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I'm having serious issues with the guy I like and it is affecting the way I feel about everything. Help?
I can’t say I have a ‘crush’ on this guy. Because I really really REALLY like him, but I can’t say it’s love either. The thing is, it’s always been that way; When I like a guy he doesn’t like me back. But now it’s different, the whole thing is new to me right now, because I’m very confused about whether he likes me or not this time. I started liking him this year because we started speaking on BBM ‘Blackberry Messenger’. At the start it was just normal, but then when I started liking him, were speaking less on bbm. He used to speak Nonstop on bbm, but now, he’s more silent. And when he starts chats, he just suddenly shuts up. (I never start chats, I’m shy. And usually, assuming he doesn’t like me back, when you know a person you speak to them normally right? He speaks and flirts with ALL the girls in front of me. He speaks to EVERYONE normally, but hey, he doesn’t even speak to me at all. I can literally say we go days without saying a word to each other, but on bbm, he speaks normally. He jokes with all the girls, insults them playfully, but he NEVER jokes with me, touches me, or insults me. He’s always silent when I’m around. And he sits in front of me in maths, I notice he looks at me quickly, and My friend tells me that. But I don’t because my face is too red. :/
The thing is it annoys me like hell when he flirts with everyone else. And if he DOES like me – Then why does he just shut up on bbm, why does he just walk away with his friends in break, why does he ignore me and talk to everyone else? The thing is I try to find many reasons to tell myself he doesn’t like me. I just feel hurt that I honestly don’t know. But I’m starting to like him even more.
Like once our tutor told him, my friend, and I to sit three seats beside each other. We chose two seats on the edge so we weren’t next to each other, (And obviously, my face turned red :() and my friend obviously tried making me sit in the middle, I rejected doing so. And I had my pencil case out, everyone started borrowing pencils from me, he look at me, then at my pencil case, instead of asking me, he looked around and went to another guy who was sitting further apart for a pen. He also did that in maths for a rubber, eventhough he knew the other guy borrowed it from me, he asked him if he has a rubber.
But my friend tells me I treat him too harshly, I never smile at him, and she says I SUCK at flirting. She says he’s used to girls flirting with him, not vice versa. I admit it, I do treat him harshly, and when he asks a question (One in a million years) I answer coldly, I do suck at flirting. So gosh, I don’t know what to do. I seriously need help because I feel like…I’m starting to love him. It’s affecting my moods so badly. Sometimes I just cry and I’m not able to tell anyone except my best friend. She thinks I should tell him, but what the hell, my face is red and I never speak to him, so hell no.
Is it normal that he speaks and JOKES with LITERALLY everyone BUT me????
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