Do you care what your doctor looks like?
Asked by
Taciturnu (
December 29th, 2010
I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t want the “hot doctor/nurse.” Are you one of them? Why or why not?
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61 Answers
I never thought about it, until I switched to a new OB-GYN. My new doctor is a tad overweight, doesn’t wear makeup, she doesn’t look “overdone.” She kind of looks like a “mommy,” and I found that made her more appealing to me as a doctor. It made me feel more comfortable around her, for whatever reason.
My GP, however, is a good looking man. I always tell people that he looks like Barack Obama (he really does!) and beyond that, I’ve never given it a second thought.
Hi @TheOnlyNeffie!!
It’s funny. You’d think we would recognize doctors usually see people at our worse. I don’t mind the “hot doc,” but I do apologize for my unkempt moments regardless of “hot factor.” lol
@Taciturnu Hello! :)
I’ve worked in healthcare for over 5 years, and I still get embarrassed when I go in to see a doctor looking like hell. I know that they don’t care, I know that I don’t care when I see a patient at their “worst,” it just isn’t a factor. Still can’t shake that embarrassment when someone sees me looking a little bit scary.
Oh, well.. I already have a thing for women in positions of power. Then, like.. power + brains = super hot. So, my range of what I’d be attracted to is extended wider, if the person is a doctor. To answer the question, I don’t exactly care, but I do like when I find my doctor attractive. Mainly because I’m a perv, I admit it.
No. I just want them to know what they are doing. So many don’t. I had the best GP for 20 years. He retired and have never been satisfied since.
Btw, went to orthopedic female doctor several years ago, and she pushed me up against the wall and pulled my shirt off….like she had too! I already had my pants off. She was looking at my hip. If I’m lying, I dying. She scared me to death. loll Really. I was married at the time… NEVER cheat on my wife in almost 20 years of marriage (that is not bragging…the way it should be..lot of good it did me…loll). I thinking about getting another appt. with her since I’m single now…ummm!
I guess I kind of do. I prefer women, preferably older than me. In their 40s to early 50s. My reasons are pretty similar to @TheOnlyNeffie. I tend to feel much more comfortable around them since I can see them in a kind of “mom” light. Being a good doctor matters above all else, of course, but if I can choose, I do.
I like having a female OB/GYN. It doesn’t matter what she looks like. We move every couple of years for my husband’s job so I have to find new physicians. The sex or appearance of my allergist or my GP makes no difference to me whatsoever.
Only one time has the appearance of my OB/GYN made a difference to me. She looked like she was 12. During our initial conversation, she told me I was her fourth or fifth patient and she was a first year fellow. Like @TheOnlyNeffie said, I want a woman my age or older. It makes me feel more comfortable when I’m put “in that position.”
I guess I understand the “mom” aspect. I have always chosen male doctors… For everything above and below the belt. (Except when I was living in Alaska- they had a shortage of male doctors.)
@BoBo1946 Yikes, that does sound scary. I agree, it’s sometimes hard to find a doctor who you blend well with. I feel very fortunate to have the doctor I do.
Hot doctor, always. Why? Because they would distract me from whatever reason I was there.
@Taciturnu she blew me away (maybe i shouldn’t word it that way..loll. She is a very nice looking woman.
Since this is really what spurred on the question-
Would you avoid the hot competent doctor strictly because of their appearance?
I found an awesome doctor for my mother, who refuses to see him because he’s “too good looking.” We’re only talking a primary care here.
@BoBo1946 Maybe she wanted to see more than your hip? ;)
@Taciturnu no doubt about it… If I had been not (you would be correct T) married, she would have seen what she wanted!
@BoBo1946 I think you mean not married? :) Sounds like many-a-man’s fantasy come true!
@Taciturnu If we’re talking about an OB/GYN, I would absolutely avoid a hot, male doctor. I’m just way too shy for that shit.
I’m with @DrasticDreamer. I wouldn’t want a particularly attractive OB/GYN – male or female. No thanks. So, yes, I would probably turn down a doctor based on looks.
@TheOnlyNeffie @DrasticDreamer But a primary care doctor would be okay, no? This doctor really treats his patients like VIPs, and she would have a seperate GYN.
It seems my bias doesn’t extend to my GP, since I already have an attractive GP. I’m sure everyone is different, but I wouldn’t care, no. It’s the one who is sticking medical instruments in my vagina that makes me self conscious.
Yep, my answer is the same as @TheOnlyNeffie again. :) I don’t so much care about primary care doctors, it’s just the ones sticking things up my vagina and feeling my boobs that I worry about. :D
Edit: However, that might change as I age, I’m not really sure. Depending on how old your mom is, maybe she’s getting a little embarrassed about the things going “wrong” with her due to age? Maybe she just doesn’t want a hot guy knowing about all of her health issues, since it might make her feel even older?
A doctor and his wife were having a big argument at breakfast. “You aren’t so good in bed either!” he shouted and stormed off to work. By midmorning, he decided he d better make amends and phoned home. After many rings, his wife picked up the phone. “What took you so long to answer?” “I was in bed.” “What were you doing in bed this late?” “Getting a second opinion.”
@BoBo1946 lol! Very cute. I think I’ll share that one.
If somebody is touching my stuff, they better be good looking. But if not, motherly works for me.
glad you girls like that one….touche!
Usually, no. But for anyone sticking stuff up my vagina (which, in my case, is both my GP and OB/GYN) I’m actually the other way around from everyone else – having a hot woman really helps. I know that nothing is going to happen between us, so it just makes it a more pleasurable experience for me. By being aroused, the tests do hurt less – much like how sex helps menstrual cramps. Plus, when they stick their fingers in and press down to check for ovarian lumps? Hits my G-spot 95% of the time – the first time I got a pap smear, the gigantic bedsheet they gave me to cover myself up with ended up almost completely soaked and I went home, grinning, wondering what all the fuss over this procedure was about.
As long as the doctor knows what he/she is doing and I am satisfied with that. I have been to several different doctors and I only had one that was easy on the eyes.
@papayalily I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong with that (and fully understand your perspective) but if that happened to me, I’d be so embarrassed that I’d probably never go back.
@DrasticDreamer I think it’s because I had so much to be embarrassed about growing up that I’ve just hit a point where nothing that happens to me embarrasses me in front of doctors any more.
just kidding about getting an appt with the over sexed doctor (prior comment made)! No way Jose! She was not a very nice doctor. Had an attitude.
@papayalily In that case, yeah, why the hell not enjoy yourself? :D
Doctors have seen it all, hundreds or thousands of times. It’s not a big deal for them. I understand being shy but doctors are usually very professional.
@everephebe Agreed. A female urologist whom I know says her biggest work issue is that men are embarrassed around her (and for her) – she’s been doing it for 20 years, she has seen literally everything, she cannot be embarrassed.
@papayalily I wish I could have an appointment like that! Good Lord! lol
I don’t care what they look like.
My OB/GYN is really hot. She also dresses well and I always feel like a schlump when I go to her. But I enjoy looking at her. I don’t want my general doctor to be overweight, it gives me the impression they don’t take care of themselves, are they going to take care of me.
If I had to choose, I’d prefer a young-ish, good-looking, male doctor. All the female doctors I’ve had have been catty towards me, and men are generally nice.
@papayalily I totally agree with the arousal thing. Going to the gyno unaroused is like trying to have sex unaroused– hurts like hell. Not to mention they never have a speculum small enough…
@chyna Kinda like the hairdresser with bad hair?
@Facade… That’s why I pick male doctors… But I couldn’t say that outloud in this day and age.
As long as s/he looks clean, I don’t care. How they conduct themselves is much more important – they need to be confident, knowledgeable, attentive and reasonably nice demeanor. I do tend to lean toward male doctors, though.
It would be nice if their breath smelled nice.
I definitely get a kick out of it if she’s good looking. My proctologist was so beautiful, it made all that drinking of that horrible shit for my colonoscopy worthwhile. My doctor is male and would probably be considered handsome, although I’m not a very good judge of such things. I’ve never had to discover whether a doctor I thought was ugly would bother me.
My doctor is HOT and very nice,too!
Doesn’t matter much to me if they are naturally good looking or not. But, I am not keen on a female doctor who has long flowing hair perfectly styled like she is on a soap opera. It is fine if she has long hair, but while at work, pull it back.
As for if teh doctors looks affect whether I feel I need to look good when I go to the doctor…how the doctor looks has no affect on whether I try to look good or not. Studies have shown that people dressed professionally and groomed well get taken more seriously by doctors. But, I have run into the problem that I am dismissed as healthy enough when I am in a lot of pain. So, I have no fucking idea what to do about that.
@JLeslie Is it the long and down part that you hate, or the part that she’s a doctor and still finds the ability to have magical soap-opera hair?
Studies show statistics. There’s no telling where each individual doctor will fall on that statistic’s bell-curve.
@papayalily Of course each doctor is an individual, and a statistic may not apply to that person, I agree.
About the hair…anyone who is consistently perfectly primped is a little annoying to me. Hair falling in someones face, every time she needs to look down is completely impractical for a doctor. She can be drop dead gorgeous, that does not bother me at all, I love pretty people, but practical is important to me. And, it is not the length of the hair, it is if it is in her face. Pulled back in a barrette (can be up and down, does not have to be all her hair back) or in a pony tail, all good. Plus, I have found that people who are obsessed with their looks seem to have something else going on there, and are probably more likely to judge others on how they look. Let me clarify I am not saying they can’t put on some make-up and put a comb through their hair. It is the whole package and how they look every time I see them. If they are wearing 4 inch heals, have the hair thing going on, glam make-up, they seem to have failed to grasp what is typical for their profession. I probably have an unfair opinion on it.
@papayalily Also depends a little on what type of doctor I think.
No, as long as he or she fixes my shit up. Although currently I don’t have a doctor, which is pretty bad for someone studying in the medical field haha.
I don’t really care what my doctor looks like, as long as (s)he takes care of him/herself and isn’t obese. Now I don’t discriminate against people of different shapes and sizes, but I’d have a hard time taking health advice from someone who obviously doesn’t practice what (s)he preaches. It’d be like going to a hairdresser with horrible hair, or a dentist with rotten teeth.
My doctor kind of looks like Dr. Greene from ER, though, which makes me happy.
@Seelix, I’ve always figured that if my hairdresser has great hair – I want the person that does her hair. Not necessarily her. (or him, of course.)
I’ve been thinking about the comments regarding equating health with a slender form. That is another discussion all together. But to say a reflection of a good or bad physician starts with practicing what you preach, well, that would mean there wouldn’t be any male OB/GYNs. Right? I really understand the comments, but it got me to thinking.
It just interested me two of the best physicians I’ve personally known, one a fertility specialist who worked with researchers at Cambridge on the first “test tube baby Louise” and another a surgeon, were both overweight by all standards. One even smoked. Really beautiful minds that, by the standards of taking care of themselves, their bodies didn’t mirror their abilities in their fields.
@bkcunningham A friend of mine used to go to a weight loss physician. He was very overweight and he kept his dog (a dalmation) in the office and even the dog was overweight!
@wundayatta lol! I have never thought of the breath aspect (guess I’ve been lucky?), but I imagine it would play a role if I found someone who stank.
@JLeslie I actually agree with you, RE: the hair. Having long flowing hair as a doctor isn’t very practical, and if you’re more concerned with vanity than practicality in that profession, I’d be a little concerned.
@bkcunningham That is an interesting thought. I don’t always equate a perfect figure with perfect health, but I (being very honest) can say they would have to be more forthright with their level of intellect for me to trust them wholly. My male GYN is a bit overweight, but I do trust him. He’s certainly not of the “practice what you preach” variety. :)
@chyna THAT sounds a little like a mess. I’m sure he had valid ways to lose weight, but if they didn’t work for him. . .
I don’t think a persons weight demonstrates their intelligence or knowledge of medicine, I like to have a brilliant doctor. If he has some sort of issue that he overeats or does not exercise enough, but can make me healthy, I am not to bothered by his weight. I would say that if the doctor is extremely overweight 100+ I might feel a little put off by it.
I said “obese”, not overweight. Hell, I’m overweight – I certainly can’t judge anyone for that. But seriously, if my doctor were like 500lbs, I’d be a little uncomfortable having him/her advise me on healthy eating. I know that weight has nothing to do with intelligence or medical knowledge, but I’d rather have a doctor with long flowing hair than one who can’t fit into a car.
Fairly recent true story. I had a kidney stone and was quickly medicated…majorly drugged up. I had a very funny nurse and a hot doctor. My husband, used to hospitals by now, was reading a magazine. Next thing he hears is me, in a very slurred voice,“Nurse? When is Dr. McHotty coming back in?”
Complete silence, followed by major laughter. Dr. McHotty was standing right next to me.
I don’t think I need a hot doctor.
@Seelix Fair enough. I would agree with that. People use the words obese and overweight almost interchangeably without really knowing the definitions, but obviously you do. That was my mistinterpretation of your words.
Heh…I just saw this question. But I refuse to answer it because I’m a doctor and I’m crushingly good looking.
I don’t care what they look like, but I do care that I can understand them.
Funny this Q popped up. A new person in our club I am becoming acquainted with is a doctor, he is thin, and he was talking to a friend about health and weight and I did not agree with what he said. I was able to hear their conversation, but was not in it, and didn’t feel inclined to comment. He basically was Atkins minded, although he did not use Dr. Atkins name. We were all eating dinner together and the doctor ordered two steaks and no starchy sides. In my experience people with cholesterol problems who tried Adkins had their cholesterol numbers skyrocket if they bothered to do the blood tests. I wondered to myself if this doctor had tested himself.
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