauty perfume, a puzzle, some candy, a beautiful pair of topaz earring from my kids, a watch, some Express Editor pants, etc.
I am disappointed that the cellphones I got for my kids from ATT apparently have bad SIM cards, so they can’t use them until I can go the ATT store for new phones. That is a drag.
A watch and some new colonge…..curve crush. Im really gonna enjoy that when I get back to school…by the crush a good colonge do girls generally like the smell?
Gadzooks! We have trees for Christmas? Don’t have a tree and if I did have a tree there would be nothing to put on it, plus that would have been a lot of work to do when there would have not been a thing under it; not even a crumb too small for a Who mouse. So…........
Some cloths. Something I actually wanted =]
An iPad, which was completely unexpected but is pretty darn cool. I’ll be getting more presents at my grandparents house later on. I don’t really like getting presents though, I’m the only child and only grandchild so I always get the most and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. I am grateful, however.
I have recived a DVD I have been wanting, a laser pointer for my cats ( early gifts from my daughter ) and, in a few minutes my out of town friend and I are opening our gifts together over the phone.
I am having the big Xmas tomorrow with friends and my daughter & her boyfriend. It’s also my B-day! ;-)
My living room is a mass of unopened gifts just waiting and I am in-joying looking at them! :-)
A $15 iTunes Card, and a $20 bill. :D
Cat hair. If I put the presents under the tree the cats will rip them to shreds.
I’ll list my loot:
Air popcorn popper
Dollhouse season 1 & 2
Body pillow and cover
5 pillows for the couch
A book
Water filter for the faucet
I got a few things for my new apartment. We don’t have much money, so instead we spread love. (: I got enough for me, and that’s all I need. I didn’t expect much and got more than I needed. I’m so grateful and love christmas!
Hope everyone has a great holiday. Great question, by the way!
I got a super badass Pattern 1878 Francotte-Henry rifle. It was used by the awesome Gurkha warriors in Nepal about 120 years ago. Here’s a pic without my goofy grin or my mom’s massive Disney collection in it.
I also got Fallout New Vegas, Cowadooty Black Ops, some gourmet cheese and sausages, The Lovely Bones movie, some books about the Appalachian Trail, and some other cool stuff.
Oh, and this which is technically a Christmas, birthday, and early graduation gift all in one!
@chyna Thank you—that’s a good way of thinking of it.
A bunch of clothes, $200 in cash, and a Christmas card from a jellie (last one was my favorite).
Oh, almost forgot – even more boobie pics.
No Christmas presents under the tree this Christmas because we didn’t put up a Christmas tree this year. :(
But I did get Christmas presents in my room (not there when I woke up, but in my room now)
-A zune music player with some of my favorite songs downloaded
-Christmas cards
-a purple pearl necklace with matching earrings and bracelets
-teddy bears (a small cuddly elephant, a cute hello kitty, and a soft dog)
Things I got that aren’t really considered presents but very much presents to me in my world:
-A call from a very special person that I haven’t talked to in a LONG time
(it would be better if I could see that person)
I got some new boots and a tax disc holder for my new car!!
loads of smellies and a gorgeous handbag :)
Oh and not under my tree… but a fantastic Christmas with my family :)
I got a Roomba robot vacuum.
What? I like to clean.
I got a really beautiful watch and pink dog poop bags with hearts on them from my neighbor.
A sweatshirt from my godfather.
I got $25 to Kohls and $25 to Bed, Bath and Beyond from a few friends.
My mom got me some very interesting things. I mean seriously, the following just rock:
Mascara, a digital thermometer, Biore pore strips, a business card holder, Schick Quattro razors, hand sanitizer, face wash, kleenex with pigs on them, a piggy whisk, a piggy spatula (fucking epic), a roll of quarters, a lint roller, a few journals, two bottles of perfume and crest whitening strips. I only asked for the crest strips and perfume – man, she hooked it up.
@lucillelucillelucille and I like to get each other gag gifts for the holidays and our birthdays. We just buy each other a whole bunch of useless random junk. I think for my birthday last year she bought me mouse traps and sidewalk chalk. XD
This year, she got me a Hulk toothbrush, a Bible Fun Coloring & Activity Book, a spatula with a picture of Nick Cage on it, a harmonica, moth balls, a whoopee cushion, a baton, a voodoo doll and a few other items. As you can tell, I think she really loves me. XD
I can’ wait to send out her package! Bwuahahahahaha..
Whooo Hoooo Jellyclaus brought me a LONGBOARD!
It is used- but it is beautiful and it is all MINE!
(I will let @Sarcasm use it and MAYBE @dr_c but that is it!)
:D :D :D :D
@Vunessuh I believe you forgot to mention something! XD XD XD
My best friend gave me Jeopardy! and the newest Professor Layton game for Nintendo DS, and a book light for my Kindle.
My mother gave me two really excellent scarves and a 48-count box of Ferrero Rocher.
My dad gave me the complete Granada Sherlock Holmes TV series on DVD (SQUEEEEEE!!!) and all three volumes of Uzumaki.
I was also given a small budget for Kindle books. I got the Hunger Games trilogy and My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales.
A DAMN GOOD HAUL. Especially considering we were worried for a bit that we wouldn’t be able to have Christmas at all because we had literally no source of income. Thank [deity of choice] that my dad’s disability application was approved on the first try.
I received a leather bound book with gilded pages that has all of Edgar Allen Poe’s works, the same for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (I squealed with excitement because I love these authors and they will look so good on my bookcase); a print of Seurat’s La Grande Jatte (also squealed);an action figure of Sherlock Holmes (too funny- it has a magnifying glass and everything! i plan on keeping it in the box); a vidja camera, snow boots, and a sapphire necklace. Quite a haul, I feel really lucky. :)
Oh, I forgot! I also received a Gryffindor scarf, because those are the colors of my university. I think I’m letting my geek show a bit.
I got Adobe CS5 Design Premium (so happy! I really needed it for school), some great new shirts, a beautiful Indian scarf, a 6-month subscription to Netflix, and some new undergarments, haha.
But more importantly than the gifts, I got to see my sister, brother-in-law and 14-month-old niece. She is just starting to understand Christmas (much more than last year, when she slept through most of it), but seemed to have more fun ripping open the wrapping paper than seeing what was inside. Ah, small children, unspoiled by consumerism. :)
I am looking forward to exchanging gifts with my SO and playing with my niece on her new swing later today.
A kindle (which wasn’t wrapped because I already knew about it) and some Amazon gift vouchers (so I can buy some ebooks). The rest will have to wait until the weather improves and I can do the round of family visiting that was cancelled because of the snow.
Four out of our five children did not even send a card or even call.
My daughter send us atypical ornaments just perfect for our quirky assemblage of tree decorations, some Hershey’s kisses and some lovely pictures of our two Canadian granddaughters.
My in-laws sent a card with $25 in brilliant uncirculated $1 gold coloured coins.
I got my frist gift a week early, my husband home from Iraq!! My husband bought me a beautiful ruby ring to wear in place of the bow ring I wore while he was deployed. My son bought me a bracelet with a heart that says “mom” on it and a matching pin. My sister-in-law got me some new books to read. :)
@Dr_Lawrence: Sorry ‘bout the thoughtless kids. I hate to hear that.
@Seaofclouds! YAY!!! I remember you saying a while ago that you wanted your husband home from Iraq. I’m glad you got what you wanted!
I got:
A cute shirt that I happen to be wearing at the moment.
Pajamas (I needed some!!)
Slipper socks
This cool necklace/bracelet/headband that doesn’t have a clasp – it has magnetic beads that stick together.
The magnetic beads to make some more jewelry like that necklace.
I think that’s all.
I’ll be getting more tomorrow. My brother and SIL are coming here to spend the day with us as our second Christmas Day. They spent yesterday with her family and Christmas Eve with our side. Now we get to actually exchange presents!
What?? No one has gotten the car with the huge red bow!?! I sure know I didn’t get one.
@Hipocrisy_Central Does that ever happen in real life?
I got a new longboard! And nice weather to try it out :)
@Hypocrisy_Central My husband got a new truck, but we didn’t put a big red bow on it. He actually went to pick it up a few days ago.
A Flip HD video camera! wahoo! And 80 bucks at Eastern Mountain Sports, go hippies!
A chocolate fondue fountain, some Hot Pore face cleansing crap, a knife sharpener, a couple books, a couple gift cards, some clothes (that will be returned for proper sizing/appeal), an iPad with case & 25 bucks to the iTunes store, a new hard drive, some new cooking utensils, nail polish, and a chocolate orange.
Despicable Me, Wii and stuff (birthday combined with that) and a REALLY COOL peridot ring. :)
It is nice to see so many celebrating and finding so much enjoyment in a Christian holiday!
@bkcunningham Actually, the holiday was hijacked from several pagan traditions celebrating the solstice. The earth’s tilt on its axis is the reason for the season and many things, like gift giving, the tree, and a great many other “Christian” traditions are all based in pagan celebrations and beliefs.
I got this really cool three station crockpot (with separate controls for each pot) like this My family throws a lot of potluck parties and I had been coveting one of these for awhile. It will really come in handy for next Thanksgiving and Xmas, plus birthday parties and barbecues etc.
@etignotasanimum Those Sherlock Holmes books sound awesome! Love me some Arthur Conan Doyle!
Nothing under the tree for me. But it didn’t matter.
After living here for over five years I finally got the only thing I really wanted. Someone wished me a merry Christmas. A few someone’s actually. For the first since i moved here i really felt like I had some friends, and that was worth the world to me.
So, I know I’m a little late, but a happy holidays to all of you here. I honestly believe you all deserve them.
What I wanted most of all, more than anything you can wrap, was a happy Christmas day with everyone here at home, safe and sane: my husband and my two sons. Nothing could have made me happier.
And that is exactly what I got: a beautiful dark rainy day that made all the tree lights and candles and everything show up bright and glowing while we were all snug and cozy here together, with our treats and presents and wonderful dinner and beautiful music playing and a good time together with no stress and drama and no conflict of any kind over anything. My heavens, but we needed this, a wonderful memory laid down over the memory of last year’s difficult time. And how good and delightful it’s been. Sometimes, sometimes, everybody wins.
And I got a wooden jigsaw puzzle and tickets to see my favorite blues musician! Hurray!!
@Jeruba what did you end up getting for the two young ladies?
I got a lot of good candy, including a box of See’s candies including all my favorites, and a lot of marzipan. I also got a 1 TB external hard drive, several classical music CDs including the symphonies of Schumann and Schubert, some books including a Japanese and Latin book and several novels, a few movies, four SF Symphony’s “Keeping Score” classical music documentaries, a 2011 kitten calendar ^_^, and a few other things. :)
I bought myself some clothing and I have several gift cards to spend. I’m also working on getting a new PC laptop. Not sure which one, though. :P
@Kardamom, I bought a photo book called Great Migrations for the animal lover. And—it turns out that when she was doing her own shopping, she lingered over that book and wished for it, but she wasn’t shopping for herself. So she was happy to get it. For the other, the scholarly one, whom I don’t know very well yet, I chose a beautiful wall calendar and a large Moleskine notebook. She hasn’t seen them yet.
@Dr_Lawrence Merry Christmas, my friend.
I got a nutmeg grater, a garlic press, socks, and a $25 walmart card.
I bought myself a toaster and replaced some CDs. Paul Simon, King Sunny Ade, Bruce Hornsby and Jerry Garcia band
and my 91 yr old Mom popped in. She NEVER does that on Christmas. We sang carols and it was the best thing of all.
I got a book about monsters and their mythical origin, some movies I wanted, (Moon, Cookers, Bitch Slap and The White Dragon.) got some beer, a hoody and a complete and total set of dishes, bowls, mugs and cups. A set of towels too, and a small oriental dragon statue. And spices.
@Kardamom I love Doyle too! I was just reading the book today, the smell of leather was so nice. :)
Barnes and Noble has other classics as well in the same style, for about $20. Cool, huh?
@Jeruba That book sounds marvelous. And the calendar and the notebook sound really great too. Sounds like you’ve got great taste and put a lot of consideration into your gifts. Those girls are lucky to have a potential mom in law like you. : )
Glad you got to spend quality time with your loved ones minus all the hassle. Have a great year.
@Symbeline Oooooh, what kind of dishes did you get? Describe please.
Between my husband and our extended family, I got all kinds of wonderful goodies! I’m very excited about my slippers because I ask for a pair every year but never get them. I also got a great winter hat, another thing I never think to buy for myself. Cookbooks, kitchen toys (electric griddle and big stock pot!)....but the best is my new phone! My previous cell phone was a dinosaur, so my husband got me a great new one. I don’t even know what it is…a smart phone? It’s really cool, and I finally have a phone that’s as good as the phones all the middle school kids have. ;) I wasn’t expecting it at all, so the surprise was fun too!
@Kardamom They’re really old fashioned, or at least emulating a humble allure; they’re from the late nineties. They were used before, but not apparently not by much. They’re a sort of gray/dark peach colour, with brown drawings on them. On the mugs, and the inside of the dishes, big and small. The bowls and cups don’t have the drawings. The drawings are traditional Québec landscapes, mostly barns, churches, lighthouses and old train stations. Simple, but sweet.
@Symbeline that sounds really cool, especially the landscapes! I hope you will be doing some cooking so that you can enjoy all of your new dishes.
@Symbeline ARRRGGG. We shall have to drink the frothy brew out of your new mugs. ;)
@Only138 To Captain Spaulding!
Well he woulda been a cool pirate…
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