Happy New Year Jellies....what was your standout Fluther moment of 2010?
Asked by
Cruiser (
December 31st, 2010
I have been here a year now….came to Fluther as a refugee and honestly not knowing what to expect. I visit here as a place to explore my mind, share ideas, opinions and hang with some really cool people. I have really enjoyed the discussions and meeting a lot of very cool people.
I have especially enjoyed the challenges that came my way to long held personal ideals and opinions I have. But there was one very intense moment that came my way by a PM from Vunessuh where she took me to task over a personal issue. She was brutally honest with me and opened my eyes to a personal flaw of mine in a way no one had before on all my years. It also allowed me to salvage and preserve a very special friendship here.
There are many more special moments I have had here and am curious to hear what other special moments and memories other Jellies have had here in 2010.
Happy New Year Jellies and thanks for the great times!
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90 Answers
The highlight of my Fluther year was meeting two jellies in person.
@Cruiser Was this a rather recent occurrence?
For me it’s a tie between getting to work with the incredible mod team that keeps Fluther the awesome website we all know and love and seeing the tenth incarnation of a question I asked almost two years ago.
My highlight was seeing Simone,s avatar where she was in a thong….wow!!!
@Eggie I missed that. When was it?
@Adirondackwannabe She had that avatar where she was lying next to her baby. You should have seen it man!!! How could you miss it?
@Eggie My bad, but we’re hijacking cruiser’s thread.
The highlight of my Fluther year was asking the question about child abuse and art that got nearly 400 responses and raged back and forth for about three days.
@Eggie No biggy.
My highlight was some of the intense discussions I had with jellys on sexism and gender issues. I thought I was enlightened, but I wasn’t in the least. Thanks.
:: ahem :: Um…‘Hi’, my name is @cprevite (sometimes called “Cookie Man”)
hi @cprevite
Um…anyway, I’ve been here a little over 2½ years and, and this year’s highlight was when I realized I only had enough free-time for either Fluther or Facebook. Not both.
And, (I’m ashamed to admit this) I took a three-month break fr-from Fluther…
:: GASP ::
I know, I know…but, BUT, I finally decided on…on Fluther!
:: claps ::
Thank you. I lurve you jellies.
I feel so much better.
Fluther has given me a chance to “virtually meet” and learn about people that are very different from me. I have always been quite accepting of folks who think and behave in ways that I do not. Now I know why, I like most of the people here. Thanks for teaching me about yourselves.
@Cruiser: Thank you.
Can a brother have a hug?
I suppose for me it has to be when I asked the question Does homeopathy work. I really didn’t expect such a response.
Apart from that it has been a lovely year for me, discussing, learning and generally chatting with like-minded people, the dog lovers, the foodies, the gardeners etc etc. oh and the kazoo players of course!
Fluther is such a friendly and giving place to be.
@cprevite You get a hug only if you tell me the Bears have a chance to make it to the Super Bowl! ;)
@partyparty I remembered you Q but had no idea of just how many answers that generated! GQ!
I’ve only been here for about 7 months now. I’d say my highlight was actually finding Fluther and “meeting” so many wonderful people all in one place. I’m looking forward to what next year will bring.
Either my memory is bad or there were no standout moments for me or both.
When I received my first & only GA from Ghandi…...pdwor…...dpwork…....oh you know! Must have stung him a little, actually come to think of it i’m not sure if he ever did or not. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts I suppose.
I enjoyed the afternoon when everyone changed their avatars to the one AstroChuck uses.
I laughed all day.
I got to meet Vunessuh,Jude and her girlfriend. :) They are all alot of fun!
I’d have to say my ‘parole’, of which I inadvertently continue to violate when not paying attention when in the ‘general’ section and either going off topic or injecting humor.
As of yesterday I was reminded that I am walking on thin ice with my ad lib moments and at risk of suspension or dismissal.
Sooo, if I disappear you will all know that I am suffering the consequences of my slightly ADD’d mind. lol
@Coloma I like your offbeat remarks. For some reason I haven’t been put on parole, so I’ll loan you one of my nine lives.
Haha…is that like a ‘get out of jail free’ card? I’ll take it!
Yeah..oh well, I try to ‘mod’ify my spontainaity but…you can take the girl out of the humor, but you can’t take the humor out of the girl. My ‘spots’ are not going to change. ;-)
I just got here, so I would have to say joining was the best part.
Thanks! My avatar is me, in pajamas, taking a picture of myself with my Spynet Video Watch.
Hums Auld Song Lang along with the music
Worst: Losing dpworkin because of some whiney, self-righteous jellies.
Best: Getting closer to many jellies via Facebook, especially that wacky Canadian who keeps changing her user name.
High point: knowing that there is a resource for any question I might have, available day or night, that will be answered by knowledgeable, smart, funny, interesting, provocative people. Also, a place for me to share what I might know about something. Thanks to all of you!
After AB crashed, @lucillelucillelucille and I both joined Fluther on December 11th and that was the first day we ever spoke with each other and seven months later in July I was visiting her for a week in her home. That’s definitely my biggest highlight. What’s cool is, it felt as if we had known each other for a while as soon as we met in person. It just felt really natural when we hung out. We just jive well together. :)
@Cruiser Thanks and you’re welcome.
@Cruiser: OK, ‘the Bears have a chance at the Super Bowl’. I know nothing about sports. Don’t they all have a chance, technically?
”…when everyone changed their avatars to the one AstroChuck uses.”
@filmfann: That was a great day. Really funny.
@marinelife: Thank you. I pray to goodness every day. ;^)
”...who keeps changing her username.”
Yeah, that’s so silly @tinyfaer… um, er… @psychocandy ;^)
@Math321: Welcome to the lagoon.
Being hired to be your full-time community manager. :D
Not to mention becoming closer to several jellies, meeting some in person, and working with the awesome mod team. Happy New Year, everyone!
Discovering that some liberals actually have a sense of humor! ; ))
@CaptainHarley where are these humorous liberals you speak of? We have people who take care of such rogues.
I’m too argumentive to have too many pleasant experiences. I’m probally one of the few that will argue with the majority viewpoint on here but I do this in real life as well as other Q & A forums. I can’t say anybody has influenced me to think differently but I do seem very good when it comes to throwing rocks at hornets nests. There are 3 users I’ve known alot better through pm’s though.
Not getting banned yet is good nuff for me! Happy New year yall.
My bf taking me to Disneyland after the New Year.
hint hint
@CaptainHarley Yup, the laughing, the sneering, mostly the learning and making me think.
Becoming a Mod was pretty cool.
Oh, and making good friends with people I wouldn’t otherwise know pretty regularly was cool too.
This year I have become more aquainted with certain other jellies. I’m yet to meet them in person but I’m enjoying getting to know them better online.
Oh I don’t know… meeting 15+ jellies perhaps…!
That’s my goal for 2011 – to meet some jellies in person.
Somebody please come to Boston (or at least New England).
@tragiclikebowie: Come see me at the farm.
yes, I’m begging. Sad, sad jelly I am.
@cprevite I took the liberty of putting your request for visitors to music.
@SuperMouse – Dangit, you beat me to it by mere seconds!!
@cprevite I get it, you were emoting for the song, it is lovely.
Anyone that wants to visit the Sierra Nevadas and take a whitewater river rafting trip down the North fork of the American river is welcome to drop a note and be my guest!
I’d love to hostess some couchsurfers. :-)
I enjoyed breaking the 20K barrier.
@Coloma: Can we meet the geese?
@YARNLADY: Yes, but did it hurt or was it magical?
Of course, just don’t run out of bread or you’ll be mobbed. ;-)
This morning they went ice skating on their frozen pools.
Like @filmfann, I’d have to name AstroChuck avatar day. The best part was when AC tried to escape the cloning by changing his own avatar, only to have Fyrius follow on his heels within seconds with a Borg version of the same image.
For those who missed the whole thing, I captured screen shots in an album.
@Neizvestnaya Are you saying your boyfriend is a jellie? Oooh, intrigue!
@cprevite, next time I head for Boston I will let you know.
I got 10K lurve! That thread was really sweet =)
Happy New Year @Cruiser & all my fellow Jellies.
I guess my high point was on the Social Darwinism question, getting 12 Great Question votes for it. And I am hoping that this question capping off my 20-question Strange Universe series ends up closing the year out with a bang—maybe even a Big Bang.
@cprevite I’m in Boston. North End. Where are you located?
@cprevite Do you have a house that looks out over the ocean?
I have enjoy Fluther from the 1st day I joined 04/2010. I like that you don’t have to try to answer all questions, there’s a lot to be learned just by reading. My high points were the games I posted and the PM’s from those saying “Thanks, we need that”.
@ETpro: I’m in Wilmington (‘bout twenty minutes north of you)
@janbb: Afraid not. I am a block from a nice lake though.
And @ETpro. I used to live in the North End too, on Clark Street, just around the corner from the Old North Church and Paul Revere’s statue on the mall. I lived at several addresses in Boston and Cambridge over a period of about 10 years.
@augustlan: We may. It’s on our list of places to get to. I could take the Acela right out of South (or Back Bay).
@cprevite Let me know next time you plan to come into the city. I’d be delighted to meet you for coffee.
@Jeruba I’m just a few doors down from the Old North Church on Salem St.
Truthfully, making some really good friends.
Too many to choose just one.
Last night, NYE my SO and I took our parents to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. SO’s mother opens a tin of home made forturne cookies to pass around and mine says I’ll be very happy if I marry (her son). Just as I look to my right to show him the fortune slip, he’s already on bended knee at tableside with a ring in his hand, asking if I’ll marry him. Whoa.
I couldn’t have asked for a better audience, people who love us each since birth and who love us both now as a couple. I was surprised, stunned, overwhealmed and it was all wonderful.
@Neizvestnaya Congrats, but uh.. is he at least on Fluther?
Well.. my standout moments are the times where I met jellies! (I’m at 11 now!)
But the moment is realizing that Fluther has introduced me to three of the best friends ever.
@rangerr: Thank you! No, he’s not a jelly.
Sweet story, but this is the standout Fluther moment of 2010.
P.S. Get him to join Fluther.
@Neizvestnaya What a spectacular way to propose. Sounds like you have been invited into a very creative and romantic family. Congratulations.
@Auggie – You beat me to the punch. I was gonna say that 2011 on Fluther is starting out with a bang!
I found fluther in feb. 2010…...
or did fluther find me.
@ETpro: The are a romantic family, I’m thrilled. Thank you.
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