Why do some people think rushing is going to be a fun experience?
Asked by
Pandora (
December 30th, 2010
I’ve realized today why I hate going out with people on so call fun excursions. Family and friends like to pack in so many things in an outing that they take the fun out of going out. Then they complain that I never like to go out. On the contrary, I do like to go out. I simply don’t always like to go out with them because it feels more like a marathon than a relaxed outing.
I always tell my husband, tomorrow will get here the same time like it does everyday. And if it doesn’t than you won’t care.
Am I wrong in believing that going out for a good time shouldn’t involve having to look at your watch every few minutes to see if you need to hurry things along so you can get to the next location?
He’s gotten better but seems like everyone else around me is getting worse.
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7 Answers
Russia is a wonderful country :)
I went to Europe for a month with two people. One was a male friend and one was a female friend. The male friend only had one goal, he wanted to get kicked out of a country. That was all he cared about. He didn’t care where we went he just wanted to be forced to leave and get banned from a country. I was OK with this. We just wanted to see where the day took us.
Unfortunately Julie was not cool with the plan and wanted reservations and a schedule. She went a little nuts and had to much scheduled. Luckily, when we were in London we met a girl from Canada that was traveling alone. And she started traveling with us. Now the girls could go to the museum while we would get drunk in the park while eating a baguette.
The girls went home after a few weeks so we just floated around after they left. The weeks without the girls were a blast.
And we never did manage to get get kicked out of a country. It was a pretty stupid plan. But, we were 21.
I think it depends on how you’re conditioned, mostly through your upbringing and your job.
example: My job requires that I juggle multiple things at once, always hit deadlines, work a ton of hours without a break, and (up until recently) do it alone.
Well since I spend the majority of my waking hours at work, it strongly influences my behavior elsewhere in my life.
Add to that that I’m very organized and like to plan things out as a result of my upbringing.
Soooo…as much a I love to relax and take things slow, when I have time off, my initial reaction is to get stuff done. I have to purposely stop myself from doing this to relax and it takes me a couple days to unwind enough to be able to begin to relax.
But, in short order, I’m back at work and it’s go, go, go again. It’s a vicious cycle.
This is why I promised myself and my wife I’d try to find a new job this year. Life’s too short to not enjoy your free time.
I think it depends on the outing…
I’d rather take my time if it’s just a casual outing.
I get a huge rush out of Black Friday “rushing.” :)
I grew up in a dysfunctional family. I learned to thrive in a crisis—sometimes a crisis was the only time I felt my well-developed talents had a place. This carried over into my adult life (trained as a paramedic, etc). Now I find that I delay tasks (procrastination) because I love the rush of the crisis I create. I am working diligently to reduce my crisis orientation and I make an extra strong effort not to rush in my personal life.
I like to have a schedule for outings like a wine tasting, but the rest of the day free. Sort of half and half and flexible.
I like to take it handy. I’m not a fan of rushing around jazz – I just don’t see the appeal.
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