Meta Question

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What do you read?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19069points) December 30th, 2010

Do you read the details of a question? (Yes, I have phrased it this way on purpose)

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34 Answers

faye's avatar

Anything and almost everything- though I turn my nose up at Harlequin’s because I could have written it- they’re all the same!

everephebe's avatar

Words, words, words.

That would mean Hamlet.

I skim on longer details of peoples questions. But I caught yours.

Pandora's avatar

I use to sometimes skim a question if it was very, very long. But then after a while of having to go back and retract something I posted, I decided it was best to read the whole thing or simply not read it at all if I had little time.

Berserker's avatar

I often wonder that the seven deadly sins are not, indeed, sins, but rather, concrete representatives of human behaviour.

I mean, no.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I read a lot of things. On Fluther, I always read the title and the details of a question. The details are, of course, what matter.

YARNLADY's avatar

I read a lot of things, but I don’t believe everything I see on the internet.

TexasDude's avatar

Not question details, that’s for sure.

Kraigmo's avatar

@papayalily you are brilliant, i love this. I like to read the details, unless long-winded.

Winters's avatar

No, I do not read the details of the question when the doghouse is filled with pancakes.

ratboy's avatar

Tea leaves.

JLeslie's avatar

Hahahaha. Great question! If the detail is very long, I tend to skim, and sometimes miss some important informaton, unless it is very well written, and a topic I am keenly interested in. Usually before I ask a question, if I have a question in my answer, I go back and try to make sure it was not already mentioned in the information the OP provided.

Seelix's avatar

@papayalily – I love this, and I love that people have fallen for it :)

sakura's avatar

I read the details, if they are too long I skim them

By the way I will read anything!!

littlebeck30's avatar

i like to pick out random used books at the bookstore just for an adventure

El_Cadejo's avatar

was there an actual point to this question or just a bullshit trap to try and trick people and waste everyones time?

Dog's avatar

I see books with interesting covers that hide a mouse trap. I also prefer Newcastle to Coors Lite. Are we being watched? ~

OpryLeigh's avatar

Usually I read the whole question (this includes all the info under the actual question). There are times when I skim it rather than reading every word but I try to make sure I read enough in order to answer the quetion correctly.

wundayatta's avatar

I do believe we had a question just like this one recently.

The only thing I read theses days, besides fluther, is my local newspaper. How sad is that?

Eggie's avatar

If it is too long I dont bother to read it, but I usually read the details of a question…it is the most important part of the question you know.

Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
ETpro's avatar

I have been guilty in the past of skipping the details, but got burnt often enough that I do my best to remember now to check what the question means and not just assume I know from the main questin line alone.

Glever trap, by the way, to see who does and doesn’t read the details.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ETpro Thanks. I really didn’t mean for it to be mean or anything – it’s just so hard trying to get a conversation back on track after people didn’t read the details but that’s where the important stuff is. Figured we could all learn just how much we should pay attention to them…

faye's avatar

Ooops, my bad! I jumped on just the question! I was bored.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It does frustrate me that so many people seem to fail to read the details.
I do not always read every reply, but I do read the details. It is the meat of the question.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Agreed. To me, the title is like the garnish of a dish, while the details are the meat and potatoes (or pasta and potatoes, if you swing that way).

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@papayalily I completely agree. I can’t even think of how many questions I’ve read since joining Fluther to find that the summed up version in the title doesn’t even ask quite the same question as the details. A lot of the discussions here are impossible to really sum up in one line.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I am the absolute worst at titles – if I’m the asker, you can bet that it’ll be better in the details, because mine are usually thisclose to being “what’s this thingamabab here? Ish? Maybe? Sorta?”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Lol, that was cute.
Agreed. I feel like the answers I get are proof of my inability to write an accurate title. I get a ton of answers that are way off base from what I’m asking in the details.

Not_the_CIA's avatar

Details, tags, and responses before I add my two cents. Unless it is shit like “What is your favorite book?” I will just answer that without reading the responses.

XOIIO's avatar

Well, words, usually.

Doesn’t everyone?

ETpro's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Some questions use a lead line that is deliberately vague and a (See Details) tacked onto the end of the question to help force the issue. For certain questions, that’s probably a good strategy.

Not foolproof, mind you. Nothing ever is. Make something foolproof and they just invent a better fool. But it does help.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@ETpro I need to do more of that.

cRazelyCrazed's avatar

Yes I do. Anywways I have to. When I dont read the questions in detail I often have to go back because I dont understand what I just read!

bob_'s avatar

The newspaper ~

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