Social Question

How do I be a friend to someone I am interested in when they are coming out?
I came out when I was 15, 27 now, so I am very confident about being a gay male and comfortable with my position in life.
I met a guy at work, and thought he was really cute. Turns out he is an awesome guy as well. We became really good friends. Its been about 8 months since we initially met.
I have told him that I like him, but it was always a joke between us. I knew he was straight, so I knew it didn’t really matter. He continued to find reasons to hang out with me, so I thought this is awesome, I have a friend who doesn’t care that I am gay, and also doesn’t mind that I am in to him.
We went out together for New Year’s Eve. We were at the bar, and midnight came. I told him earlier in the day that I was going to kiss him if we didn’t have anyone at midnight. Another joke about liking him that I did not expect anything to come from. Well midnight came, and we didn’t kiss.
He went outside and was sitting down in a chair. I came out and squatted down in front of him. He looks directly at me and says, “I don’t know.” I replied, “Don’t know what?” He said, “If I’m gay.” It blew my mind.
The next thing I know, I’m telling him to kiss me. He does.
Nothing else happened.
Ive talked to him since, and we are on good terms, but he is dealing with a lot right now. He is questioning his sexuality. His twin brother is gay, and just came out to him last year.
So now that you know the background, my question is this:
What am I supposed to do here? I know I need to be his friend first. I also know that I have extremely strong feelings for him. I am assuming that he has feelings for me as well, because I do not think this would have ever come up if he did not. Any help and advice would be appreciated.
Thanks =)