Is anyone else still here tonight?
It’s two hours until midnight in the Eastern Time Zone, and all seems quiet on Fluther. Just wondering if anyone else is still around or if you’re all off celebrating. It’s past midnight for some, of course, but those on the West Coast still have a while to go.
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74 Answers
I’m here and probably will be past midnight. EST here, also.
Still here. Boston & EST. We were listening to The New York Philharmonic doing a night of Tchaikovsky but just switched over to New Year’s Rocking Eve on ABC. What musical culture shock.
Not going out to celebrate tonight, so I am splitting wttention between Fluther and the Ball Dropping on TV> :-)
Happy New Year!
I’m here – also in Boston.
Wife’s snoring on the couch. Daughter’s watching iCarly trying to stay awake until midnight. I’m puttering on the iPad.
Might make it until midnight. might
CST and I’m online off and on. Had to stop to eat homemade lasagna and then some chocolate cookies.
Well, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one! My wife and I are just relaxing here, listening to music like @ETpro and doing our own things while next to each other. We’ll do a little celebrating at and around midnight, but we’re mostly having a quiet New Year’s Eve.
Happy New Year, Flutherites!
It’s only 7:51 here. I have no plans. I’ll be here on and off.
I’m here – NYC – will probably be around until 11:30 my time and maybe some after midnight!
We’re staying in tonight. I’ll be off teh internets in a few minutes, though. :)
I’m here. After a long day of travel, I’m finally here and trying to stay woke until midnight. One more hour to go here in the EST zone. Woohooo!
Anyone want to count down the seconds over the Internet in chat when it’s time?
@Math321 I’m pretty sure my wife will be demanding my attention by that time, but lurve to you all!
It’s New Year’s Day here, just stopped in to say g’day. HNY to all those who are still awaiting the moment and to us all actually!!!
Anyone else going to Big Town Lights in Columbus, Ohio?
SF Bay Area here. I will be here well past 12 EST
My mistake. It was Pick Town Lights in Pickerington, OH.
MST and I’ll try to stay awake. HNY everyone.
HNY! After this all blows over, How about everyone gives GAs to everyone else to give a lurve splurge to everyone?
@Math321 Already done!
Well, I’m signing off for a bit. See you all next year!
@Math321 I’ll be in chat for atleast a while tonight.
Milo and I are admitting defeat and going to bed.
Contentment, balance, optimism, health, productivity, and a few wild oats to all.
GAed all previous answers, will GA the future ones later.
15 minutes until midnight and I had to check in. It’s a disease…
I’m here… 5 min. every hour
It’s 9:13 pm Pacific Time and I’ll be looking in every hour or so, unless I get busy with my grandsons who are here for the week end.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Going to bed now.
Happy New Year to everyone in the EST time zone!
It’s still 2010 here, only 9:40 p.m. Just stopping in briefly on my way to the living room to watch Knight and Day with my husband.
I’m in Australia, 2011 is old news :D
We’re about 18 minutes away from midnight here in Texas ( CST ), so I’m waitin’ for mah sweetie to pucker up here pretty soon! : D
So, @iphigeneia, how about a preview: is 2011 looking like an improvement yet?
@Jeruba My impression of 2011 so far is that it involves a lot of cake. So yes!
Happy New Year from the other side of the divide! I’m an hour in to 2011, and so far I’ve had very little cake. I have had an assortment of delicious chocolates, however, so I’m pretty happy with it!
Lurve to all, yet again!
happy new year.. for me it is in 39 min
It is kind of fun ringing in the new year with Fluther. We get the countdown multiple times.
Happy New Year, everyone! My best friend, Alex and I will finish watching one of our favorite movies Underworld and we’re off to bed.
44 min. left. I’m ready for bed.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * H * A * P * P * Y * * N * E * W * * Y * E * A * R * * * Y * A * Y * * *
2:20 am here in KY. drunk neighbors come knock on my door with drunk drama…........
happy new year!!!! Love your neighbor as yourself!
I was going to send a virtual midnight kiss to someone in MT time and then go to bed, but now my cat is in the yard somewhere.. so guess I will see 2011 sooner, rather than later. :)
Just returned from the beach. Isn’t that just the greatest, the beach on New Year’s Day. It was balmy with a little surf, had the boogie board goin. I love the tropics!
Lurve to you all!
Happy New Year, everyone!
I’m really, really hoping 2011 is full of everything we need. :)
<Whew> Made it through another one.
Now it’s bedtime.
May all your snowflakes be candy bars and milkshakes
and all your sunbeams bubble gum and ice cream.
I can’t wait to see if 2011 is filled with as much fun times, great friends, great memories, and randomness as 2010 was.
Happy New Year to all you jellies! Be well, and stay warm!
@filmfann Back at you!
Oooh, I just realized, My lurve number is cool. I like how 4777 looks. I hope I catch it when 7777 comes.
Noon, new years day….
Joshua’s log:
This question just popped up in my ”just for you
” box.
You guys are still in 2010? o.O wtf… seriously is that even possible? I mean really?
Fill me up here because I feel dumb
Me too, weirder, heheheh!!!
The hypertransitive orange tree that can’t be gotten under.
..this is strange. Prank or glitch? Shaking things up a little bit.
I’ve been noticing recommended questions that I had removed from my list showing up again afterwards. Maybe this is just a really delayed one.
I know whyyyyyy.
@SavoirFaire is our newest MOD! He was practicing on this question, removing it and putting it back. :D
Congratulations, @SavoirFaire. When it comes to knowhow, you’ve got the right stuff.
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