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ucme's avatar

Do you find you put on a little weight over the Christmas holidays?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 27th, 2010

Hi, my first day back here since before Xmas. Never thought i’d miss this place & yes…... I was right XD Anyway yeah, the business of “pigging out” over the holidays. We all, i’d imagine eat a little more than usual over the festive period. Possibly adding a little weight in the process. This may only be a pound or two here & there & hardly noticeable, except to yourself. Indeed like me, you may be able to easily lose any excess baggage because of an active lifestyle. I’m just over six feet tall & weigh 182 pounds. My question is this, do you worry about any small weight gain due to holiday binging? Or like me are you able to feast with confidence knowing that you will immediately be able to burn it off?

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56 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

No, don’t worry about it, but intend to work on losing those pounds after the holidays!

wundayatta's avatar

Hey! What’s a little weight between friends?

Facade's avatar

I try not to put on weight no matter what time of year it is.

AstroChuck's avatar

No. Not a little.

ucme's avatar

@wundayatta I dunno, is it piggy in the middle?

janbb's avatar

I am not happy about the 2–3 extra pounds I am carrying around right now due to the extra eating. I know I will take it off – but when?

Coloma's avatar

Meh..weight comes, it goes…in-joy NOW.

I am definitely composed of ‘sugar & spice and everything nice’ right now, the sugar is seeping from my pores. lol

diavolobella's avatar

I put on a little weight in the winter in general, not especially around the holidays. It starts before that with me. In the Fall/Winter hibernation mode (sleep and eat) kicks in. I just up my running distance and that takes care of it though.

BoBo1946's avatar

Yep, I’m going to purchase a bigger boat.

Winters's avatar

On the contrary, I’ve lost weight this Christmas break.

AmWiser's avatar

I feast with confidence whether I burn it off or not. I don’t see denying myself all the wonderful foods from Thanksgiving to the New Year.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I gained 1 lb.

Fred931's avatar

Still ~125 lbs. fuckahs. :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t usually gain and this year may have dropped a few pounds. I was doing most of the cooking and didn’t get a chance to snack much at all.

diavolobella's avatar

Part of my weight gain this season was due to the fact that I broke a toe several weeks ago and wasn’t able to run before the holidays started. I’d already gained a few pounds before Christmas because of that, so I was a little less restrained when it came to the cookies, etc. Now that I can run again with relatively little pain, it’ll come back off fairly quickly.

Cruiser's avatar

I actually lost weight by avoiding all the cookies and treats and there was a truck load of them too!! OMG was there a lot!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Nope,and you can’t make me.;)

Seaofclouds's avatar

This year I didn’t even think about it. I lost weight in the first trimester of this pregnancy, so gaining a little extra over the holiday would only get me back where I should’ve been.

That being said, I couldn’t really eat much due to getting full very quickly. Any other year, I don’t worry about it because I know I’ll lose it shortly after the holidays anyway.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh I could “put a little weight on you” given half a chance! Nudge nudge wink wink….sayyy no more XD

zenvelo's avatar

I stayed even until the last five days. too much cake, cookies, pie, pudding and potatoes.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Phew, got away with that one then :¬)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

A little?!?!?!!? Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!

ucme's avatar

^^ Thank you Miss O Donnell. Very brave of you to say so. Couldn’t have been easy! ;¬}

nikipedia's avatar

My weight is about the same, but I think I’m losing muscle. Except in my drinking arm.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I stay about the same. If I eat holiday food, I back off eating regular food. I’ll skip breakfast if I know there will be a big lunch.
I’m pretty active so I can easily burn off extra weight by reducing what goes into the pie hole.

Maintaining a weight is a lot easier on mind and body than seesawing.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No, I think I may be the only person in the world that doesn’t eat more at Christmas! However, if I do happen to eat more then a long walk with the dogs after usual counteracts that!!!

Coloma's avatar

It’s gonna be a party in the forest tonight over here…leftover Quiche, cookies, pie scraps, apple peelings, deviled eggs, cornbread stuffing, potatoes, all going to the great banquet room in the trees across the road from my house.

Party down creatures of the night! lol

Austinlad's avatar

Not me, but my credit card balances have gained a bit of weight. ;-) But it was HAPPY spending, I guarantee you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Coloma Wait! Don’t throw it out yet! I’ll be right over. I’ll skip lunch!

Coloma's avatar


Good to ‘see’ you back in the fluther saddle. ;-)

Coloma's avatar


LOL…hurry, or you’ll be fighting off the foxes, coyotes, raccoons, skunks and possums! ;-)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ll be sure to bring my .22. It might get ugly out there. (Do you have bear? They scare me.)

Austinlad's avatar

Thank you, Coloma!

Coloma's avatar


Bears are hibernating now, they wander through now and then, it’s the Mountain Lions that watch you all the time. lol

Coloma's avatar


You’re welcome! Yep, I am procrastinating on seeing how much ‘weight’ my checking account has lost. lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

Then I’m bringing this to the party.
And my long undies. It’s cold out there.

cookieman's avatar

Throw the scale in the trash. Problem solved.

Coloma's avatar


Haha, well, lets hope that the ’ crisp single action’ will be faster than the lion.

You know it’s going to wait til you are stuffed and passed out under a tree before it makes it’s move.

Holiday stuffed human…what a feast! ;-)

janbb's avatar

@cprevite Ah – you’re just hoping for cookies.

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: My cousin made me the most delicious no-sugar-added chocolate chunk cookies ever. Just perfect for a diabetic cookie fiend such as myself.

I devoured the whole plate

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Coloma Mmmm… “Holiday stuffed human”... The filet mignon of foie gras!
For some strange reason I’m getting a buzz.

Coloma's avatar


Aaah…your secret Marquis de sade is re-‘vealed.’ lol

ucme's avatar

Thanks all! I just about got my six pack back…..well more of a four pack but hey, who’s counting?

Coloma's avatar


’’’‘Blue Moon, I saw you standing alone…..”

I’m a Blue Moon, girl myself.

ucme's avatar

@Coloma ??? Other than An American Werewolf in London i’m not sure I follow! Do elaborate…

Coloma's avatar


Oh yeah, you might not have ‘Blue Moon’ Belgian white ale in your neck o’ the world. ;-)

‘Blue Moon’ never stands alone, for long, over here. lol

ucme's avatar

@Coloma Ahh, your right i’ve never heard of the stuff. Anyway, at least now I know what you’re on about :¬)

downtide's avatar

I’m carrying about 7 pounds too much but it hasn’t changed over Christmas. I’m sure I’ll lose it again in the summer when the weather’s nice and I’m out getting more exercise.

flutherother's avatar

On Christmas day I ate far too much and didn’t step out of the house. I deserve to be overweight but my weight stays steady.

casheroo's avatar

Every holiday season/winter I put on a couple pounds. I’m like a bear grrrrrrr. Nothing wrong with that.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@BoBo1946 – Honestly, I’ve just been trying to get as much rest and sleep as possible. In between, I eat! :D

filmfann's avatar

I lost weight.
I had the flu in the days leading up to Christmas. I still haven’t got my appetite back.

BoBo1946's avatar

@aprilsimnel i get bored from sitting so much…. and you know the rest of the story!

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