Wow… @Roby, @Odysseus are you sure that you are not referring to those with multiple VISUAL body piercings and why THEY might do it?
I find it amazing that on this question when asked *why a person might have private piercings you have both made judgements on the mental health of the individual.*
Since I admitted openly my actual reasons above I will also address your judgements upon me.
@Roby you say I am vain.
Here is the Dictionary definition of vanity:
van·i·ty (vn-t)
n. pl. van·i·ties
1. The quality or condition of being vain.
2. Excessive pride in one’s appearance or accomplishments; conceit.
3. Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.
a. Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.
b. Something about which one is vain or conceited.
I am in no way vain. I down dress and blend into crowds. I loathe clothes shopping. I rarely bother with make up. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty or being seen in my studio coat.
Since my piercings are unknown to anyone in my family (no they do not Fluther) and are only shown to my husband alone just like any gal would wear lingerie I think we can eliminate both pride in ones appearance and conceit.
This leaves us with:
“3. Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.
a. Something that is vain, futile, or worthless”
Wow- because I chose a private personal adornment you deem me worthless?
I really have nothing to say about that because I try NOT to ignorantly judge others.
@Odysseus said:
“My opinion,, a desperate need to feel unique, strong and in control mixed with some psychological self harm/hating issues. narcissism;pride;egotism & inferiority complexes answers all of your questions.”
Hmmm well if I was to use it to feel unique I guess I would have to go around topless so that others could note how unique I am. If I were to do that showing my breasts alone would do the trick.
Make me feel strong?
Interesting but my hidden piercings really never have made me feel strong. They are just metal, not steroids. Nor have my hidden piercings given me a feeling of control. (again are you two sure you are not referring to people to multiple body pierce on face, spine etc?) or maybe the type of person that @cprevite describes?
I have self harm issues? Well ear piercing is not considered self harm. This is pretty much the same and requires sanitary procedures and the same after care. In my case the pain was mild and quick just like my ears. If I was seeking to hurt myself there are a lot more effective ways to do it.
As far as having an inferiority complex, thanks again but I have no such issues. I am perfectly content with who I am and am very happy.
I realize that sometimes nipple piercing can be done for some of the reasons above- as shown by those who take pictures and put them on web sites. But I just wanted to point out that, as DD said, it is for different reasons for different people and a blanket judgemen of mental defect is unfair and incorrect.
@anartist Ha ha ha! Yes that would be bad. I have never had it happen but I very rarely wear decorations that have that potential. I did tear my ear one playing volleyball but I still have earrings despite that experience.