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talljasperman's avatar

How many holiday burn marks do you have from the stove?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 28th, 2010

I have 4 permanent ones mostly on the hands and wrists… how about you?

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16 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

From the stove? none permanent.

From the campfire 2 that are permanent.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

They are all on the roof of my mouth ;)

wundayatta's avatar

I managed to get none even though I spent about half the day with my head in the oven, basting and what-not. I accidentally touched something too hot once, but not badly enough to need ice.

zenvelo's avatar

One on my middle finger from pulling a rack out of a 450 oven.

tedibear's avatar

No burn marks, but one blister from chopping chocolate.

Kardamom's avatar

Zero. My stove has been sitting in the middle of my living room since the water leak in the kitchen that occurred the week before Xmas.

YARNLADY's avatar

All I got was a tiny slice on my finger from a sharp knife.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Zero—two pies, potatoes and a rib roast.

AmWiser's avatar

I was lucky this year and managed to get no burns or cuts. I guess it pays to start cooking early, like 2–3 days early.
Oh! But I did break a nail.:D

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Earlier this month, I was helping my mom in the kitchen baking cookies and doing the dishes. I stepped backwards away from the sink and bumped into my mom. She was holding a pan of cookies that had come out of the oven about half a second before. I didn’t really realize it was hot – I just bumped it. No biggie. A couple minutes later, I looked at it and it was raised, red around it, and, in the middle, a 2½ inch line of skin that was extremely white and really looked like it was melted plastic. I rubbed some fresh aloe vera on it (that stuff is amazing!). It’s still a scab, but very obvious that I’ll have a _puurrty_scar for forever. Makes for quite a boring story, eh?

AmWiser's avatar

@ChocolateReigns every kitchen should have a Aloe Vera plant in it. Like you said, it is amazing;-)

faye's avatar

Not a one this year- my daughter got her fingers burned a little.

Jeruba's avatar

I got my burn mark five days before Christmas while baking cookies. How did you know? I’m clumsy and burn myself a lot when cooking, more often than I cut myself, even.

Once I went to the drugstore and asked the pharmacist to recommend a good burn ointment. The pharmacist asked me what kind of a burn I had. I said I didn’t have it yet. He looked at me oddly and said “What do you want to burn yourself for?” I was just preparing for the inevitable next time.

Trillian's avatar

I have none, and I baked the CRAP out of some cookies. My neighbors love me.

downtide's avatar

None from the holidays but I have a permanent one on the back of my hand from when I used to work in a professional kitchen, about 9 years ago.

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