A program, pill, etc that allows you to eat whatever you wanted and not gain weight would be worth how much?
I went out to lunch the other day with a friend to McDonalds. I ate 2 McDoubles and had a med. chocolate shakes. I had to force down the last bit of the 2nd burger. The McDouble is not a very big burger at all, usually just one and a med. shake is enough to fill me up to the point my hunger is satisfied. Whatever it is that can cause me to be full off so little (and whatever type food I want) and no, I am not wasting away weight wise, I could bottle or make so other people could buy it how much a year do you think it would profit? Eat what you want, get full quicker, and don’t gain weight, how much per dose, treatment, etc. do you believe the average John/Jane Q will spend on it?
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ever notice no matter what you eat at McDonalds you feel the same afterward? and why would you FORCE yourself to eat the last of a second burger?
a pill that was like an antabuse for unhealthy food would be better than a pill that lets you eat McDonalds. McDonalds would sell them for five dollars so you could spend another 5 on their food.
I fear that a pill that could let you eat all you want without gaining weight would turn people (me at least) into a person that never did anything else but eat. I already enjoy eating too much as it is, but if I had the added bonus of not gaining weight, I really fear that I would do it way too much to the detriment of other things. But that’s just me.
They’d have to pay me a lot to use that product.
The idea of not gaining (or losing) weight is cute and fun. But realize that your weight is an indicator of your health.
It’s like not wanting to have pain receptors. Sure, you think, “I don’t want to get hurt.” But then you realize that even though you can’t feel that your hand is on a burning stove, it still is, and that stove burner is destructive to your body, whether you feel it or not. The pain receptors are an evolutionary response to remind you “Get your fucking hand off the hot thing”
So, back to weight gain, it’s an indicator of your health. If you’re slamming down two McDoubles every day, every week, it doesn’t matter if you don’t gain weight. It’s still ruining your body. It’s still destroying your heart. To not be able to visually realize this, would be a curse. Not a gift.
I know that at 200 pounds, I’m not somebody to really talk about being healthy or good eating habits.
You could command your price.
As long as there are no adverse side effects, I would use it (and pay everything I could for it)!
I wouldn’t use it for long, that’s not the type of thing I would want to be on for a long period of time. Actually, I really hate being on any medicine.
I gained a lot of weight with the birth of my son (he is 4 and ½ months old). It’s really difficult to shed the pounds. I feel better, look better and am happier when thinner. I would LOVE some real help getting back into shape.
So, I would pay just about anything I could. Sadly, that only means about a buck and a quarter right now…
It already exists. It’s called a tapeworm.
Sadly there are a lot of over-fat folks struggling to lose weight with such gimmicks as what you propose. The only healthy program to lose fat and gain muscle with is a hard program to follow (which requires regular exercise and a healthy diet). But you may make a lot of money at the expense of weak over-fat people by tricking them into yet another fraud. I hope that you have a good attorney.
The reason you get full so “quickly” is that people need less food than they think they do, it’s just that our perception of how much food constitutes a full meal is incredibly skewed because of the way restaurants present it. Ever notice how you never get a small plate of food at a restaurant, and how it’s USUALLY a fight to get to the end of it unless you scarf it down really quickly? Yeah. That’s because it’s TOO MUCH FOOD.
And btw, there are 420 calories in a medium vanilla McDonald’s milkshake, and 390 calories in each of those McDoubles. That brings your meal total to 1200 calories, which is more than half your daily alotted calories (around 2000–2200).
No wonder you had to force down that second McDouble. You had already eaten 1.5 meals-worth of food. If you had just stuck with one McDouble and a medium shake, even that would have been 810 calories, which is probably more than you should have been eating anyway. You seem to think it’s not that much food, but it actually is plenty.
If there were a pill that stopped people from being able to gain weight, everyone would be dying of heart attacks.
An economic concept: It would be worth what one is willing to pay for it.
And I’m sure there are some who would be willing to pay ALOT, whereas others would not even care if they got it for free, they still wouldn’t take it.
And why would you FORCE the last bite down? Why not just toss it out?!
It sounds like a nice fantasy, but being able to eat anything you want anytime you want it would ultimately take a good bit of the pleasure out of eating. The fact that some foods are only occasional treats is what makes us look forward to them and enjoy them so much. Eat a treat every day and it isn’t a treat after a while.
I have had battled with food issues for years – at least as young as age five. I would pay for @zenvelo‘s pill.
First off, a lot of people are misinterpreting his original question.
The question states that you can eat what you want, not as much as you want.
Biiiig Difference! HHUUGGEE!!
you can already eat what you want and not gain weight, you just can’t eat an amount that is beyond your caloric need or you will gain weight.
I know that in the long run it becomes a little more complicated than that, but the general principle is that as long as you hit or stay below a magic number you will not gain and possible lose weight.
This is of course not taking into consideration the other health risks of what you are doing to your body besides weight that could be going on.
Quite simply, I already eat what I want and am actually dropping weight. I just don’t eat as much of it.
When I get to my goal weight, if there were a pill that would allow me to EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT, well than I would pay more than a pretty penny for it.
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