Whats a good last name for my character Darcy?
im writing a book, and Darcy is my main male character.
Darcy is a shape-shifter, his natural form is one of a man, a devilishly handsome man, he likes to trick people because he feels he must, when he gets captured by the SNF (supernatural federation not completely sure what they’re going to be called yet) he first appears as a young girl to try and escape. and want a last name that matches he’s character. and has a strong meaning.
Darcy = The dark one.
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52 Answers
This doesn’t answer the question but it is how I roll. When I write I leave shit like the last name out if I get hung up on it. I just use ******** until I am done and then I go back and fill in that stuff. Same thing for the names of cities.
It keeps me from wasting time on what are minor things. And once I have finished I have a better picture. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I had to learn to not get hung up on details. Once the story is done it is easier to go back and fill in what you left out.
i think that a sir name that suits him is sort of like and italian, smooth talker sort of thing.
something like Naiare. Pronounced Nai-Air-ra.
hope this helps!
Is there any chance that you’ll reconsider the first name? “Darcy” isn’t a very manly and cool name, even if it sounds a bit like “dark”. It makes me think of a Faulty Towers kind of character, somehow.
If you want a meaningful last name (that’s not groan-inducingly obvious), you could look for it in some cool and mysterious language like Latin or ancient Greek or Hebrew.
If you want to go with the darkness theme, then for example Latin offers Tenebra (darkness, obscurity, concealment) or Umbra (shadow), and Hebrew has Khashekha (darkness). Among undoubtedly many other options.
I don’t really speak any of these languages, but you can look it up yourself.
The only Darcy’s I know of are all female (e.g., Darcy Farrow). Jane Austen had a character named Mr. Darcy…
Darcy is a Unisex name, but thinking more and more about it, it doesn’t have the right feel to it, it does seem to be more feminine and not as masculine and strong as i would hope for….
I would stay away from any of the more obscure, extremely unusual names. For me personally, it’s a turn-off when a character in a book has a really twee name. It comes across as pretentious and sort of bad romance novel overblown – like the author is trying wayyy too hard. Give him a strong name, but don’t go too far in that “creative” direction. A great example of “creative character name overload” is the book “The Shipping News.” I had a real hard time reading it, although it is a good book, because of the truly stupid character names. Here’s what I mean:
One of fiction’s greatest named characters was “Mike Hammer”.
However, his creator had the best and most memorable name of all. It rolls off the tongue and is truly unforgettable.
Mickey Spillane.
You need to find your very own “Mickey Spillane”.
Darcy Smith
Darcy Flynn
Darcy Woodhouse
Darcy Fitzwilliam
Darcy Fitzy
Darcy William
Fitzwilliam Darcy oh wait
Darcy Quinn
Darcy Linn
Darcy Murphy
Darcy Osborne
Darcy Thomas
Darcy Wilson
Darcy Williams
Darcy Evans
Darcy Clayworth
Darcy Jones
Darcy Edwards
Darcy Wood Howsham
Darcy Lee
Darcy Parker
Darcy Davis Witte
Darcy Mitchell
Darcy Ellis Cox
Darcy Cox
Darcy Ellis
Darcy Miller
Darcy Gegum
Darcy Powell
Darcy Gray
Darcy Cooper
Darcy Ali
Darcy Campbell
Darcy Knight
Darcy Butler
Darcy Dixon
Darcy Harvey
Darcy Scott
Darcy Davis
Darcy Price
Darcy Watson
Darcy Darkly…eh eh come on, be honest :¬)
hhaa oh wow @ucme that did make me chuckle a little :L hhaa
for people following this question; if you didn’t like the name Darcy, would you prefer this one:
Carolos Naiare?
Ivor Blackheart? Now that has something, not sure what, but…....i’m just reaching now aren’t I? :¬(
haaa, no did you realise when you say that out loud it’s i’ve a black heart? :P
Never!! Wow, that is genius…to pre schoolers anyway :¬)
@melissachelsea Honestly, I think Carolos Naiare is dreadful. See my previous answer to understand why. Darcy was better than that.
@diavolobella , i see what you mean now, and i can see exactly where your coming from
@BoBo1946 hhaaa wow nice rhyming skills there :L hhhaaa
@melissachelsea Thank you for your openness to my viewpoint. It’s always refreshing and nice to “meet” someone who welcomes differing views! :)
@diavolobella well to be honest i posted this question to ask for others help, i know that sometimes when your too close to something you can’t necessarily pick out the best or right ideas for your project or situation so it good to talk to people who will tell you what they honestly think :D
so people who are following this question do you think Darcy is a shit name for this character?
@melissachelsea It’s still commendable. As you are on Fluther longer, you’ll find not everyone takes remarks in the spirit in which they are intended. That’s human nature, I suppose.
@melissachelsea Yes I do! It’s more of a foppish dandy toff type of character who would sport such a name. Just one guy talking here naturally.
ahhh… Darcy Kennedy is a strong name!
@BoBo1946 I like that. If you like D names in particular, I also like Drew Kennedy. My favorite D name is Declan, which is the name of a British friend of mine.
hhaa, okay so the main male character
*he has short black hair that reached just below his ears
* bright Piercing Blue eyes
*he has a strong build and is faster than any human
*he has a medium skin tone and is 5 ft 10
and yes diavolobella I think his name should still start with a D. for some reason i feel his name has to be foreign, like Greek or Italian
Italian or Greek? Dante Fiorello. I don’t know why. That just popped into my (Corsican) brain.
Devin Kennedy?
i like it but it doesn’t seem, like strong enough?
i like the name….Devlin it seems strong but kennedy seems to… i think light? to easy, too kind?
@ucme i love the name Dimitri with a passion, but he’s already a different sub character, Dimitri is a fierce fighter :D
@melissachelsea Well you could call this “fierce butch macho type” Dimitri jnr. Bring him down a notch, you know….show him who’s boss XD
Deion (Greek: follower of Dionysus)
@ucme haa you absolute joker, i think that would be hilarious to see! hhaaa
Dario Cordoba…..it’s giving me the hots & I don’t swing that way :¬)
I have to agree with @diavolobella I don’t care for Carolos Naiare. I hate it when I’m reading along and a person’s name or the name of a town is spelled in such a way that I keep saying it differently in my mind. I also agree that Darcy sounds a little too feminine.
Although I love Harry Potter, some of the names sounded too obvious to me, like Sirius Black. On the other hand Severus Snape was perfect. You have to find your balance.
Here’s my pix for first name: Adrian, Gerard, Augustine, Sebastian, Owen, Cyrus
Here’s my pix for last names: Mansfield, Chambers, Ashburn, Bender, Malcolm, Grayson, Case, Cross, Crawley, Bernhartd
And then one that fits, but is just too silly, although it sounds great: Tenebrous Showalter!
Devilin reminds me to much of devlin’ eggs as in the sentence: I love devlin’ eggs, but sometimes it just gets too messy. I think I’ll jes’ boil’em instead.
Darcy Pinkletin.
I have no clue where that even came from…
Don’t pick a name that people will struggle to pronounce.
A name in a story can reflect character to an extent; you don’t want it to sound ridiculous or clash with your character’s personality (unless the clash is good for dramatic effect). But in reality, of course, people are given names by their parents before they’re even properly acquainted. So a name that really suits someone’s adult persona might be a rarity.
I agree with @Jeruba that unless you have a character like Uriah Heep or Severus Snape, you run the risk of giving the character a name that is too obvious. And it’s best to make it pronounceable so that when you’re reading it you aren’t constantly wondering if it DraGOnius or DragonEEus or DragoniUS.
i Think Darcy Morris is nice trust me Darcy Morris or Williams
Darcy Drift. I like the double D and the hint of his shape shifting abilities.
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