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jca's avatar

What's your "typical day after Christmas" like?

Asked by jca (36062points) December 26th, 2010

Do you put away stuff you got? Play with stuff you got? relax? go visiting? continue to eat more? leftovers or new food?

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38 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Here we are battening down for a serious winter storm, with high winds and probably power outages and a temp. of 22˚ without factoring in the wind chill factore.

Cruiser's avatar

Eat drink and be lazy! ;)

tinyfaery's avatar

Doing absolutely nothing.

Coloma's avatar

It’s great, because it’s my Birthday!

Combining that with another Xmas celebration this afternoon.
More fun and excuses to keep the party going! ;-)

Coloma's avatar


Expecting snow mid-week here with temps. falling into the low 20’s again too!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Well today I went to the cinema before coming home and have a nap! Boxing day is all about the recovery for me!!!

Cruiser's avatar

Happy Birthday @Coloma! Enjoy your awesome day today! I will raise a toast to your lifetime milestone later today!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I will go for a stroll in the blizzard.:)
Happy Birthday,Coloma!

Coloma's avatar


Thank -You!, yep, 5+1=6! lol

gailcalled's avatar

@Coloma: Many happy returns. I knew we were related. My birthday’s the 31st. (Not the best day for a celebration that revolves around me. So I have 364 unbirthdays. All gifts welcome.)

It’s a happy thing that Marwyn and Mrs. Mar still have their downy underbellies intact. You can wear them when the cold snap snaps.

filmfann's avatar

Just got back from Best Buy returning a couple gifts that had WTF written all over them. The GLEE version of Rocky Horror Picture Show? Is that what my daughter thinks I like?

Nullo's avatar

We went to church, and in a bit I’m going to join some friends for a snow hike.

wundayatta's avatar

Took my departing relatives to the train station (two separate trips). Came home, continued cleanup. Started working on various computer issues, since my daughter got a new one and I have to figure out how to network win7 with XP computers wirelessly. Does microsoft deliberately make these things more complicated? Is this some kind of make work for geeks thing? Looks like my daughter’s old computer is going to have to be reinstalled.

Then a nice roast beef sandwich (the beef is truly delicious, despite not being slow cooked), and now perhaps a little football and fluthering. I am bummed that the Eagles game has been postponed. I’m just imagining the abominably snowmen shuffling around on a frozen fields, with snow being driven at them at 50 miles per hour. Time for that statue of liberty play. No one will be able to the football anywhere. Remember the fog bowl? If you thought you couldn’t see anything there, this blizzard would make the fogbowl like a crystal ball.

Coloma's avatar


Yes, while I was busy prostituting myself for Marwyn’s loaf of 12 grain, he was selling his down to make me a jacket. hahaha

Happy almost Birthday to you too!
Capricorns are a fine bunch o’ cloven hooved folks!

gailcalled's avatar

@Coloma; I have had a handful of really close women friends during my adult life. All of them were not only Capricorns, but born from 12/26 to 1/1.

Coloma's avatar


That’s so cool! Yes, we are a loyal, stable and surefooted group of goats!

gailcalled's avatar

(And my two husbands and two serious boyfriends were born July 19, 20, 21 and 22)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Usually I have work. But today i have ~16 in of snow coming so i get to stay home and be lazy.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Wild wind and snow, here. Movies, books, soup and sneaking some Christmas candy… well, I guess it’s not sneaking if I told, huh.

DominicX's avatar

Usually not much, but today I’m hanging out with friends later and now I’m going to Fry’s to look at computers again. :)

etignotasanimum's avatar

Did some shopping at Target and bought a portable hard drive, then home to play some games and call a few friends. Maybe I’ll watch a movie later. I’m thinking about making a sandwich out of leftover turkey and cranberry sauce. Maybe I’ll have some eggnog too.

SamIAm's avatar

I started a new tradition today—called everyone in the family first thing this morning and then decided that today is a great day to open my new calendar and put in all birthdays and important things to remember from last year. I know I’m a week early but it’s nice to know it’s done. I think this will be my day after Christmas routine for years to come :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Two gallons of chili with three and half pounds of stew beef and pound of hot pepper sausage.
Looking out at eleven and half inches of snow in eastern North Carolina.
Luckily I don’t have to go anywhere until Wednesday

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Tropical_Willie : Yeah, thanks, we’re getting it now.

janbb's avatar

Came home from son’s in the snow, blizzard condditons outside and not much “real” food – but many cookies – in the house. Relaxing and Fluthering.

perspicacious's avatar

In the past it was always the day my kids spent with their gramma and I took the tree down and returned my house to normal status. I didn’t have a tree or decorate this year.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ideally it is a time to relax. The stuff hangs around for a couple of weeks and then we take it all down and put it way for another year.

faye's avatar

Usually it’s leftovers and lazy day but today I sewed my daughter a party dress for new year’s eve in New York. She is still hopeful about flying to Maine tomorrow and it doesn’t look good. So there is panic and tears now.

gailcalled's avatar

I just took a yardstick out on my deck…at least 16” of snow now and more where it has drifted. We are waiting for very strong winds.

So, I had a shower, did all the dishes, hard-boiled some eggs, cleaned the litter box, filled the bath tub and found Milo accidentally shut in a bathroom by mistake before I went to bed.

We’re ready. Bring it on

wundayatta's avatar

It’s hard to tell exactly what is going on out there, because the winds are howling. The snow is still falling and it looks like ten inches where it is stacked up, but it’s piled up at different heights all over the place.

I’m surprised it’s as far inland as you, Gail. The weather reports I saw showed it going up the coast, barely even touching Western Mass. Shows you what weather forecasters know.

Anyway, except for two trips to take various relatives to the train station (all got home before the heavy stuff came), we spent the day inside, watching a movie, and messing with our new and old toys.

faye's avatar

Central Alberta was +2 celsius today. I think I’ve only seen the snow you’re getting once.

gailcalled's avatar

@wundayatta: Due to the rivers, the low mountains and the mystical configuration of runes, roots, trees and animals, we always get a lot of weather.

Our local forecasters got it right, so we were able to rush out early this afternoon and stock up.

My memory is that Philadelphia shut down when there were only several inches of snow. Bad cars, terrible drivers, no snow tires, few plows and general “how do we cope?”

iphigeneia's avatar

Wake up at 7am and hit the shops! The Boxing Day sales were a little bit disappointing this year; since it was a Sunday many smaller stores weren’t open, and the discounts weren’t as dramatic.

Still, I think I did pretty well. Bought enough underwear to last until next Christmas :D

wundayatta's avatar

Oh dear me, Gail! Those days are long gone. We are getting Nor’Easters two or more times a year now. In the old days we might get socked in for days with 12 inches. The streets were totally plowed this morning! All we have to do is dig through a little berm and we’re clear! I don’t even know if people bother to protect their places with garbage cans any more. ‘Course it helps that there are no students around.

gailcalled's avatar

@wundayatta: I just learned that locally only emergency vehicles are supposed to venture out.

We used to close school in Germantown if the Philly public schools did. They did regularly, after the first few flakes. Nice to know that things are better. Do you live in Center City?

wundayatta's avatar

@gailcalled Now school closings are an entirely different thing. They still close even if they only smell snow. But life in the rest of the city goes on. I think it’s an insurance dealy.

Not center city. A bit left of there.

BoBo1946's avatar

actually like any other day!

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