If a celebrity moved in next door?
How would you honestly act if your new neighbour was a celebrity, major or minor.
-you havent met a celebrity before and you live in a normal quiet suburban neighbourhood so keep yourself to yourself.
Would you ask for a pic or autograph? would you tell everyone? would you ignore the obvious and just not talk about it?
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37 Answers
I hope all I’d do is offer a friendly greeting when our paths happened to cross. But I can’t promise I wouldn’t tell someone.
That’s assuming I recognized the celebrity in the first place. Most of them, I wouldn’t; their secret getaway address would be entirely safe with me.
Would treat the person like any other new neighbor, in that, I would welcome them to the neighborhood. Their privacy would be respected.
I already have some celebrities as neighbours. I’ve seen them at the bagel shop, on the elevator to the local subway station, walking their dogs, and so on. Hey, as long as they’re not causing a ruckus, I’m cool with them here. Also, personally, film/TV is my field, so I’m over the “oooh-ing and aaah-ing” phase, for the most part. I did do a double take when I saw Jude Law at a restaurant last summer, though, I can’t lie. He’s insanely handsome.
In general, a lot of famous people like living in New York because they know the populace will mostly ignore them.
It wouldn’t matter….I don’t know my current neighbours…...
Here’s might go down if the celebrity’s new next door neighbor turned out to be a paparazzo:
Paparotso runs snake cam under celeb’s door with intention of pitching crap quality footage to TMZ and National Enquirer.
Pap is busted by pissed-off, hungover, and still-dressed-as-Maggie-Thatcher Chuck Norris.
Pap says, “You think ya betta than me? You owe dis to ya fans, ya has-been! This is da price uh fame, ya loser! Fuckin’ Chuck Norris dressed as da freakin’ queen a England- dis is gonna be my money shot!”
Instead of throwing pap off of porch, Chuck tries to throw pap upward and face-first through chimney.
Pap falls back down chimney and drops unconscious into fireplace.
Norris upChucks 151-proof vomit onto pap, lights him on fire, and enjoys the warmth, while the rest of the neighbors enjoy the screams.
I’d be the neighbor that called Chuck’s private security company with the heads-up.
I would hope that I would behave normally to them. I think I would.
I know that there’s a man who’s something of a celebrity living down the street from me, but I wouldn’t recognise him if I caught him out and about. He’s a writer.
If it were someone internationally famous , I would probably tell my friends: knowing our local media, it’d be in the newspaper for a whole week anyway.
I’d treat them like anyone else. I’ve met a celebrity before and yes, I did find it exciting but I wouldn’t be running around looking for autographs. I’d probably tell me friends, but I’m sure that’d be about it.
I have met several celebrities. I have even cooked breakfast for Jimmy Carter. I treat them like everyone else. Having a Secret Service member watching while you cook can be a bit disconcerting.
I have handled dogs for Bush 41 and Cheney when they were in the area hunting pheasants. They get the same treatment from me that anyone else gets.
I would absolutely not ask for autographs, pix, or anything. I would let any encounter with the individual unfold organically and naturally, just as it would with a neighbor of no acclaim. By virtue of being in the entertainment field, most celebrities graciously accept that a certain amount of their privacy will be forfeited when out in public, but no one should ever be made to feel that they’re under scrutiny or have to be “on” at their place of residence.
I might mention it to my best friend because of the excitement factor, but I’d keep the lid on it for the most part. People are funny – you never know what they’ll do.
I would expect them to treat me like everybody else. I suppose I would give up an occasional photo or autograph, as long as they did not take inconsiderate advantage.
Well I guess I hope they’d be as awesome as MC Hammer. Friend of mine is next door neighbors with him and they share the same backyard. When we were hanging out one day, MC comes out into the backyard and does Hammer time right there on the spot.
I wouldn’t even know that it had happened until the junk cars were cleared out of the back yard and the trim painting on the house addition (from two years ago) finished.
I might not even meet him (or her) for several weeks or months. I didn’t meet Dave until several months after I moved in to my current house.
If I saw him (or her) pulling out of the driveway I’d wave, same as I do with the current neighbors.
I’d still mow the treelawn in front of their house if they weren’t doing it, when I do mine (about every 2–3 weeks in the summer, if I feel like it).
I would hope that we could respect each other’s privacy as much as Dave and I have for the past 8 years. (I don’t even know Dave’s last name.)
Milo here: I already live with one. Boring…
Ain’t no celebrity gonna move into my hood, lessen dey down on dey luck.
We’ve had a lot of celebrities on Cape Cod. Steve Tyler, all the Kennedys (and the ones that come with them), Britney Spears… Loads of visitors. We had Oprah here for Eunice Shriver’s funeral not that long ago. (You know the chicken pies she talks about? They were discovered when they sent some to her when she was here.)
If a celebrity moved in next door, I would probably tell the people I know, but everyone knows when I have a new neighbor anyway. lol I would treat them as anyone else when I saw them, but actually would probably go out of my way to avoid them on the basis of them thinking I talked to them out of their fame.
They are simply successful people and I would treat them as they treat me.
My brother in law has worked with many successful actors. He is a Copy Writer.
I think those that choose to live outside of LA LA land want a more normal life. If you made a big deal about them. They might feel uncomfortable. If you approach them as you do other neighbors they might become a friend.
Some actors buy property aware from LA. because they need a break from all the attention. I respect such actors.
Most people can’t be on 24/7. I can relate to that.
Probably wouldn’t do anything. I tend to be shy, IRL, and I expect that they get enough bugging in their day-to-day lives.
The only celebrity that I’ve known was Byron “Bill” Brown, and he was only famous in biostatistician circles. We would go bird-watching together.
Well, I already know a minor celebrity because she is my fiance’s sister. I would act as normal as possible as to not freak out and scare away the celbrity like a deer. I have pretty good self control but there are three people who I would lose my mind to: Avril Lavigne, Buddy Nielsen (Senses Fail) and Wednseday 13 I would NOT be able to control myself.
I would hope that any famous celebrity who moved next door to me recognized what a celebrity I was and would treat me like a normal person. ;-)
^^ Probably not unless @harple was in residence. Congratulations, by the way.
I wouldn’t bat an eyelid, they’re just people after all ….. So long as they respected my privacy & kept the party noise down I’d do the same for them…… :-/
I would want my privacy to be respected. I’d remind them that an appointment would be required before any formal introduction could be made. Another pressing concern would be that they stay off my fuckin lawn!
The only kind of celebrity that’s likely to move into my neighbourhood is going to be either an old has-been that’s bankrupt and can’t afford any better, or else someone who’s gone off the rails and become a junkie. Those who live here and then become celebrities, move out as soon as they can.
If it was Alan Rickman, I’d probably have a minor heart attack and then contact @Bunnygrl
Is Bob Lilly a celebrity? He lived 2 houses up from us (his best friends lived next door) and , while I was friendly and so were he and his wife , no one bothered them. It just would not be the cool thing to do. I did weaken at their Christmas party, however, and his wife took our pic. lol
I think it depends on the celebrity. For most of them, I would simply welcome them to the neighborhood and offer them a basket of muffins.
For a few select ones, I would hope they wouldn’t be offended by watching my jaw drop, then listening to my squeal of delighted shock, then hearing my proposal of a stimulating quickie…
I would sympathise with them for falling upon hard times.
I once lived a few condo doors away from Nancy Reagan’s mother, which once entitled me to meet and chat briefly with then-prez Ronald. There’s nothing like coming home from work and discovering Secret Service men in your front yard.
It depends on what celebrity it is. If the person is infamous for killing someone I’ll probably either move far away or arm myself and talk to him/her. If it’s one of the few celebritys I actually like then I’ll go say hi. Any other celebrity I’d just treat like any other neighbor.
If I knew of the celebrity and liked him/her I’d stay calm and then after I left, I’d scream with excitment and hope no one heard me. If I did’nt know them I’d treat them normally.
I’d at least say “hi” and make some cookies like my family always does with new neighbors. (small-ish subdivision)
@flutherother I’m with you on that one. They would have to be ex-celebrities to live in my neighborhood. If someone famous enough to raise the housing value moved in, I would immediately contact a Realtor. My house is underwater in value right now.
@WillWorkForChocolate Which celebrities would cause your jaw to drop? Wonder if any of them are the same for my jaw. He he.
@Kardamom Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortenson, Val Kilmer, Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, (Really the entire cast of Charmed- they were all hot), Gerard Butler, Sean Connery (yes, even if he is 180), Pierce Brosnan, Sam Elliot, Russel Crowe, Josh Holloway (Sawyer in LOST)
@YARNLADY very good point, i might start rubbing my hands together at the prospect of the house prices in the surrounding area improving. And then throw a massive selling up party and invite the new neighbour as the star guest!
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