Why do guys enjoy it when girls make out?
I have come across so many situations where a guy/guys want two girls to make out, or touch eachother in some sort. I actually don’t think I have ever come across a male who has said that he would not enjoy that. Why do guys like it and think that it’s hot? I ask them, but they never really have a reason.
Anyone can answer.
but guys out there, do you like it when you see two girls kissing or touching eachother or something like that? If you do, why? If you don’t then why not?
I know it’s kind of a weird question, but I’m curious(:
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19 Answers
Because we’re horny bastards!
I am no expert on the matter, but I have heard that it is down to how the male brain works. Males respond much more to visual stimulation than females do, and such a thing is very visually exciting.
While I am not an expert on the human brain, I am a self-proclaimed expert on being a pervert. With that in mind, I will offer up some “pervert logic” for you.
The Pervert’s Logic:
* Sex is good.
* Given that sex is good, sex is wanted.
* If sex is wanted, It is conventient for it to be easy to get.
* If it is convenient for sex to be easy to get, an obviously horny girl is better.
* If 1 of something is good, 2 of the same thing, must by definition be better.
- Therefore, 2 obviously horny girls making out = woot!.
Men like to watch, women like to partcipate. At least this is what I have decided on the topic. Women watch a sexual encounter and I think they identify with the woman participating. Men maybe don’t have the same ability to empathasize with what a male character is experiencing, he prefers to watch who he is attracted to. More people he is attracted to, in this case women, the more exciting.
Maybe because when that is happening the man doesn’t have to fake being interested in conversation…
Because two, two mints are better than one. That, and they feel as though perhaps they’ll be able to join in. Wishful thinking.
@JLeslie I think you just made me understand why it’s hot. We don’t give a crap for the guy’s experience.
@Adirondackwannabe I have never heard anyone explain it the way I think about it, you are the first person to agree with me, but I have only told my hsuband and maybe a couple of other people my theory.
I don’t remember are you a woman or a man?
Some girls enjoy watching it too, just FYI…
2 girls = twice the hottness, that’s all.
Guys aren’t hot to us. So, 2 guys kissing = twice the ugly.
simple math.
I can appreciate two fellows kissing. :)
I am a gay girl and I don’t find it gross at all.
@jude See the two guys kissing does not turn me on at all. I am not disgusted or anything, I am fine with it, but since there is no girl there, I am not identifying with anyone.
Two guys kissing is totally hot!
I’ve always suspected that it had something to do with the titillation of taboo. When I was a teenager, nothing turned me on more than seeing my lesbian friends make out at the school dances. Then I got the internet and porn offered a daily dose lesbionics. After a while though, it stopped being so interesting. Girls, especially straight girls, make out literally all the time, and it’s stopped being particularly arousing for me, unless they’re both in a situation that makes it “wrong,” like a library or something. Alternatively, the image of two guys making out has always been hot to me, but not on the internet. Everything’s okay on the internet, there aren’t any taboos. Seeing guys making out in bars isn’t so strange either. It’s when they do it in plain sight on a public sidewalk that I start getting turned on. The best I can figure is that, for me anyway, that it’s truly tied to how “wrong” I feel the action is. Not that I think it’s wrong, but rather this is my assessment of how society at large views this action.
@JLeslie You have to ask? Just because I discuss girls making out with girls, fashion, cooking, and relationships? Heres a hint: Clutter doesn’t bother me, I throw my clothes in a pile, and most of my other habits drive my girl nuts.
Guys are more visual then girls. They would like to watch you making out with them, but they can’t really. And they sure don’t want to watch you making out with another guy…so the only next logical answer would be to watch you making out with another girl. That way they get their visual stimulation while not having any competition.
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