What brands are you currently boycotting?
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I’m boycotting Burt’s Bees. I’m mad at them for selling out to Clorox – the opposite of green and organic and natural.
Monsanto, all Big Pharma, hell lots and lots. Im trying to keep my consumption down and support as much as i can locally.
@Arbornaut Why are you boycotting them? And how do you boycott them – I thought Monsanto was in damn near everything?
I don’t specifically boycott brands, but I buy generic whenever it is cheaper, and that is 90% of the time.
I don’t buy fish from China. In fact I am reluctant to buy things in general from China that I fear might poison me.
Because they are, in my opinion, a bunch of greedy self serving Amoral fucking assholes.
I boycott all goose down products and pate, because, well….geese are my friends. ;-)
I boycott the Premarin industry also.
Yeah pate, I will never eat it. And I don’t eat veal.
Well at the moment I’m boycotting Dell because of their god-awful customer “service”. But I’m probably going to end up getting a Sony laptop anyway…
I also buy generic whenever I can. I boycotted Coke for awhile because of the stupid commercial with big red lips smiling cause her mouth liked the carbonation. I do try to stay away from things from China. Products with ads making women look stupid because their clothes are clean or some such, I’ll boycott. I don’t buy herbal essence shampoo either.
@faye You reminded me I stopped buying Tide laundry detergent for a while, and wrote them a note through their website, because their commercial was of a women who borrowed her daughters blouse, lied about it, and snuck it back into her drawer!
Yep, no Veal. Never had a bite. Blech!
Not to be all uptight, but technically, veal and pate – not brands…
I don’t buy many brand named goods and the ones I do buy on a regular basis like my toothepaste or sunscreen, I haven’t researched the companies enough for anything that would rub me the wrong way to pop up.
I am boycotting a British ISP/communications company called Talk-Talk, because of their sheer incompetence. My telephone line got slammed by them and we had to take legal action to get control of it back. They also broke Data Protection regs.
I’m boycotting Alannah Hill, a fashion designer, because she has a history of releasing items that are direct or near-direct replicas (not just designs, but original fabric prints as well) of items from some Japanese brands I adore.
I love her style, but no way I’m giving money to a phoney designer when there are genuine artists out there.
I won’t buy Nike because their products are made in sweatshops.
I won’t buy Danier leather because they skin the cows alive.
I don’t know whether these things are true, just what I’ve heard.
I try and boycott cosmetic brands that test on animals. Loreal for example although, I hear they are intending to become a cruelty free company in the near future.
Not really a boycott, but the other day I went to a Shell instead of a BP, even though the BP was cheaper.
I do boycott all ‘inferior’ pet foods, such as generic cat and dog foods.
Name brands…‘Atta Cat’, Meow Mix’, and, I don’t own a dog right now but, the crappy cheap dog foods such as ‘Old Roy’. I always feel bad for the pets when I see someone carrying a big bag of crap food.
But..better than nothing I suppose.
@Seelix I find it hard tobelieve that they are able to skin a cow alive. Cows are powerful and would be very difficult and extremely dangerous to skin alive. I would imagine that many workers would be killed in the process.
I don’t think there is a product I boycott. I do however try to buy American made whenever I can.
@Mikewlf337 A cow can’t fight back if they break all its legs first.
@downtide that is a bunch of crap. Not only is it still extemely dangerous it is also completely untrue. Hides for leather come from the beef industry. That’s where they get their hydes.
@Mikewlf337 PETA claims that some people observed cows that had their throats cut were skinned while they were still alive, but dying. This was probably an isolated incident, but naturally they make their living convincing people that their claims are true.
@YARNLADY PETA are a bunch of nutjobs who support terrorist groups such as ALF. I don’t believe a thing they say. Like I said before. The hides that they tan into leather are from the beef industry and they don’t break any legs and they don’t skin animals alive. In slaughterhouses they are stunned with a captive bolt and renders unconciouse. Throat slitting kills very quickly and the animal will be long dead before any skinning takes place.
@Mikewlf337 I agree with you, I was just saying that’s where that idea came from. I’m a meat eater and lived on a farm for many years. I know where my food comes from. I’ve even helped skin a deer.
Tommy Hilfigger (sp) because of his antics on Oprah. wouldn’t be able to afford his stuff! And any beauty product that would test on animals.
@faye What antics? What I remember about his interview with Oprah was he straightened out all of the false rumours.
@JLeslie I’m pretty sure it was Oprah, one of my daughters Youtubed it years ago. I mostly remember her stunned face, not what he said, but I’ll try Youtubing it.
I looked through a lot of clips. Her face was the one where KKK were on her show and it certainly looked like Tommy talking but was obviously a hoax. The wording was on the clear-up clip with Oprah.
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