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levshneider's avatar

Why MTA cannot make buses to accept dollar billls?

Asked by levshneider (15points) January 5th, 2011

I often see people unable to ride a bus because they don’t have $2.50 in change. Why MTA cannot fix this problem?

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2 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

Hi @levshneider, welcome to Fluther!

I think the trend is towards stored-value cards like the MTA Metrocard. It’s a lot more efficient and cheaper for the transit company than handling change and bills on every bus.

I know it is inconvenient, if you don’t live near a station where can you add value to the card.

But I would not be surprised if the cash option disappears someday.

bolwerk's avatar

Because dollar bill scanners are difficult to maintain. Coins are pretty easy to sort by size, weight, and electromagnetic signature.

What’s more stupid about NYC Transit is it has that horrible fare collection method and doesn’t allow you to buy a farecard aboard a bus.

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