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Jeruba's avatar

Don't you love in-between "nothing" days like today? How are you spending it?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) January 2nd, 2011

The holiday is past, but it’s not a workday. Maybe Sundays are normally full and busy for you, but if not, how are you spending this glorious extra “free” (in all senses) day? Is it delicious downtime for you, utterly unencumbered, or have you made some special plans?

For me it’s my favorite kind of day—a do-nothing day, free of all obligations, as low-key as it can get. It’s even dark and raining! Hurray!

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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


I’m doing nothing.

Winters's avatar

I envy you all.

wilma's avatar

I also love do-nothing days. Days when I don’t really have to get dressed. I don’t really have to follow a (my) regular routine. Obligation free,yes, its good.

I did have a project that I had to work on today with my husband. He was home from work so today was the day for that. Otherwise, it’s been a “no plan” day.

faye's avatar

I was thinking I need to buy pj’s that don’t look like pj’s for days like this, and then I shook my head because, really, that’s what yoga pants are!! I took the dog for a walk- it’s a snowy, blustery day here so all the cobwebs were blown away. I have leftover meatloaf, yes, because of that question!, so no need to cook. Got my feet up watching Boondock Saints II.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m just trying to come down from from 4 stressful days (my mother had brain surgery on Thursday, she came through fine) and I just got home today. I’ve been rediscovering the great love I have for my couch.

Blackberry's avatar

It’s pretty nice. I was used to it, but I got a second job for the holidays and literally had no days off since November. I woke up, watched Inception, used a gift card I received to buy a book (The Essential Chomsky), then I slept some more lol.

absalom's avatar

I’m on winter break from school, so I have a lot of these days. Been binging on video games. Just received the latest Pokemon version from Japan. Fun and educational (!) as it helps with learning Japanese. Am also on the third book of Mishima’s Sea of Fertility tetralogy. It’s good.

Very Japanified winter for me.

AmWiser's avatar

Actually, I get kind of antsy on do-nothing days. I’m so use to doing something that when I have nothing to do it just doesn’t feel right. Than on the other hand I have so many things I need to do, I feel guilty indulging in a do nothing day. tehehe, hope I don’t sound scatter brained:D

nikipedia's avatar

Watched some TV. Uploaded photographs to the facebook. Went for a run. Put away laundry. About to go grocery shopping. Have to pick up a friend at the airport late tonight, otherwise probably more TV.

I don’t know, it’s a little depressing, isn’t it? All the… nothingness?

Jeruba's avatar

Not to me, @nikipedia! I love it. I love quiet times when I can think my own thoughts and take things slowly and watch the rain and just live without stress and pressure. It’s called “resting.”

I slept late, worked on my new wooden jigsaw puzzle off and on, played with fluther, had a snack with my husband, put away a few Christmas things, chatted with my son, cooked a little, looked at the newspaper—not much, nothing strenuous. It feels lovely to me. Tonight I’ll probably continue with my current BBC series on DVD.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Went to church in the morning, came home, ate a lovely lunch of tacos, spent an hour or so on Fluther and FB, then cleaned my room and worked on some new projects. I have to find something to do with my free time or else I go nuts. I can’t sit on the couch and/or computer chair all day.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I went shopping and out to dinner. :)

tinyfaery's avatar

I have a lot of do nothing days. At least 2 a week. I need them in order to keep my sanity. Today I watched too much Buffy and ate ½ a batch of brownies. Tomorrow I get back on my normal meal plan.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I really love nothing days. Today, once I get home from visiting the family I am going to enjoy the last few hours of freedom before I have to go back to my work routine. If that means vegging in front of the TV then so be it.

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