General Question

shniernan's avatar

Simply, what is THE greatest, best, spring-loaded airsoft pistol out there?

Asked by shniernan (986points) January 3rd, 2011

I have been doing quite a bit of research and am astonished at how little there is on this subject. It’s simple, I want to know what THE single best, number one, numero uno spring airsoft pistol is!

The guidelines for my purchase are that:
A) It has to be generally 100$ or less.

B) Full metal/Semi Metal are highly expected, but not exactly necessary.

C) It must be accurate (Any ammo, specify which works best).
It must have an FPS of around 300.
And of course, it must be a spring-loaded airsoft pistol.

(Points for e’rrybody that helps! :D Thanks!)

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9 Answers

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Cruiser's avatar

I don’t know if this is the best but it fits your price…It’s air though as I have yet to see a spring loader last even a year.

shniernan's avatar

@Cruiser – I’m sorry, but my area of purchase is SPRING-loaded only. I would like a gas pistol, but to avoid an extremely boring story and cut to the point, i cannot…

@Moegitto – I’m sorry, but once again, I know it’s a little much to ask, but every gun on that page was gas, and that is one guideline that is not negotiable.

I’m considering getting this but… it’s only 200FPS. Other than that it checks out perfectly.

Just disappointed that there isn’t a better spring-loaded pistol out there.

XOIIO's avatar

@shniernan Did you know that the fps count is only valid right as it leaves the barrel? After that it drops rapidly. That’s something that they should have, an fps per distance count.

demonictruth's avatar

Keep in mind, there are ways to modify a gun. Especially with a full metal pistol it wouldn’t be uncommon to put a stronger spring in it or make some different modifications to up the speed or power. And some of them happen to look really cool too so there’s a bonus.

Moegitto's avatar

@shniernan Are you just looking for pistols? If you are, you might try wal-mart, because spring pistols really don’t last for crap. I played professional for years and this is always a factor. Not too many spring pistols will ever really get above 150 FPS, and if they do, then the pistol will break faster.

shniernan's avatar

@Moegitto – Yes, I’m looking for spring pistols, but the whole point of this was to find what the best of all of the spring pistols were. I’m not looking for just a wal-mart airsoft pistol.

And from what I’ve heard, the full-metal pistols last years if you treat them right.

@demonictruth – Thanks for the input, bro. (Punny…)

Moegitto's avatar

@shniernan The only one’s that last years are the ones you gotta cock each time you shoot, and their not worth it.

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