Social Question

I wonder how many miles were on our "hotdog game"?
Police officers, sometime come up with games to play, in order to releive some of the seriousness of our job. “Who has the hotdog” is one such game. It started about six years ago, when a stuffed toy hotdog was purchased at a thrift store. The hotdog measured about 18 inches long and had the identical color of a real hotdog and bun. The object of the game was not to be caught with the “hotdog” in the back seat of your police car. For years, the shadows of uniformed officers, could be seen running from one police car to another. If the hotdog was in the backseat of my car, everyone else avoided me like the plague. Before I retired, I can still recall that night that the toy hotdog met its destiny. Someone, placed it on the bumper of a city bus and has never been heard from, since. Question: as a citizen, can you understand why we indulged in this harmless game? Was this a stress reliever? What’s your opinion?