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Brian1946's avatar

How did humans evolve to be predominantly right-handed?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) January 4th, 2011

I’ve read and it seems that about 85% of all humans are right-handed, and I wondered how and when this evolved.

I was born a southpaw and was converted to a northpaw by a Catholic school (Torquemada Elementary or so it seems).

Should there be an SLF- a Southpaw Liberation Front? Shall the British Isles and Australia(?) be the new homeland of our people? ;-)

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16 Answers

crisw's avatar

It’s the way our brains are wired. We have marked left hemisphere dominance- and the left hemisphere controls the right hand.

Brian1946's avatar


Thanks for the link.

So this hemispherical dominance predates humanity by almost 500 million years and apparently has nothing to do with anything peculiar to human history.

I guess if a spinosaurus tried to throw a ball, it would have probably used its right “hand”. ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Explain why I bat right-handed, golf left-handed, bowl left- hand, throw right-handed, shoot a basketball left-handed, shoot guns right-handed, play guitar left-handed, and write right-handed.

Brian1946's avatar


You’re center-brained? ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brian1946 Been called worse I guess. My left eye is dominant, but I think it may have been the other way around at some point.

Moegitto's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Because you think with your hands!!!

Coloma's avatar

Lefty here too, in all my right brained goofiness.

Actually I have tested 54 right, 46 left…so my brain has balanced out in my maturity. lol

I have heard that ‘they’ don’t know if lefties are due to birth trauma or a sign of genius. Haha

I prefer to think genius myself. ;-)

Rarebear's avatar

@crisw Why do you think that we’ve developed left hemispheric dominance?

jlelandg's avatar

left-handed people have been ridiculed, feared, and murdered for their status all throughout history. You righties are quite evil.

JLeslie's avatar

I once read that either 25% or 75% of people have their organs exactly arranged like you would expect on an anatomy example. I cannot remember which way the stat worked, but either way there are a lot people not exactly how you would expect anatomically, maybe that affects how the parts of the brain are set up too? A lot of right handed people do some things left. I spin to the left, cartwheel left, skip as preparation for a dive or vault left, and balance better on my left. Also, identical twins sometimes have mirror images, which means one is left, and one is right, and one’s heart is slightly right instead of left, and some other things from what I understand. I wonder if left is recessive genetically? Or, if it is simply more righties exist, so more righties continue to exist.

ETpro's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Insufficient data to determine whether it’s that both hemispheres of your brain work equally well or equally poorly. :-)

crisw's avatar


“Why do you think that we’ve developed left hemispheric dominance?”

Well, I think because we are so language-centric, and the left hemisphere usually controls language. Studies have shown that babies are actually right-brain dominant: with dominance switching to the left hemisphere as they become more verbal, by age 3. And handedness is strongly associated with hemisphere dominance, with left-handed individuals much more likely to have right-brain language dominance, which is unusual in right-handed people.

Coloma's avatar


I am highly verbal, quick witted, able to process info. very fast, strong, strong, verbal leanings, love of words, but, also prone to non-linear thinking, creative in multiple areas. ( The right brained affect maybe? ) Snowflakes we all are. No ‘one size fits all’.

I think of myself as more right brained, but the numbers keep saying I am near equal.

I am 54 right/ 46 left…BUT…could the small discrepancy really make that much of a dif. I wonder?

crisw's avatar


I should make it clear that I do not believe in most of the “left-brain/right-brain” nonsense spouted by charlatans (and there is a lot of it out there!)- I am talking about actual physiological research.

Coloma's avatar


Well then, I guess I am my own experiment.

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