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bryces's avatar

Headaches on left side of head?

Asked by bryces (4points) January 4th, 2011

having headaches on the left side of the head what does that say

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10 Answers

crisw's avatar

It says see a doctor, people can’t diagnose you over the Internet.

Marchofthefox's avatar

It might be an upcoming migraine?
I usually get them (Well, then again, I’m left handed…) anyways, I turn out just fine.

Odysseus's avatar

That says sore left side of head. Try paracetamol and a large glass of water.
(and if smoking… stop)

skfinkel's avatar

You might want to check it out—anything on one side may be unusual.

sheep421's avatar

to projectilevomit: if you are left handed you use the right side of your brain and vise versa, your body and brain are reversed…. just saying…

Cruiser's avatar

My guess is it could be sinus blockage. Try a decongestant and see if you get any relief.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Ask a Dr. You said headaches, meaning more than one. Syracuse U’s punter was having reoccurring headaches. Look what he is going through. Not to scare you, but ask an expert.

Marchofthefox's avatar

@sheep421 Oh, I’ve heard of that before.
Just whenever I hurt, like a headache or something it hurts on the left.
I just think it all has to do with dominate side, y’kno? That’s just me. :o

boomdiada's avatar

I have a neurological disorder and had many other syptoms first but have had sharp severe headaches on the left side of my head lately. Everyone is different and this is especially so with neurological issues but seeing a doctor is the only answer that will solve anything.

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