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JLeslie's avatar

I want to do a fantastic surprise for my husband. Any ideas?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) December 25th, 2010

We have everything we need. He is not able to travel now, because of work, although I might be able to manage a weekend. I live in Memphis, TN for an idea of what is close by. I have been to Nashville already, and I am not keen on vacationing in the cold weather, pretty much everything nearby is cold. He has always said he wants a surprise car in the driveway with a big bow on it, like the television commercials, but I could never do this. I don’t see how someone can buy a car for someone else, and I am not inclined to spend so much money without his input.

It can be a little thing, or a big thing. One Valentines day I cut out hearts and put them everywhere, in the fridge, in his attache, in his wallet, in the car. I liked that, and I think he did to. Cost me a few sheets of paper and some ink. I am willing to pay up to $1,000 for a wonderful idea.


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19 Answers

Supacase's avatar

What are some of his interests?

chyna's avatar

You are very close to the smokey mountains and/or Dollywood. Have you been there? A weekend shouldn’t cost over 1,000. Everyone I know who has been has loved it.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna, I have been to the smokeys, but not Dollywood yet. But, that would not work right now, too freezing cold outside. Good idea for the summer though.

@Supacase Loves Porsche, and cars in general. I need to try and think of more things.

bob_'s avatar

Does it have to be a tangible gift?

If not, are there, um, things, that he likes, but that you don’t do very often?

JLeslie's avatar

Yes tangible.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Is he into technology? How about getting him something like an iPad or iPod touch?

JLeslie's avatar

@ChocolateReigns We bought an Ipad several months ago. But, good idea otherwise.

JLeslie's avatar

Remember, it can also be simple, inexpensive, and romantic. Does not have to be a lot of money, I just listed the $1,000 to put a limit on it.

Judi's avatar

Can you hire a chef to make a romantic dinner in your home?

JLeslie's avatar

@judi That would be a new one for us. I have to think about that. I am not sure if I want it to center around food.

bkcunningham's avatar

Why not just pick a luxury hotel in Memphis for the weekend. Have champagne and an in-room massage as part of the weekend. How about the Peabody? If you planned it just right, you’d never know what the temperature is outside. ; )

BarnacleBill's avatar

Take a riverboat cruise from Memphis to New Orleans.

everephebe's avatar

If you’re willing to pay 1k for a good idea, you should know that if have loads of them every day. If you want an itemized list I can provide one. Only teasing, sorry.

Oh now should come up with an idea, yikes. Ok seriously:

Well maybe rent a fancy car for the day, just for the fun of the surprise, and an album of music that he would love and just go driving listing to the music, till it finishes. You can put a big bow on it a really get him going.

Or hire me I’m a chef.

deni's avatar

A nice cozy bed and breakfast seems like it could be a good idea. A room with a humongous bath tub would be ideal. It would be romantic, probably only cost a few hundred dollars for a weekend….and they are so much fun.

I went to a bed and breakfast a month ago with my boyfriend and it was a blast. It was so relaxing having a fireplace and cozy chairs and being waited on hand and food pretty much. And they also offered a “romance package” that was something like…champagne and breakfast in bed and chocolates and yada yada. And you can always add personalized touches to whatever. You know, notes around the room and stuff.

JLeslie's avatar

@everephebe I don’t live in a place that has fancy car rentals, but not a bad idea for a vacation. Ferrari or something. There is a Porsche vacation in Germany that would be a fantasic surprise for the summer months, although we have Porsches in our garage. But, he would love the whole manufacturing tour, road rally around Germany. But that is way more than $1k and I want to do something in the next week or so.

@bkcunningham I’m too cheap to do a hotel in Memphis. He works in Memphis. He ate at the Peabody last week. It would not be special to him. But, thanks for the suggestion.

@BarnacleBill I have wondered what that is like. Wondered if it goes so slow it might be boring? And, it does not have all the stuff an ocean cruise has? Have you taken one of those cruises? Is there interesting cities to see on the way to New Orleans? This time of year it would be pretty cold on deck. Actually the train to New Orleans is just $100 round trip.

@deni I was looking at hotels and B&B’s in Hot Springs, Arkansas during the summer, never booked it though. Maybe I will google that again.

BarnacleBill's avatar

I have not done one of these cruises, but have had people tell me that they know someone who did. I really want to go down the Ohio River by boat. I have caught glimpses of the world by river, and it’s fascinating. It’s not like an ocean cruise where you need to do things to fill time. The point of the steamboat cruises is to watch the world go by, and to stop time. I think there are some lines that stop in towns and guests stay in hotels rather than on the boat.

Cruiser's avatar

Take a weekend drive to a car museum and hole up in a bread and breakfast. Then when you see which car has the most drool on it you know what to save up and really surprise him with.

janbb's avatar

Couple of days in Key West? One of my most fun places in the world.

jakegest's avatar

Have you thought of going with the surprise car but not actually buying the car?

What I mean is think of a car he would absolutely love to drive for a weekend or something like that (something a bit extravagant… maybe fast). Rent it, get it in the driveway, put a big bow on it if you want and plan a day trip or some time of small getaway.

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