Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses?
Well, is the old saying true? Do you consider glasses on girls/women to be a turn off? Would you avoid getting to know or dating a woman who wore them? Is there a certain concept that comes to mind when you see someone wearing glasses (like that they are smarter, etc)?
And where did this idea even come from?
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56 Answers
Oh god, that’s totally false. Ever heard of the “hot secretary” look? Many, many people adore that.
… said while wearing my black secretary glasses… :D
No way, I do that all the time. Hell, I would even make passes at boys with glasses.
Dumb guys may not.
Ha ha, morons! More for me!!
I’ve actually been told that I should wear my glasses more often. So definitely not true!
Being married, I don’t make passes at girls, period. But when I was single, glasses were totally a non-issue to me. That was about the last thing I would concern myself with.
I like really smart ladies, but I also do not believe the crap Chairman Mao got obsessed with about bright people wearing glasses.
Maybe with children (boys and girls) it is true, but I’ve worn glasses all my life, and since I’ve been an adult, I never had any problem.
I don’t think I would make a pass at a woman who didn’t wear glasses. At least, not a serious one. However, I don’t believe I’ve ever made a pass in my life.
Ha, I never had a problem – I have now been wearing glasses for many years.
I’m not one to really make passes at all, glasses or otherwise.
If I could point out a single article of clothing/accessory on a girl that I like the most, I’d pick glasses. I don’t know what it is, but I like seeing them. It may just be because I wear glasses throughout all of my waking hours, and so I prefer the familiar. But I think it’s more than that. I think runner-up, after glasses, is a tartan scarf. Or really anything tartan. I don’t understand it, really.
Glasses represent (for no real reason) intelligence. I think the “Boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses” phrase comes from the outdated sexist anti-intellectual thinking that women are flesh and nothing more, and there’s no reason for them to be intelligent, go to school, get careers. Just cook and clean.
I could be completely misinterpreting that phrase.
Consider this myth busted.
It’s just a dumb stereotype for men that aren’t smart enough to have a smart woman lol. I’m sure it stemmed from men needing moronic women to cater to their oppressive lifestyles in marriage and at home. Some guys are just intimidated by smart women, and glasses are a stereotype for intelligent people.
@worriedguy Same here. I’m more interested in girls with nice asses, so it’s a while before I even know whether they wear glasses or not.
Guys will fuck anybody.
The saying is not true.
well for me it really depends on the glasses! My girlfriend looks incredibly sexy in her glasses, but I have seen a lot of women who look ridiculous because of a poor choice in frames.
A certain former governor who certain right wingers consider hot wears absolutely stupid and unflattering glasses.
@zenvelo I think the half-term governor is probably trying for the Chairman Mao glasses-make-me-look-smart effect. If ever we needed proof that Mao was wrong about glasses being linked to high intelligence, we have it there.
Chairman Mao glasses? Do you mean Kim Jong-Il? Mao never wore glasses that I know of.
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@jlelandg Durring Mao’s Cultural Revolution, he became fearful of a challenge from the intellectuals in China. Here, the far right demonizes intellectuals and fears they will bring socialism. Mao on the far left was convinced intellectuals would institute capitalism. He set up a Red Guard movement among China’s youth. That spread into the Military and the party, with the result of the persecution of intellectuals and often people unfortunate enough to need glasses to see. Many were actually put to death for wearing glasses.
I’ve never had a problem getting dates.
Ah, I didn’t read carefully. I didn’t actually have never heard about this. I knew Pol Pot in Cambodia did this, but haven’t seen Mao guilty. I’m fascinated, where can I read more about it?
No, I always choose to look into the eyes, with glasses their may be more refraction-but who cares you are probably beautiful, and just being neurotic about a new expeience.
You’re Beautiful with your Glasses!
@jlelandg Yes, Pol Pot pushed the link with glasses himself. I think in China it had more to do with overzealous ideologues among the Red Guard. You can read about the Cultural Revolution with the link I posted above. I am just working from memory of that time in stating that it happened in China before Cambodia. A search of Google for cultural revolution wear glasses found a few references, but mainly to books and Word DOC files I didn’t want to link to. I think it would take some research of old news clippings from the late 1960s to document ti.
@ETpro I would believe that. The red guard was insane. It would have been interesting to be an invisible observer of all of that (maybe horrifying as well).
@jlelandg I know, OT, and this is my last comment about it. But I think all ideologues are insane to the degree thwy place their ideology above observed facts. It makes no difference whether they are left wing like the Red Guard or right wing like the Nazi SS or Hitler Youth Corps.
That’s pretty much bullshit, I’d say.
I like women who wear glasses. Just glasses.
Glasses are hot.
I mean… really fucking hot.
Girls who wear spectacles can cradle my testicles! So that’ll be a no then :¬)
Total nonsense. How do you think I met my wife?
I think women who wear glasses are as sexy as women without them! WOOF! ;)
Give me a break. You think I’m going to pass on a great ass because she’s wearing glasses?
They don’t? I’d better tell that to all the guys who’ve been hounding me for the last 12 years.
I’m never wearing my glasses again! (Watch out for me…I can’t see so good.)
It isn’t true, but I can see a guy doing this if all he’s concerned about is reproducing. Glasses are used to correct poor eyesight, which is a genetic defect.
And I don’t care. Glasses are hot.
@kenmc not always true, my brother suffers from poor eyesight from trauma to his head when he was little, and I have bad eyesight because I was/am a book worm and when I was about 10 I kept reading in the dark which slaughtered my eyesight. Neither of us were born with poor eyesight.
@kenmc. We about to have about to have a go round’. Again. Humph. Well, why do all the “Bookworms” have glasses? I am a bookworm. Hummm?
It’s because god hates loves you, Val.
@Winters I don’t think reading in the dark causes astigmatism, and most people aren’t “born” with bad eyes, I don’t think. I think It’s just something that gets tripped at a certain age. I was in 4th grade when I got glasses.
@Dutchess_III that’s what happened with me, although I think that’s also when I started making bets that I could stare at the sun longer than anyone else… worst 100 bucks ever gained, but the optometrist I saw attributed it to my reading in the dark and with my nose literally in the binding.
I’m going to ask a q about that…..
Unfortunately, glasses have no turned out to be an automatic birth control method. Most people take off their glasses before sex.
Well, duh! They’d get all bent up and stuff!!
I think that women who wear glasses are very sexy, and glasses are sexy on a woman. I wear glasses, and have been for over 20 years. My wife has glasses but she hardly wears them, except when she drives. I try to coax her to wear them more often. I tell her how attractive she is with them on, (although, she is beautiful with or without glasses).
—If I wore glasses, I might notice the boys who were making passes at me.
I am legally blind in one eye. The oldest at home broke my glasses when she was an infant, and I’ve never bothered replacing them, because I can manage quite well with only one eye. As it is I’m spending all my money on putting three girls through college.—
I wear glasses, but people are forever complimenting my eyes . . . does it really matter if you wear glasses or not?
i dunno, they seemed pretty interested lol…
For some men maybe but for most doesn’t bother them at all. I have found many women who wear glasses to be very attractive and have found some that look better in glasses than without them. Totally a non issue.
Also I know many many women who are married and wear glasses so I don’t think it matters to a lot of men. If guys didn’t make passes at girls who wear glasses a lot of really great girls would never get married.
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