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The_Inquisitor's avatar

What's the most expensive item(s)/ things that has been stolen from you?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3166points) December 26th, 2010

Maybe I’m too careless, so I’d like to get a few insights on when others have had things stolen from them.

For example, if I were to go swimming in a public pool, I wouldn’t mind leaving all my things on a chair by the pool.

Or even, in a public library, I’d leave all my books, jacket, and backpack out while I go to the food court (connected to the library) to grab a booster juice.

Or another example—> I’ll be going skiing tomorrow, and I think I’ll be leaving my gym bag with my wallet (containing my debit card, and Drivers license, health card, University ID card, and cell phone unguarded)... I doubt my things will be stolen, only because I trust people won’t go snitching through my things… I’ve never had anything stolen from me from my carelessness so far… maybe I won’t be so lucky. Actually, this does sound very risky… and I’ll definitely be away from my belongings longer than in a swimming pool, or to grab a booster juice.

Sometimes I do secure my stuff in lockers and such, but for tomorrow, I feel that the things I have in my gym bag I will need. Such as money for lunch—I don’t have good pockets to keep that with me, and I need my cell phone to contact the other people I’m going with, but I don’t want to ski with those things either. Or if I get too hot, I’ll want to grab my hoodie in my gym bag, and take off my jacket to leave there.

So, try to change my ways by sharing some stories. Has there been a time that you left your books, or jacket or anything out, and then come back to see that your goods have been stolen? How important was it to you? What do you do now to keep your things secure?

Some more background information: I live in a somewhat “small” city. Not so small that everyone knows each other, but it only takes about half an hour to get from one end of the city to the other… maybe the size of my city has something to do with how I secure my things when going out.

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33 Answers

chyna's avatar

My purse. It had all my ID, my credit cards, social security card, everything. I had gone to a club with a friend and after we parked, we put our purses in the trunk and only took money and our license in the club. Someone must’ve been watching us and broke my window and popped the trunk. My purse now stays with me at all times.

wundayatta's avatar

Left my car out in front of my house one night. It was gone in the morning.

On a trip to Mexico, we pitched a tent on the beach where we were swimming, and we left our stuff there while we swam. My girlfriend and I weren’t paying a whole lot of attention while we swam. We were kind of more interested in each other. Besides which. Other friends of ours were on the beach. Imagine my surprise when I got back to the tent to find that my wallet was gone.

I’ve had wallets and gloves and other things leap from the crate on the back of my bike. When I retraced my trip, they were nowhere to be seen. Dunno if that exactly counts, but shit, it’s pretty much like “if fell off the back of a truck” isn’t it?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A purse,jewelry,money,food,car and my heart ;)

XOIIO's avatar

I had a really nice mini scredriver in my binder over lunch, one of the ones that you slide the precision bits out of, and someone stole it. More recently I forgot my binder in my classroom and someone stole all my pens, and mechanical pencil (all expensive) out of it during class. I’d really like to get my hands on the first guy though, that was an expensive screwdriver, and I had customized it, as well as swapping out some bits that you couldn’t get anymore.

FutureMemory's avatar

A friend that turned to crime stole a $600 mountain bike from me. Cut the lock off when i was in class. Dickhead.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Tires off my jeep. Worth like 1500. I had it in a shop overnight and the guy left it outside and it was on cinder blocks the next morning.

janbb's avatar

My belief that someone was as he or she presented themselves.

talljasperman's avatar

usually my bike get stolen every so often

kenmc's avatar

I once had the vast majority of my cd collection stolen. It was like 30+ cd’s, along with the booklets to most of them.

Julietxx3's avatar

$150 Northface jacket .. as if people where I live can’t afford one.. it was stolen at school.

ratboy's avatar


Berserker's avatar

A video game, Breath of Fire III for the Playstation one, more than ten years ago. I worked a part time job for this, and it was stolen from me. I knew exactly who, but without proof, her mother was like a tank. I never did get my game back.
I did buy it again years after though, but still. Cost about sixty bucks, back in the late nineties.

woodcutter's avatar

my entire toolbox. The guy who was working with me loaded it right on the edge of the rig and when we stopped at the lumber yard someone boosted it. He thought he was helping by loading it for me. I always load it deep into the back so it isn’t easy to grab it from outside. That one hurt, for a long time.

Berserker's avatar

@woodcutter That sucks. :( My friend’s grandpa got his whole tool shed raided; all gone. He didn’t like it either.
But your situation sucks more in a lot of ways. :/

woodcutter's avatar

@Symbeline All things stolen are a bad deal but I think there should be a special extra severe punishment for tool theft (maybe something like in the middle east). If a toy gets ripped that is one thing but when something is taken that a person is using to support themselves and their family it becomes a crime against humanity. Now that the Supreme court is seemingly turning liberal that kind of severity in punishment is not likely to ever happen….dammit.

FutureMemory's avatar

@woodcutter When I was about 11 or 12 my father asked me to clean his car out…it was already late, probably midnight. Streets were deserted. I left the trunk wide open, and by morning all of his tools had been stolen – about $800 worth. He was in construction as well, so it was quite a blow to him.

woodcutter's avatar

@FutureMemory it is a blow because tools really are an extension of one’s self and abilities and they are essential body parts, sort of. When all mine disappeared I think I got a first taste of what it might feel like to be depressed.

Brian1946's avatar

I lost about $1,000 the first time my house was burglarized.
They stole a mock Les Paul guitar, an amp, a portable TV, and most of my stereo components.
They broke the glass of my sliding door in the back and undid the latch.
After that I stuck a piece of wood in the door track.
Now I don’t have a glass door there anymore.
I think my insurance covered all but $100 of my losses.


“Someone must’ve been watching us and broke my window and popped the trunk.”

Sorry that happened to you, but thanks for posting that detail.
I’m going to try to remember to lock my trunk latch.

sahuleka546's avatar

My Blackberry Curve, it isn’t expensive but it meant a lot to me.

downtide's avatar

Our car was stolen a few years ago. It was recovered, but in the boot (trunk) there were some gaming books which are now out of print and irreplaceable. They were gone.

Cruiser's avatar

Work tools, cell phone, money and my faith in our Government. ;))

phoeni0545's avatar

my purse, my credit cards and money but the worst thing was that i lost my pictures. i lost my part of life..

filmfann's avatar

My car was stolen right from the front of my house. It was recovered a week later.

santoshannamalai's avatar

I have lost many! The recent one being my new sony ericsson mobile costing 7500 INR (Indian Rupee). The sad part is that I lost it within a week of my purchase. That’s hitting me hard even now!! Although I have another smartphone to manage, I really need one for my official use. I couldn’t buy another one!! 7500 is huge money for me and the moment I think about that incident I get traumatic! Lost it! Can’t get it back right!!

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stardust's avatar

My bike was stolen a few years back. Clothes, money and other things. Nothing of any great value

Facade's avatar

My glasses.

CoolBunch's avatar

My awesome bright orange Schwinn Bicycle when I was a youngin… Till this day I search for it.

jerv's avatar

During my time in San Diego, I lost not one, not two, but three mountain bikes, each in teh $500–600 range.

The first one was my stupidity; new in town and locked in the wrong place.
The second was because my ex-roomie didn’t want me keeping it in our apartment because he needed space for his collection of Navy ship models in the living room.
The third was stolen off the pier on base, and considering the lock I used I am inclined to believe that it was Shore Patrol that did it.

Justice13's avatar

My soul… I just got it back last Tuesday…

XOIIO's avatar

@Justice13 HEY! I needed that.

Some pepople just can’t stand to see others making a honest living.

cRazelyCrazed's avatar

Oh my gosh I’ve had so many expensive things stolen from me. After I bought a brand new flip video camrea I left it at a arcade and the next day it was gone. I’ve even lose my kindle AT barnes and nobles! Later on I just ended up buying the Book Nook for some reason lol.

Aster's avatar

Decades ago when I was pregnant I put all my new maternity clothes in a laundromat and left to go eat. I got back and the washer was empty. It sort of broke my heart and taught me a lesson.

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