(NSFW) Should I be worried?
I need help. I had sex with my boyfriend a few days ago. And the thing is, I didn’t allow him to use condoms and I had no birth control. I know that sounds stupid if I was worried…but when I’m lost in a moment…I forget about everthing and then worry later. He didn’t “end” inside me…but is there any chance I may be pregnant? I know its only been a week…and I should wait for my period…but I’m really paranoid. I don’t know what to do…I’m kinda scared. This probably sounds silly though.
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37 Answers
go see a doc, the sooner the better. dont freak out to much iv had chick friends in similar situations over the years and it always turns out fine, sounds like the chances are slim anyway.
But you should still get some medical advice, those people are there to help.
the thing is…I’m 16. I can’t go to a doctor…my mom would be pissed at me…okay so my whole family would be pissed. I’m already stressed out enough and I go and screw things up like this.
You should be worried. It is possible that you got pregnant. Slim, but possible. Look in the phone book for Planned Parenthood, they can help with testing and such.
And before people start waking up and giving you tons of shit for being stupid you should admit that you learned your lesson.
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@Not_the_CIA Thanks for trying to help. And yeah, I learned my lesson for sure.
@Arbornaut thank you for answering as well. It feels nice to get this out without being hated on for this. I’ll try. Its hard not to worry.
I’ll just try my best to get the answers I need and wait for my period ot start…gah.
Your parents will be less pissed about birth control than they will be about you having a baby. If you are old enough to be having sex, you’re old enough to have responsible sex.
@BarnacleBill yeah I know…but like I said I get lost in the moment…it was kinda unexpected and out of nowhere when we had sex…it just sorta happened…and I feel really bad about it.
If it’s been a week since the sex, and you think you might be pregnant; go buy a pregnant test. If you’re scared you caught something from your boyfriend, then look up Planned Parenthood and start taking some form of birth control. They shouldn’t notify your parents. But be as honest with them as you can (referring to the sex questions they ask) so that they can help you more.
He didn’t finish inside you, so the chances are pretty slim. I’ve had pregnancy scares as well. You can end up delaying your period by stressing. So, as soon as you can. Get a test (you can get one for free from planned parenthood as well as everything else); then just he safe next time. Having sex without condoms is fine as long as you’re smart about it (i.e. Being on some form of bc, getting tested regularly, and knowing your consequences).
I’m on birth control and I, for the most part, don’t use condoms. It’s not suggested, but that’s what it is made for. And, I’m fine. :) let me know how it turns out.
If you are 16, you can go to Planned Parenthood without a parent’s consent.
You are not alone. wife and i thought we had educated and “preached” to our daughter about sex. she got caught in the moment also. she became pregnant and we are so thankful that she had a beautiful, healthy baby girl….our granddaughter. did this ruin her life? maybe not, but it put a big burden on her parents to raise her child. she was also 16. at that moment, we fussed and cussed at her for her moments of pleasure. it was then too late and we all decided to make the most of it. we are glad we did. for your sake, for your parents sake and for the common good, i sincerely hope your period arrives for you and your family. just do me a big favor…........remember this situation you are in and pass it on to your daughter, somewhere down the line. in any event, i do wish the best for you. john
Your odds of picking up the clap or worse is much greater than getting pregnant with unprotected sex. Pregnancy lasts only 9 months, herpes a lifetime, AIDs can end your life. Play it smarter next time kiddo!
@Aubs427 I’m gong to try to get some birthcontrol as soon as I can. My only problem is if it reacts badly with my anti-depressents. And I will check out Planned Parrenthood you and everyone are talking about as soon as I can. And I’ll let you know.
@john65pennington Thank you. And I will, I wouldn’t want my future daughter to go through this as well. I’m glad your daughter gave birth to a healthy baby. Another fear of mine is if I am pregnet..and have a miscarriage…it tends to run in my family and it saddens me. I know its soon to worry about all this, but I’m so worried. Thank you again and everyone. I really do appreciate it.
@Cruiser – She acknowledged that a lesson was learned. No need to to tell her what she did was stupid anymore.
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It is unlikely that birth control pills will interfere with your anti-depressant. Be sure and tell the prescribing physician what anti-depressant you are on:
“Current evidence indicates low-dose oral contraceptives are not likely to increase the risk of depression, and unlikely to worsen the condition of women who are currently depressed.
# If you are considering taking an antidepressant, be sure to tell your doctor if you are on birth control pills.
# If you experience depression as a side effect while taking birth control pills, report this to your physician as soon as possible.”
@Not_the_CIA The focus in the answers here has really been on birth control, I really agree with @Cruiser that it’s wise to also point out the medical risks. Especially that just taking the pill doesn’t protect you from STD’s, so unless you have a partner of whom you’re sure he/she is free of STD’s, it’s highly recommended to use a condom, as opposed to just the pill.
“but when I’m lost in a moment” famous last words. Why don’t you lead the way and use BC. It’s the baby that could develop inside your body. The guy could and might indeed probably screw off after he’s screwed you-and screwed you good.
Rule of thumb when having sex: The “pull-out” method does NOT work. He does not need to ejaculate inside you for you to get pregnant. Pre-cum is secreted from his penis all during sex, and it contains plenty of sperm. If you can’t have sex without getting “lost in the moment” and “forgetting” to use a condom, especially when you’re not on birth control, then you shouldn’t be having sex at all. Ever seen 16 and Pregnant? Not a good thing to be.
But to answer your question, I would wait to take a pregnancy test. Most pregnancy tests aren’t really that accurate until you’ve missed a period. There are a couple that advertise that they’ll let you know 5 days before your missed period, etc, but I wouldn’t waste my money on one until I skipped a period.
The chances of you being pregnant aren’t high, so I wouldn’t freak out just yet. Take this scare as a lesson. Use a condom. No glove, no love. Simple as that. I’m 21 years old, engaged to a guy I’ve been with for 3½ years, and every single time we have sex he uses a condom AND I take birth control religiously. I’ve heard way too many horror stories to take the chance now.
@peace_love_aliens Been there, done that. First few times I didn’t use protection. I had too many other things to learn. If you dodge the bullet this time there are other forms of birth control than the pill. Conceptrol is one, available in any store or pharmacy. The withdrawal method is not effective at all. He can deposit sperm before he “ends”. You got some good suggestions, such as planned parenthood, etc. Hope it turns out ok.
Sounds like you’re not mature enough to handle sexual intercourse if you let yourself get so lost in the moment that you don’t protect yorrself and then panic. You need to either be on birth control or not have sex. Take an early pregnancy test if you can’t go to the doctor but I think you will have to wait a bit longer. Good luck!
Yup, sorry, dear, but it’s possible for you to be pregnant. I’m not sure where you live, but in Ontario we have public health clinics that offer gynecological tests, pregnancy tests, cheap birth control pills and free condoms, all without telling your parents. I’m sure that wherever you are, there’s someplace similar. (Planned Parenthood is a US thing, but I’m sure they offer the same services.)
There’s also Plan B, or a similar emergency contraceptive pill, that may be available at Planned Parenthood. From what I can tell, if you’re under 17, you’d need a prescription. Otherwise, it’s available over the counter from a pharmacist. The only thing with that is that I’m not sure exactly how long after intercourse it’s effective.
Check out Planned Parenthood. They should be able to provide you with whatever information and supplies you need to keep yourself (and your boyfriend) safe. Another thing: when I used to go to the clinic when I was in high school, and had to go during class hours, the school administration was understanding when I explained the situation and asked them not to call home about my absence. Good luck.
There is a possibility that you are pregnant because of the pre-cum that is exhibited from your boyfriend, but it is too early for you to be so worried. Take this lesson as a learning experience and be careful next time, but more importantly remember that whatever happens you will survive it. Having a child at your early age may be embarrassing and hard but look around, other people did it and survived. Its not the situation that creates disaster, it is how you deal with the situation that creates disaster. Its not the end of the world or the end of your life if you are pregnant. To every problem there is a solution, remember that and you are not alone in this. To every problem there is a soloution.
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As the others have said, yes you could get pregnant. I wouldn’t test until you are late for your period though. Testing too early could give you a false negative.
lbwhite89 – “no glove, no love” – I like that. The way I put it is “no party hat, no party”. And I still live by that creedo, at 52!
While the odds are in your favor that you are not pregnant, I can promise you it only takes one time without protection to get pregnant, even if he pulled out. This is the voice of experience talking to you here, trust me.
No one has addressed the fact that such intimacy is actually a very sacred thing, and though hormones are raging at your age, I sincerely hope there are deep feelings between you and your boyfriend if you’re indulging in sex at 16.
And it’s true that stress can wreak havoc with your cycle, so be calm and sensible until your period arrives. Good luck!
Thanks everyone…I’ll see what happens and go from there…I’ll try to get calm until then. And yes @bookwoman11 I did forget to put that my boyfriend and I are very much in love. Been together for almost 3 years and are planning to stay together no matter what happens…baby or not :)
Like @Cruiser, I’d be more worried about you picking up an STD than becoming pregnant because the odds are so high for STD’s among young women. Your guy could’ve passed you something that won’t even show outward physical symptoms. Take @BarnacleBill‘s advice and go to a Planned Parenthood to not only get a pregnancy test but an exam, an STD array and birth control. They’ll probably offer you every state of the art condom on the market along with any other birth control you may choose.
Now that you know the power of being a human, the power of “The Heat of The Moment” then protect yourself so it’s not an issue for your future. Good luck with how things turn out.
Is there another adult in your life that you can trust? Maybe a counselor at school, an aunt or even a minister. My wife and I recently found our 18 year old nieces’ condoms, cigarettes and lube and had a confidential conversation with her about risks etc.
What else can you do but wait until you would normally have your period? What is the other choice?
@alamo family wise no. I do see a counselor not through school though. I’m afraid to tell her though. I don’t want her to hate me…or be disapointed in me. So far the only people who know are you guys, my boyfriend of course and my bestfriend.
And in the future I will be safe and and think straight with all my choices in life.
@peace_love_aliens – That’s what counsellors are for! She won’t hate you or be disappointed in you. I’m sure she’s helped people through much more shameful things than a pregnancy scare. She’s been trained to help people in situations like yours. Please talk to her about it – I really think it’ll do you good.
@peace_love_aliens Tell the counselor. She/he’s the one you should be totally honest with or it’s not going to help you out. Good answers guys.
Go ahead don’t be scared….tell the counselor.
I feel for you, sister. Been in that scary “what if?” situation myself and it sure does detract from the good memories of “the moment”.
The answers here are great and I would only add one thing: If you love your boyfriend, share this fear with him. Next time “the moment” comes, you’ll have double the chance of remembering to use protection if he shares the scare. It takes two, baby, and the boy is just as responsible as the girl for precautions.
My dad used to tell me “If he wants to drive the truck, he should remember to tarp the load.”
Thank you everyone for the advice…I actually started my period today…now I feel silly for being so freaked. But hey I sure did learn my lession! Going to be safe from now on :) and @Blueroses I did share this with him and we had a talk of what would happen it I was pregnant….we both were worried. But now that everything is cleared up I feel so much better. Thanks again everyone. :)
♥ Peace_Love_Aliens ♥
♥ hurray for the red tide!!
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