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Berserker's avatar

(NSFW) What's some creepy shyte you came upon while surfing the net?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) December 28th, 2010

I usually purposely look up weird stuff on the internet to see how much I can disturb and traumatize myself, however, sometimes it happens by accident. Sometimes my idea of weird and creepy needs to be revised.
See, today I’m on a mission to find a good blogging site, and I found a…Stormfront site, complete with forums, articles and everything.
Now I already knew all that white pride crap was out there, but it’s always weird when you actually go into it and really realize that it’s really there. (I think my uncensored blogs search was linked to one of the members of that site bitching about how WordPress doesn’t allow hate speech hahaha.)
So, stuff like that. What did you come upon online, whether by accident or not? Care to share? Feel free to post links too, if it’s something acceptable within Fluther guidelines.

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35 Answers

Not_the_CIA's avatar

That isn’t hyperbole. Some sick fuck made a subreddit of pictures of dead children.

Click at your own risk

TexasDude's avatar

@Not_the_CIA, jesus fucking balls in my mouth… Even after spending years on 4chan, I really wish I would have taken your advice and clicked at my own risk…

kenmc's avatar

Well, of course there is but that’s old news. There used to be a similar site called but that shut down.

Orgish basically was a site that showed car accident victims close up. Note, I wasn’t a fan of this shit… its just gross stuff that I found on the net…

Berserker's avatar

@Not_the_CIA Omfg. I’ll second the warning to not click there. :/ It’s pretty fucking disturbing.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Hey cool haha, this should be fun…I think. XD

@kenmc Yeah, Rotten is as ancient as time, but today it seems pretty neglected. Half the links don’t work anymore, but I wasn’t even 18 back when I first fucked around on there. XD Remember

kenmc's avatar

I don’t remember it, but I’ve probably been there.

Odysseus's avatar

The YNC (google it) is the new ogrish

jlelandg's avatar a very very disturbing picture on the front page.

Berserker's avatar

@jlelandg Yeah lmao I’ll say.

But the music disturbs me more. XD

Berserker's avatar

@talljasperman Hey man, that happened to me before. XD

anartist's avatar

I find it hard to believe this is Johnny Cash
There are free MP3s of this song out there, but I couldn’t bring myself to download them.

ucme's avatar

This is some fucked up shit! I mean, look at those eyes :¬(

absalom's avatar


Thanks, that was great.


That was less than great.

The_Idler's avatar

@anartist it isn’t Cash.

jlelandg's avatar

@anartist you’re thinking of Johnny Rebel. Please don’t associate Cash with that crap.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Man that ain’t right. O_o

@ragingloli That’s pretty fuckin disgusting lol.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline That’s what Dipsy said. The worst thing about it is, some inconsiderate fucka has stolen Tinky’s handbag…...I believe you may refer to it as a purse :¬)

TexasDude's avatar

lol, shitting dick nipples

anartist's avatar

@jlelandg I turned it up by accident in a search for Johnny Cash lyrics. Not just one listing but dozens of them. And since I couldn’t bear to listen to the MP3 I had no way of knowing. I found it unbelievable.
Who is Johnny Rebel?

Berserker's avatar

moar crazy anime shit

Paradox's avatar

This one is by far the worst. I found this website while looking up a topic about music ironically (it is a discussion form with many topics) and poked around it and I was pretty shocked at some of the material on there. I didn’t realize it was an antisemitic white surpremicist website when I first clicked on it.

@ucme Can someone actually purchase one of those things if they wanted?


jlelandg's avatar you can youtube this guy to see what an idiot and disturbing person he is.

ucme's avatar

@Paradox I’ve really no idea, although it looks like a mock up piss take to these eyes. Why? Want one do you!?! :¬)

Paradox's avatar

@ucme I never seen nothing like it and it caught my eye. It’s so weird that it’s cool. I would actually like to purchase one for a conversation piece. What is it that thing?

ucme's avatar

@Paradox Haha, it’s a…...& I can’t believe i’m saying this…....Teletubby! Tinky Winky to be precise XD A pre school TV show from the UK. I prefer this little fella. He’s such a doll :¬)

Paradox's avatar

It looks like you can purchase them here. Teletubbies, never heard of them before. These dolls should make good gifts for little kids.

TexasDude's avatar

Oh yeah, that reminds me…

Check out the Boohbah Zone and click around a bit to see what happens. Just be sure you aren’t on any hallucinogens first!

Berserker's avatar

Omg wtf lol. This place is pretty cool haha.

Blueroses's avatar

cannibal fantasies

It’s not all that bad, as pr0n goes until you realize people are paying to fap to it. :/

Berserker's avatar

Haha yeah, that’s cool stuff…but how does anyone remotely familiar with the internet still end up paying for shit lol. XD

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