What predictions do you have for the New Year?
Asked by
filmfann (
January 1st, 2011
It is New Years Day, 2011. What events do you think will happen this year? Will the economy finally find its feet? Will a volcano destroy Seattle? Will we find Osama Bin Laden? Put on your sooth sayer turbans and prognosticate!
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20 Answers
I predict that Congress will get very little done and a great deal of effort will be made by the Republicans to repeal or eviscerate the Health Care plan.
One of two possibilities:
1.) Someone will secretly drill a deep well into Yellowstone Park to relieve the pressure of the super-volcano within. This will have two beneficial effects, (a) prevent the super-volcano from exploding and exterminating all life in North America, and (b) the particulate matter gradually added to the atmosphere over the next several years will counteract global warming in a major way (perhaps even alleviating the whole problem). The hero will be vilified by the press and the politicians and be labeled a terrorist. Ecological organizations will decry his actions as destructive of a previous natural environment and call it an ecological disaster. He’ll spend the rest of his life in federal prison.
2.) The super-volcano under Yellowstone Park will blow up all at once, instantly exterminating all life in North America and causing a new ice age that will cause massive famine elsewhere in the world and wipe out all higher life on the surface of the earth. Nobody will survive to produce a 3D Blue Ray disaster film depicting the event cinematically.
Personally, I vote for #1…
That’s a scary thought! I live close enough to Yellowstone that at least it will be quick!
Maybe you can find a deal on a used well-drilling truck…
I predict there will be 364 more days before the next New Year :))
So you want me to do WHAT! Drilling into a volcano sounds to me like poking a hole in a pressure cooker.
Wouldn’t the result be KABOOMMM!!
More like a slow rumble that lasts for a decade. Much preferable to the KABOOM that will occur otherwise.
Okay, then. You convinced me. Where can I get a good drill?
Or here. Of course, sneaking that bad boy past the park rangers and setting it up without being noticed will be the challenge :-p
I predict lady gaga will go too far and no-one will like her anymore. Wait for it.
@partyparty That is quite the contraption! Do you think it comes in an automatic transmission?
She didn’t do anything yet, I just have a feeling she’s going to blow it. A prediction.
Well, if she does, I hope it’s something truly spectacular (and that the resulting music video rocks)!
Do I win money if I’m right?
If so: Same shit, different year.
If not: Repeal of DOMA, federal drug criminalization, legalization of prostitution, equalization of pay across race and gender, truly progressive tax reform, papal apology for most everything, and other magic.
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