Do you intend to get drunk tonight (New Years Eve)?
Asked by
ucme (
December 31st, 2010
Simple yes or no will suffice. Of course if you wish to elaborate….location, company, activities, how drunk you intend on getting…..well then that’s okay too. Somehow i’m expecting a fairly hefty percentage of responses to be ”No”. We shall see…
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71 Answers
No, I will just wallow in my self-pity, that should get me drunk enough!
I am going to get Keith Moon hammered…well,probably not. XD
Had cocktails last night with friends and neighbors.
Tonight I am going to start reading a new book I got for Xmas and wait for the mountain men to usher in the New Year with a volley of gunshots at midnight, followed by every mule, donkey, sheep and goose and rooster going off too! haha
@lucillelucillelucille Keith Moon? Who’d have thought it eh? ;¬}
@Coloma Those mountain men packing big weapons? I heard they were large bores :¬)
Nope. I haven’t been drunk since 2001.
It’s ‘tradition’ out here, and, pointless to go to bed only to be blasted out of bed at midnight. lol
@lucillelucillelucille I’m going for the Jon Bonham, Bon Scott levels. Wait, those didn’t turn out any better. :)
Nope. Pleasantly buzzed on some riesling, but not drunk.
Not this year. I’ve been cooking all morning getting ready for the grown children and our lovely, intelligent and absolutely delightful 19-month-old granddaughter to come and spend the weekend. I suppose I’m the only one of the bunch that enjoys a good alcohol buzz. My husband has a couple of Johnny Walkers and considers it his limit-always. My stepdaughter and her husband don’t imbibe. Oh well, cheers, drive safely and Happpyyy New Year everyone.
I’d like to. I’ve even got a bottle of bubbly in the fridge. But my wife doesn’t drink, and I can’t handle more than a few glasses, so it would be a waste unless someone came to visit us. Of course, I also have a bottle of fancy tequilla. I wonder if I could figure out something to do with that.
@lucillelucillelucille That’s frigging awesome. I can use some humor today. Thanks.
Edit: Anyone who likes Dean Martin or the drunk Foster Brooks should check it out.
@wundayatta Fancy tequila? Sip a glass. Thats the best way to do it.
Doubtful. I have a pretty high tolerance and seeing as I don’t have any hard liquor or plan on going to the beer store, I won’t be getting drunk. I do have four of six Sapporo and a bottle of champagne for my lady. I’ll be drinking but even a buzz isn’t achievable tonight.
Yes, well as drunk as you can get when you are working at 7:00am the next morning.
I don’t know about “drunk” per se, but I think I’m going to get pretty toasted ;D
Thanks for those, i’m outta here. 6:30 in the pm, places to go, people to meet….beer to drink. Happy new year to whoever it may concern :¬)
No, because I want to be sober enough to watch the fireworks and Chinese lanterns from my window at midnight!!
No. I’m staying home, my partner is working til 10pm and won’t be home til 11. I’ll have a couple of drinks, and toast the new year in, but I probebly won’t even be tipsy, let alone drunk.
Nope. I’m pregnant this year. If I weren’t I would probably have a few drinks and call it a night by falling asleep on the couch trying to stay awake for the ball drop.
Not drunk, but perhaps a bit buzzed.
Pretty much, yeah. I’ve gotten drunk the last several New Year’s Eves…it’s always a pretty fun party… :)
I sure do, like I do every night lol
No. Tonight we’ll have a toast with family at the Midnight hour and then go to bed because everyone works tomorrow.
No I don’t drink anymore. Everyone I used to do things with on New Years has passed away so I’ll be spending another one at home. In fact I’ll probally be playing my ps3 through it all. I used to celebrate New Years but I don’t anymore. Just another year, another number, another set of challenges just like every year before.
No. I have some Grand Marnier and eggnog left but that would be such a bad morning!!!
No! This will be my 25th alcohol free New Years Eve! last drink was 4/22/86
@zenvelo Happy New Year 2011. “Remember: It’s ok to look back but don’t stare.”
No, have to be up at 5.45am so early to bed for me.
I’ll probably have a grand total of three drinks spread out over 4 hours at a pal’s NYE party. So, no, not drunk.
Yup. I got some Bailey’s and chocolate milk (YUM!) and the fiance bought 6 different beers.
Mmmm, just polished off my Caramel Baileys on Xmas.
Well…I think I just might head out and grab a bottle of champagne and something yummy for dinner. Expecting low snow tonight and more by morning sooo, this mountain mouse needs to shore up the provisions at the ol’ homestead.
A white New Year would be awesome….maybe snow flakes in my hot tub tonight. :-D
No. I will be staying in with my boyfriend and his 11 year old daughter. I’ve made a homemade lasagna and we’ll be setting off fireworks later. :)
Yeah I actually plan on it. I would never have done it before but this year I have friends to go out with and free transportation. Don’t worry the city is going to have the busses and trains running for free. Can’t wait in gonna party in the new year!
‘High at home’ catchy! Could be a book or movie title. haha
cars running in the garage, off to get my goodies and hope for snow tonight!
I hear the valley could get a dusting. :-D
No. (It affects performance.)
I meant get high with Champagne, not anything else. Probably tipsy would have been a better choice of words.
@YARNLADY – Ah, okay. I think we were all thinking of you smoking pot outside in the nude with a shower cap on, so the smell wouldn’t stick :)
Just a joke; I don’t mean to offend!
Aw =( @Seelix That was pretty funny =)
@Seelix I got a laugh from that and I am not the least bit offended. I know I come across pretty strong on some of my ideas.
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Nope. Tipsy maybe, but I’m not a good drunk; I get really sick.
LMFAO at the idea of Yarnlady smoking pot, naked in a shower cap!!!!!!
I havent drank in a few years, but have some bubbly and a pot of coffee for baileys.
I’m not going to get blitzed, just a little booze while i cook…...
some Nice brownies, gooey and warm.
and puttin on my shower cap…......Happy New Year, jellies!
Getting the Champagne and Chambord ready.
Add a splash of raspberry juice for me. ;-)
Actually, I conceded on the champagne in favor of strawberry ice cream and a couple of episodes of Dexter. lol
2.5 hours to go on the west coast, and snow after midnight! Woo Hoo!
@Coloma after eating spicy coconut shrimp, I opted for vanilla ice cream and Chambord I already had enough wine today;-) Thanks for the suggestion and A VERY HAPPY AND GREAT YEAR TO YOU AND ALL!
No. I don’t drink.
I gave up weed about 2 weeks ago as well, so this New Years I’ll be totally sober.
A few beers with our son but not drunk. It’s just not as fun as it used to be. It’s great to not puke.
I ended up at a party that I didn’t plan on being at and… I was right, I didn’t get drunk, but my girlfriend sure did! Hahaha.
Poor girl… and poor me. (I can already hear it now. “Why’d you let me get so drunk?!”)
Now I can’t get tipsy because my son and his wife decided to join some friends, and left the toddlers with me. I did open the champagne and limited myself to one glass, which I am still working on.
I got drunk !!!!!!!!!! :)
I did, in the end, get slightly tipsy with a very large Scotch. Not drunk though.
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Count me in with the rest that thought @YARNLADY was smoking a fat spliff.
Ya never know…nobody would ever guess that I love my brownies. ;-)
I was the DD. I ended up driving my friends home at 3 in the morning (also picked up a few earlier). They were all drunk and I had to keep pulling over for them to puke or pee. Cops were everywhere and I was so paranoid. I ended up driving 150 (all from different towns) miles that night altogether without a single thank you. Well, at least everyone was safe-ish. What a head-ache.
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