Social Question

Would you take a job out of your field if it afforded you other opportunities (see my situation inside)?
I am interviewing for a job on Tuesday. The job is completely outside of my field. I graduated college with a chemistry degree, and hope to get into forensics some day. The job is an admissions position for a company that manages a bunch of online colleges, and some smaller in person colleges (most notably a few nursing schools). I would basically be calling people who showed interest in enrolling in one of the schools, and helping them along with the process of applying and getting grants, etc, etc.
Now obviously, this is not remotely in my field (I’m currently a Senior Lab Technician). BUT, it does come with some nice upsides. First and foremost, I would get free tuition to any of the schools they work with. I could go back and get a masters in business, criminal justice, nursing.. they even have a few doctoral programs (though I’m not sure what in). Second, it would give me a huge change of scenery and life that right now for reasons I won’t get into (you can read my past posts if you’re interested)... I desperately need. The job is in Pittsburgh, I live in Columbus. So I’d be moving, getting a new apartment, new city, etc, etc.
The pay, is a wash. I would make about $1.50 less than I make now for 3 months, and then I would make about $1 more than I make after that. I’ve been told that I could likely work 4–5 hours of overtime a week if I wanted (though no guarantee on it). The benefits are almost identical (slightly better 401k at new job) I pay my bills now (student loans are very expensive for me) by supplementing my income with a part time job. I would be hard pressed to find a part time job remotely close to as good as my current one, but I can put my loans into deferment for 2–3 months til I am settled and have a second job.
I’ve had two interviews in Pittsburgh in the past 2 months, I turned down the first job for personal reasons, and the second one didn’t pan out in an almost comical/ridiculously bad for me way. Most of the other jobs I’m looking at right now (and there are nearly 50, though only one other has called back as of yet) are in my field). If I want to move ASAP, this is likely the only job to do it.
Basically without getting too much more into details, what do you think? Would you take this job? What would you suggest to me? (advice on other involved issues is welcome as well)