True story – sitting on my tatami floor one day back in 1995 I had a strong, uh… daydream? wish?.. for a house with a white picket fence, a dog and a husband. I seriously SAW it my mind.
Not even 2.5 years later I was a home owner (a lovely white 1920’s Cape Cod style house with a porch swing), had BUILT the white picket fence with my own two hands (don’t think I could repeat that feat now if I tried) and had adopted a wonderful mutt from the ASPCA.
I met my husband shortly thereafter and he was a single parent to a beautiful little girl. Not 4 years to the date of that “day dream” I had everything I could have imagined/hoped for – back on that tatami floor in rural Japan.
I don’t buy into the whole “visualize it and it can happen” thing.. but I definitely had this strong wish..and it definitely came to fruition. Was it luck? Fate? Premonition? I have no clue.
Over the 15+ years since that “day dream”..each year seems to have surpassed the next for joy, fulfillment and happiness. I feel grateful and blessed—but also I start from having very realistic expectations.
That is – I just feel thrilled that I have a job, health benefits, a roof over our heads and our kids are healthy.
Think of it this way: there will ALWAYS be someone smarter, dumber, richer and poorer than you. It doesn’t pay to compare yourself to others.
So..if you’re asking that question of yourself perhaps you feel like you’re at some pinnacle and can’t imagine it gets better (though, each time I think things can’t get seems that they do)
OR’re at some low ebb and hoping that there is something you can do to make it “get better” sooner rather than later.
If it’s the latter – I recommend getting out of your own head and doing something for others. Volunteer. Help others—‘cause there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.
(Sorry for the verbose answer.)