Since all things in Life begins and end with you, It is just the same in a realtionship.
All relationship must have a foundation of Trust.
But How and what this trust is all about?
Can you and should you trust someone in whom you have not had a proven track record to go by? The answer is both yes and no.
No – Because they may dissappoint you in a particular course of action.
And Yes- Simply because without trust, there can be no relationship.
So how do you achieve this Trust within the relationship,seeing that it is so two faced?.
You Look beyond the person and realize that It begin and end with you…
You trust the other not because of who they are but because who you are.
And if there be any goodness in you, this would be the catalyst that forms the bond of integrity (TRUST) that is necessary for the success of the relationship.
So in actuality , you are Trusting The Good , so come what may within the relationship , It will turn out Good.
And you can only see Life this way because this Goodness already resides in you.
Of course there is a risk is looking like a fool to the crowd….
But if you understand your own self, you also realize there is actually no risk at all.