Then, lets broaden the scope to include Native American religious beliefs in the gods of nature, and Roman and Greek Gods.
A tendency to believe in something more than oneself, yes? An instinctual reaction to the observation that one is actually insignificant in the great scheme of things? A desire to have meaning for the struggles, and trials, one individual goes through in life?
I met one guy who told me he honestly believes that everyone that wasn’t himself was a figment of his own imagination, or else constructs to help him go through life. When I asked him what happened to me when I was not around him, he said my world went colorless, and had no meaning. This is an extreme example of the ‘tree that falls in the woods having no sound’ line of thinking, to my mind, as in ‘anything that does not directly affect me has no purpose to me or my world, which is the only thing I have a right or reason to care about.’
If it is a reaction to ones own insignificance, then it would stand to reason they would be bothered by your lack of belief, shaking them at the heart of an insecurity that they cannot control, and so must delete from their experiences, by changing your mind or not hanging out with you.
Also, if you personally wish to explore the possibility that you may be mistaken, and there is something out there, consider the arguments about life having been extinguished several times on this planet, and coming back each time; or the properties of water being so damned helpful to supporting life, even to its storage and transmittal of latent heat moderating the planets temperatures to life friendly conditions, with supposedly way more water on the surface of Earth than can be accounted for or predicted by science.
They do have valid, at least to me, reasons for their beliefs, before canting off on there own tangents, but many arguments that convince me were not around during the Protestant Reformation. However, that particular phenomenon took place in a society that had evolved because of the stability provided by religion, and the common man was thinking for itself. This caused a situation where enough individuals felt strongly enough to change the religion they were brought up in to something they FELT was more palatable, and the conservatives and radicals went their separate ways, each knowing they were right and the others were going to hell.
I see them as ignorant because they refuse to acknowledge that other view points can be valid, also. This automatically disqualifies them for consideration of truth or value in their personal beliefs, for me. I guess I really only care about what I believe, and I look for value in other systems to add to my own, in whichever way I FEEL is right. No tree falling away from me bothers me in the slightest, unless it harms me or someone I care about.
They are disqualified by me because I am personally convinced any true religion would have tolerance for other religions.
I do believe in God, but perhaps God is not a He, sitting on a throne, and wants me to worship Him forever. Perhaps an It, or not even a singular consciousness at all. More like the entire collection of life in the universe. A “collective consciousness”, if you will. I wrote some poetry into a song once, that went:
God is me, and that’s okay. God is you, we’re the same.
God is us, playing games, that’s the way, you make, me feel.
-God is real, and that won’t change. God is life, plain as day.
Like your mind, inside your brain, animation on this plane.
Two hundred years ago, a man would never believe a TV is not magical. two thousand years ago, when they were told by the ‘other side’ not to eat pigs, they were primitive, and getting worms from the meat, so it makes sense to me that they would get spiritual guidance like that(or else some guy figured it out and made it ‘from God’ to get the ignorant boobs to listen to him). Today, we have New Age channellers receiving messages from the other side, and without even looking it up online and reading it to find out what it’s about, it is dismissed as ‘Satanic’ by the modern day conservatives. Muslims and New Age hippies are considered radicals. What will they think in ten years, much less 200? To look for meaning in any one of these to the exclusion of all else would be to bury your head in the sand, which disqualifies you from my own, personal consideration of value.
I know this (still) does not answer your question about the philosophical theories behind them, I guess it is just my attitudes on whether or not I think it needs one. Ignorance and willful dogmatism need no more justification than ‘Might is Right’, exactly the kind of philosophical behavior we have been evolving away from for the last couple hundred years.