Social Question

basstrom188's avatar

What do you find to be overrated?

Asked by basstrom188 (3992points) January 4th, 2011

This includes everything you can think of, include personal things, habits, people, celebrities, sports, food, drink, music, films, books and so on. The field is wide open

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50 Answers

perspicacious's avatar

A $100 restaurant meal. There is no meal worth that.

deni's avatar

Cheese and Pink Floyd.

DominicX's avatar

The big five:

Dogs, coffee, Twitter, bacon, and wine. I could so live without all of those.

chyna's avatar

The Beatles. Ducks and covers.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A lot of things, LOL!

Blueroses's avatar

Love, marriage and relationships in general.

swallows another bitter pill

crisw's avatar

Television and celebrities- all of them..

tinyfaery's avatar

@deni I thought Pink Floyd before I even clicked on the question.

Alcohol (the kind you drink)
Black Swan
Being skinny

janedelila's avatar

@chyna Good one! I also find The Doors and Grateful Dead in the same category. can I hide with you?

JLeslie's avatar

The shows Friends and Desperate Housewives.

Blond hair.

Owning a big house.

Berserker's avatar

Fucking manners lol.

JLeslie's avatar

@Symbeline You think manners are overrated?

Brian1946's avatar


I think the Beatles did some great stuff but they’re not my favorite group either. I prefer quite a few groups over them myself, e.g. Hendrix, Santana, the Stones, etc.

Jude's avatar

@psychocandy Brat! ;-)

Lady Gaga

Deja_vu's avatar

The new TRON

tinyfaery's avatar

@Jude You’re just trying to get back at me. ;)

Jude's avatar

@psychocandy you know that I don’t care for her..;-) Still love me?

tinyfaery's avatar


Brian1946's avatar

Fashion trends, Justin Beiber, and sunny weather.

iamthemob's avatar

The two-party system.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Music: The Beatles, Nirvana, Daft Punk, Weezer, Dream Theater, Cannibal Corpse, Television, Dragonforce, cake, Necrophagist, Meshuggah and other things I don’t listen to
Television shows: Friends, Two and a half men, MASH, most sports, “wrestling”, news, and other boring shit I don’t watch
Other things: Democracy~

Berserker's avatar

@JLeslie Yeah. Manners are a good thing yes indeed. However I don’t believe they’ve stopped school shootings or wars. People enforce good manners a lot, but sometimes I think we should concentrate on other things. I also find them superficial at times. Seems to me that people use them to put up an image.
I’m also quite abhorred at the idea that people seem to get of manners that by having them, it renders void bad behaviours. You can still really hurt someone without swearing at them.
I’ll keep the door open for an elderly lady or man, I’ll stand up in the bus so they can have my chair and I won’t scratch my ass at a guest’s house, but to me that’s something I didn’t need to be taught.

JLeslie's avatar

@Symbeline Got it. I don’t think I would argue with most of that. Except, it does seem a lot of people do need to be taught.

Berserker's avatar

@JLeslie Yeah, but that’s what I don’t get. Not saying I’m a saint here, but I don’t really get why things like that need to be taught, and when it does, it seems to turn into something else entirely. :/

JLeslie's avatar

@Symbeline It needs to be taught because too many people lack common sense, and fail to observe what is around them, self absorbed. I actually started to write an etiquette book for children, because I think so many adults fail at manners, that we are creating generation after generation of impolite, can’t hold a fork and knife, inconsiderate people. Manners is more of a subtopic of what I am talking about. People seem to reject that etiquette actually helps everyone feel comfortable, that is its main goal. Peope think of it as the opposite, because they have not been taught.

But, I do agree, it is not stopping school shootings or wars.

bob_'s avatar

@Symbeline Go make me a sandwich, bitch ~

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Oh I forgot about Glee.
Here’s a joke:
What’s the difference between Justin Bieber and Glee?
Justin Bieber makes shit music and Glee makes music shit!
Goodnight everyone and have a safe flight.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Symbeline What? You were born knowing not to scratch your ass in front of people? Wow, every baby I’ve ever been around had to be taught that, and some never learned, even as adults.

Berserker's avatar

@YARNLADY I wasn’t born knowing it. But I reckoned fast enough that it’s not the best thing to do in front of people, without anyone having to tell me.
Incidentally though, when I was like 10 or something, I used to rub my crotch against the couch or table legs because it felt nice, until my dad told me that if I wanna do stuff like that, keep it private. Maybe that had something to do with it. That is like teaching, I suppose. Still, you’d think it was that simple. :/

@JLeslie People seem to reject that etiquette actually helps everyone feel comfortable, that is its main goal.

I like this point. Will you be mentioning that in your book, somehow? Would be interesting.

@bob_ Fuck you, maggot. So, toasted or not, My Lord? :D

Nullo's avatar

Psychology. Really. They want us to take them seriously when they keep changing the DSM. That there is a DSM-IV means that the previous three were insufficient or else inaccurate, and there are no guarantees that IV, or V, or even VI are going to be any better. Keep your grubby paws offa my brain until you can get your theories straight!

Bacon. Yes, bacon is awesome, but not to the extent that its memetic presence would indicate.

iProducts. Most of them are the same thing in different sizes, with more or fewer features. All of them are overpriced, and their main selling point is the aesthetic angle. Sure, your iPad might be the slimmest, lightest PC evar, but my ThinkPad can actually handle a workload.

Facebook. Social networking sites in general. Yes, I went there.

“Green” as a selling point.

Diversity/discrimination/coexistance messages in media. We’re bordering on Soviet-grade propaganda, in terms of sheer density.

Barack Obama’s blackness. His melanin levels far exceed those of previous Presidents. That’s trivia, not something upon which to base an evaluation of his fitness as a leader, you pack of racists.


The Bohemian lifestyle.

Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, and OnePiece. They have good qualities, but c’mon, people, they’re hardly Pulitzer material.

bob_'s avatar

@Symbeline Did I say you could talk to me? Make them both and I’ll decide when they’re ready. Now shine my shoes—and like it.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Sanity is vastly overrated. The happiest people I know are all a little bit crazy.

DominicX's avatar

@Michael_Huntington How could I miss “Glee”? I also agree about Daft Punk.

Okay, here’s some more. Don’t hate me. Remember, “overrated” =/= “hate”.

Glee, Twilight, Inception (it was very good, but it’s position as #6 on the IMDb Top 250 is a little ridiculous), Apple / Mac OS, soccer, Beethoven (he’s great, but there are better symphonies out there), guitar, bottled water, the Kardashians, the color blue, The Shining (1980 movie), etc.

Berserker's avatar

@bob_ Shine this, rectum wrangler. ’‘flips you off’’
And here are thy bread oriented snacks stuffed with dead cow, Sir. :D

Deja_vu's avatar

Present day Pop culture

ucme's avatar

Harry Potter – Star Trek – Cats – Facebook – The intellectual capacity of a honey bee XD

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

The whole vampire craze
Rap music
Harry Potter

Deja_vu's avatar

Yeah thoughs Twilight movies! I haven’t seen any ( not interested in teenage soap operas). Still I don’t give a fuck.

Seelix's avatar

The word “sick” when used to refer to something someone likes
All those little Disney kids (High School Musical people and the like)
Jeggings <cringe>
The comeback of 80s “fashion”
Professional basketball
Fashion magazines
Spray tans

submariner's avatar

“Libertarianism” (political, not philosophical) / Ayn Rand

Why any educated person takes this crapola seriously baffles me. The shortcomings of laissez-faire ideology were evident by Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency.

Nullo's avatar

@submariner I had the impression that Teddy was one of the Big Government types.

iamthemob's avatar

@Nullo – I think you might be reading @submariner‘s statement as “evidenced by.”

Blueroses's avatar

American Idol
South Park
World of Warcraft

Supacase's avatar

Julia Roberts
Cars with a million bells and whistles
Sex & The City

submariner's avatar

@Nullo I’ll try to reword my last statement for greater clarity:
The shortcomings of laissez-faire ideology were already evident by the time Teddy Roosevelt assumed the presidency.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Bottled water
Hybrid cars

Bellatrix's avatar

3D movies. What is with them? With the exception of Avatar, I haven’t seen one that has really enhanced the film. It just costs more and requires you to wear stupid glasses.


CBrennan15's avatar

Family Guy, the TV show. Dumbest thing i’ve ever seen.

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