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Facade's avatar

NSFW: Do you have sex in front of your pet(s)?

Asked by Facade (22937points) January 4th, 2011

Duncan got an eye-full last night!

So, do you?

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28 Answers

Jude's avatar

As soon as the noises start, Rudy runs and hides, haha.. (sometimes, behind the toilet, poor boy). Frank, my cat always leaves us alone.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No.I don’t want to encourage debauchery.XD

ucme's avatar

Nah, our dog may mistake my boner for her squeaky toy…...could only end up with tears :¬(

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t mind if they happen to be in the room but I wouldn’t be comfortable with them on the bed (or whatever we were doing it on). My Jack Russell is a very cantankerous girl and has been known to nip if caught by surprise. A terrier with teeth and nakedness don’t go together.

wundayatta's avatar

Just following. No pets.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

There’s a Rodney Dangerfield joke about that. He is going at it with the missus when he notices the dog is watching. The dog starts yawning and Rodney said Oh I’m boring you or something? His wife replies That’s okay, I’m used to it.

JustJessica's avatar

We can’t have our cat in the room while being intimate she gets too jealous every time my SO touches me.

tinyfaery's avatar

The cats just scatter. They hate when we start moving around to much on their bed.

mammal's avatar

yes, sometimes my dog used to try and join in, until i trained her to wait her turn.

SamIAm's avatar

I have a friend who covers her stuffed animals eyes… she will remain nameless :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Samantha_Rae You wouldn’t want the stuffed animals to join in, like mammal?

AmWiser's avatar

Like @wundayatta just following. No pets here. But I’m thinking if I did, no, they wouldn’t be allowed to watch.

SamIAm's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe: waittt that friend isn’t me, for real!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Samantha_Rae Oh sure. The old I have a friend…... The oldest dodge there is. :)

Supacase's avatar

They usually take off on their own.

When my cat was a kitten, she would see my ex’s hand moving around under the blanket and try to catch it.

crazyivan's avatar

The noise usually scares my cats away. I think I would be a bit unnerved if they were staring though.

Quick and pretty funny aside. The text of the question here runs long so when you see it along the bottom of the screen as you answer another, all you see is “Do you have sex in front of your…”

I can’t imagine seeing that and not having one’s curiosity piqued enough to click on it and find out how the sentence ended.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@crazyivan That would make a good question. ask it

DominicX's avatar

I won’t even go to the bathroom in front of my cats. They have eyes! :)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Yes – not because I want to, but because there’s so many of them, and they are so sneaky! If I make a thing out of it, then we have to spend time actually getting them out of the room and making sure they can’t get back in, making sure no one’s hiding in drawers or under the bed… Then by the time we’re done, someone’s lost their boner (ok, it’s me).

Plus, the first apartment that I had pets in didn’t even have a door to the bedroom and they could open the bathroom door, so there was just no way. If they watched… I don’t know.

El_Cadejo's avatar

well considering i dont feel like moving a entire fish tank every time i go at it…...

deni's avatar

Hahhahahahahhahah yes. Barry is always on the bed, usually getting rolled over on or kicked. He never even budges. Sometimes he just grunts. It’s hilarious, we kill ourselves laughing over him.

Jude's avatar

I just like the fact that you have a cat named Barry. :)

deni's avatar

@Jude oh man. I haven’t seen him in 3 weeks. I go home tomorrow, I am sooo friggin psyched to see my big ham.

Randy's avatar

My dog Moose usually waits patiently in his bed or beside mine for us to finish up before he jumps up to join us.

Blueroses's avatar

No!! I know how they gossip over the fence.
I also don’t want to have the “why I had you neutered” discussion. Again.

ratboy's avatar

No. The kids and neighbors block their view.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I have done it but I’m not comfortable with it, definitely try to avoid it at all costs. When I have playtime then I want as few distractions as possible. Big, wet, bulging seal eyes, moist noses and nonhuman sneaky licks are beyond blech, to me.

@ratboy: Your hilarity makes my insomnia almost bearable :)

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