Social Question

PhiNotPi's avatar

What is the solution to this logic puzzle?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) January 4th, 2011

Through some unexplained means, a rock has become sentient (conscious). However, to remain sentient, the rock neads to get energy (of any type). Nearby, there is a squirrel and a mushroom. There is lichen growing on the rock, and it is sunny out. How does the rock get energy? Anything that I did not specify about the objects can be assumed in the answer (The mushroom could be poisonous, or not.) Try not to make unresonable references to things not in the question (you should not refer to a house, but you can refer to soil). I shall deem the person who writes the most complicated answer the “winner”.

As an example of a short answer, you could say that the rock creates a symbiotic relationship with the lichen and gets energy from them.

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4 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

This is not a logic puzzle, and the best solutions to logical puzzles are the least complicated ones.

PhiNotPi's avatar

OK, @SavoirFaire, you’re right. Just pretend the word “logic” isn’t there.

Arbornaut's avatar

the mushroom is poisonous so the rock decides to eat it for shits and giggles before he whacks the squirrel and makes a fire (flint rock), cooks and eats the squirrel, before deciding to roll his new found appetite down town for some kfc. howzat?

Cruiser's avatar

I would posit that the sun is the source of the rock’s energy. Also, rocks are crystalline in physical makeup and crystalline solids are found to have energy bands, and exposed to light can become energized and what happens next is a long physics lesson to explain.

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