Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Are you looking forward to the next decade?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) December 28th, 2010

Are you glad to be exiting the first decade of the 21st century?

What did you like or hate about the last ten years?

What do you predict will be different for you personally in the next ten year?

What changes do you think will happen over the next ten years in your country and in other parts of the world?

Any new technology that you believe will be commonplace that isn’t already?

Feel free to write additional thoughts that I might not have covered in my questions.

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28 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I look forward to every decade that I am conscious enough to experience.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I am hoping that our lawmakers will realize that they have been systematically turning our country into a police state, and will take some steps back, letting adults in this country make some decisions for themselves and not try to dictate our every move. Maybe it will take having more people in jail than out before they realize they have gone too far.

marinelife's avatar

I am looking forward to the next decade.

On the whole, I liked the last 10 years. I could have done without the five years on Florida, but it was good for my husband’s career, and I enjoyed a lot of great weather.

I think the economy will experience a turnaround in the coming decade.

Ron_C's avatar

I didn’t think that this country (U.S.) could drop so low in only 10 years. Hopefully the next ten years will be better.

This is likely to be my last decade on earth, I hope it’s a good one.

lemming's avatar

I think the world is going to unite as one in the next decade, so we become, not French or American or Irish but Human. We will all join together and do everything we can to maintain our place in the world, no more unnecessary waste or deforestation or pollution, not as much anyway, everything has to come down to a sustainable level or else it simply won’t be sustained. I see bikes and markets and wind generators, and natural fabrics and vintage clothing stores and handmade wooden crafts etc. The world will have a change of heart I think, or else a sudden wake up call.

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Skaggfacemutt's avatar

lemming; I think we will just keep rushing hell-bent into utter destruction until there’s nothing left.

lemming's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt really? I hope you believe in God then, because there’s nothing to look forward to or work towards here…

Hedaru's avatar

I can’t ensure that I can live to the next decade.
But, “Keep Looking Forward!”

What I see is, the world never be the same.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@lemming I’m not worried and not despairing. I just know human nature, and can’t see your dream of world peace, everyone working together, and a stop to raping the planet coming now or ever. Human greed is what fuels the mad rush to destruction and human greed is never going away. Maybe with any luck, the greedy will destroy each other and then there will be only us left. :)

SuperMouse's avatar

During the next ten years I really hope to finally get those hover cars we were all promised and maybe the kitchen of tomorrow that cooks my food for me. It would also be nice if fashion really was limited to those awesome jumpsuits we were all supposed to be wearing by the year 2000.

Personally I would really like to be living and teaching overseas by the end of the decade with my man.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I am excited to help my youngest two grandsons grow up and I will likely become a great-grandmother sometime in the next few years.

cak's avatar

@supermouse: dammit! We were supposed to have both of those by now!

I look forward to a surgery free year.

I do wonder if our youth will lose the ability to hold conversations. It may sound drastic, but think of all of the electronic forms of communication. I’ve often wondered if evolution will gradually catch up with this trend.

Fred931's avatar

The last 10 years were spent in school. The next 10 indicate when I start taking responsibility for my own life. Woo.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Absolutely! I hope to earn my PhD within the next two years and become a professor. I hope to have another couple of kids. I hope to move out into our own place and to raise amazing teenagers. The last 10 years were crazy and intense and I have lived them richly. Mostly, I will never forget my pregnancies, my children being born and my finding Alex as well as finishing two degrees and finding yoga. There is so much in my life and there always has been so much. I always say, I can drop dead right now and I have lived as much as I could have lived. No regrets.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ll be waiting for my jetpack.

stardust's avatar

I’m really looking forward to the next decade. I think it’s going to be an exciting one for me. That said, I try to live in the moment and take it day by day, but it is fun to have plans if nothing else.
The last decade has been a tough one. I lost someone so dear to me and like most, I went through some personal struggles. It’s been an interesting time, but I’m glad to be moving into a fresh new year.
In the next few years, I’ll earn my PhD and who knows where I’ll end up lecturing.
I’ll travel here there and everywhere.
I might even have a kid by the time the next decade is drawing to a close – eeesh, what lies ahead of me is thrilling.
I’ll continue on my path of self discovery and enjoy living life whatever comes my way.

Paradox's avatar

This is a great question. I’m not sure. The last 10 years were by far the worst of my life. I’ve dealt with constant tragedy and death. Almost every plant I’ve worked at has closed down. Most industries in my area have closed down. I can only hope that from being at the bottom of the valley (hopefully) that the next decade can only be better (knocking on wood). The last 10 were very very bad for me. Sometimes something good comes from a perceived “bad”.

Pandora's avatar

Yes, so long as I am alive and well.
No, if it means death and illness, but I really don’t have a choice one way or the other.
So for now, I just remain cautiously optimistic.

cookieman's avatar

Last Decade
1 fire, 5 jobs, 1 home renovation, 1 overseas adoption, 1 layoff, 1 resignation, 5 human deaths, 2 pet deaths, 1 new baby, 1 marriage, 2 death threats, 1 thwarted suicide, dozens of friends, hundreds of students, thousands of dollars spent or lost, 4 estranged family members, many great family members, 1 diabetes diagnosis, 1 new dog, and a lot of chocolate chip cookies.

Next Decade
I have no idea but I hope for more love, free-time and at least as many cookies.

casheroo's avatar

I was just thinking tonight of how I started the decade…by starting high school! I can’t believe it’s only been 10 years.
In that time, I’ve started high school, dropped out, started working, started college, met my husband, had two beautiful children. My god, it’s been a crazy 10 years.
I’m looking forward to the next ten years. My children growing, my husband and I expanding out lives, setting up careers, hopefully buying a home. If all that happens, then I’ll be thrilled.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Yes, although I seriously doubt I’ll get to see most of it. It’s strange, knowing that you’re nearing the end of the road, that your planning has to take into account that you won’t be around to see its completion.

flutherother's avatar

Last Decade
2 Divorces, 1 marriage, 3 jobs, 1 redundancy, 1 resignation, 9 changes of address, 2 changes of country. thousands of pounds lost, 1 lesson learned, 2 houses bought,1 friend rediscovered, 1 pet lost.

Next Decade
I have no idea but hope for more stability, more love, and fewer changes of address.

harple's avatar

The last ten years have been a real rollercoaster (almost as much as @flutherother‘s ^ ^!!)

I am very optimistic about the next ten, twenty, thirty… hell, the rest of my life! :-)

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes. Waiting for the next big thing in green technology for example. And the LHC results. And the new space missions.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Moving back to my home state
Making jewelry again.

wundayatta's avatar

I always want to find out what’s going to happen next. Humans are amazing—always changing!

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