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Dutchess_III's avatar

WHY do so many men feel that they need to YELL their commands at their dogs to get them to obey?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 2nd, 2011

My husband seems to feel he needs to yell to get the dogs to do what he wants. I don’t yell at the dogs, and they do what I tell them to do. But it seems to be a guy thing that I see over and over again. My son and a friend of his came in this morning and Dutchess was being a spaz. I told Chris’ friend to tell Dutchess to “sit” (She’s learning that that means she’s supposed to mind her damn manners!) Well, his voice got all deep and shit and he yells, “DUTCHESS!! SIT” Men DO that all the time! I don’t get it! I’ll tell Dutchess to “sit,” in a normal voice (yes, dropped an octave lower and with a no-nonsense tone in my voice) and she sits. But it seems that MEN think they have to yell. I saw it happening with my grandson when he was about 8,...and I quickly corrected him. I know he was just mimicking some guy in his life. But why do that do that? (Sadly, they do the same thing with children…..)

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