Are you one of those who never has a day go by without whinging, whining and whimpering?
Asked by
December 27th, 2010
Do you make a point of not complaining and trying to be thankful, grateful and positive or are you always on about something?
Some people(putting myself at the top of the list) are always unwell, down, sorry for themselves, feel hard done by and generally see nothing in everything. Are you like that or are you a breath of fresh air, a positive force?
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19 Answers
Um – somewehre in between, I guess?
It’s hard for me to let myself complain. When I do, you know something is pretty badly wrong with me. You know that I am complaining even as I am beating myself up for complaining. It’s all my fault, so what’s the point of complaining? I’m the only one who can fix it.
Of course, it’s not all my fault, but when I’m depressed, I can’t see that. But trust me, it’s pretty bad long before I get to the point where I will complain out loud. If I’m complaining out loud, something is seriously wrong. Suicide-watch wrong.
I sometimes get down over something—but it’s almost always something foolish and fleeting. I have so much to be grateful for, and the older I get, the more aware of that I am. I can tell you that this holiday season has been an important time for my to reflect on my blessings.
NOPE!! I’d consider that a waste of my time, energy & resources. Not to mention a shameful waste of a good thing….life goddamit!! :¬)
Life’s not fair. I don’t deserve to be treated this way. Everyone is always putting me down. I’ve been cheated, been mistreated—I’ve been pushed down, I’ve been pushed ‘round. It’s no bed of roses, but I’m too wonderful a person to ever complain about my lousy lot in life.
I am not a complainer, I am action oriented and tend towards humor and irony as healthy ways of coping when things don’t go my way.
Complaining changes nothing, it just makes you miserable to be around.
Take action! ;-)
In comparison, I rarely complain but it is a necessary evil…if I didn’t complain nothing would ever get done and I would simply go insane. A crazy, gone bonkers, off the deep end Cruiser would not be a good thing.
I rarely complain, but when I do, I make sure things get put right. Most of the time I’m very laid-back and positive-thinking.
I’m a realist (mostly). If something’s great, I’ll say so or act accordingly; if something’s shitty, I’ll say so or act accordingly.
My objective is to go beyond shitty….shitty doesn’t exist, well…that’s the goal, trying to find the silver in the shit.
No, I’m not one of those.
No..I know people who treat everyday things as though they’re something to get upset about for days. Like, we went out of town for 3 days, two nights. When the weather is good, we just leave the back door open for the dogs to come and go as they please. The weather is not good, so I had my son come let them out before and after work. He missed one shift. Take the “f” out of shift, and that’s what was dried into a few places in our carpet! My son had picked up the worst, but what was left behind was dried in. Was I overjoyed? No. Was I upset? No. I figured, those are the kind of chances you take in a situation like that. It took an hour of dry scrubbing and vacuuming today, but it’s all better now.
Too many others would see that as a chance to rant and rave at the dogs, or the person who was letting them in or out. I didn’t see it as anything but, “Oh well!” It’s certainly not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me!
I see most situations as something that need to be addressed, not whined about.
I’m pretty cheerful and very pragmatic. Moaning never solved anything and I don’t have a lot of time to waste when I’d rather be happy. I do jokingly gripe back and forth with my best friend at work on a daily basis though. We call each other “Slacker”, make the L on the forehead at one another as we pass in the hall and order each other to “Go back to your side of the office”, etc. Sometimes we actually genuinely snark about stuff going on at work, but it’s always with humor and more in a venting way than a “Oh woe is me” way.
Nah, I get down days like everyone, but for the most part I think there’s good in every situtaion. Mightn’t always see it at the time though. I’m a big believer in using humour to deal with the rough times. Nothing like a bit’a witty banter to get lighten ones load.
I’m certainly not a positive, breath of fresh air, but neither am I a constant complainer. Not that I don’t complain. It’s just hard to find something I care enough to complain about. I’m usually just blasé about most things.
I’m pretty much a pessimist, but I don’t make it a point to let everyone know constantly, or when I do, I add something constructive to it and valid points, as opposed to merely making people feel sorry for me. And anyways, usually I complain about shit that isn’t about me, beyond me bitching about it.
I know this guy like that who fits your description perfectly. It gets very tiring, and no matter what you say it’s always the end for him. But he’s a mate, what are ya gonna do.
In the last 15 years or so, I can count the number of days I’ve been pain-free on one hand… so I usually wake up groaning, and sometimes crying. I can’t seem to help that bit. Other than that, I don’t think I’m much of a complainer. I’m usually the one people complain to, and I don’t mind that at all. :)
You oughtta start a “Dear Auggie” blog on here, @augustlan!
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