Is it improper, immoral, illegal or otherwise inappropriate to solicit lurve?
Asked by
josie (
January 6th, 2011
What would happen if somebody, as a matter of routine, ended all of their questions and/or comments with the phrase “Your lurve would be appreciated”?
Would there be a negative consequence?
Would they get “modded”?
Why, or why not?
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47 Answers
I don’t know @josie (regarding “modded”), but I would never do it. It would have a negative effect in my way of thinking.
It would just kind of annoy me. I like to decide for myself who or what to lurve.
It wouldn’t look proper because someone would be like begging for lurve. Lurve is given when the person really earns it so that kind of phrase would be senseless.
The reason you do not see this happening much is because it is considered lurve gaming and we remove it.
It is against the guidelines for the same reasons mentioned above- pleople who are competitive would start begging or soliciting lurve.
Gaming the lurve system by any means, including repeatedly askIng for Lurve, can reflect negatively on your membership status.
@Dog: is that a shiny tooth I see???
But pushing lurve is still OK? @Dog A trip to the eye doctor might help as well. :)
Minority view here: I don’t really care about lurve, but I have noticed questions where answers were given, and the OP has thanked someone, then not given lurve. Usually these are new posters. I have nudged jellies on occasion to remember to spread the lurve.
@josie What can I do for you to get some lurve?
I wonder how long it takes for new people to learn how to habitually give lurve. It tends to flummox me when someone writes that it was a great answer yet the answer has no lurve. I think most of these people are newbies, but I don’t think it is proper to point out to them that if they think it’s a great answer, the usual way to show that is to give lurve.
Would that be lurve gaming?
I am not sure if posting such publicly would be a good idea but I think it would be really awesome to send them a PM welcoming them and letting them know about the lurve system.
:D it is awesome to welcome newbs via PM!
@janbb There it is. The best of my lurve. All you others as well. Including the mod. Especially the mod.
It would be sort of tacky, I think.
Sort of like ending all of your responses with ‘lol’.
So I guess I shouldn’t take this opportunity to beg y’all to push me through to 10k? (I would have typed “lol” after that, but I was afraid @CyanoticWasp might hurt me.)
Not immoral, improper or illegal but assuredly annoying, childish, and off-putting.
I’d like to toss a pie in their face.;)
@lucillelucillelucille Is it chocolate pie? “Gimme lurve, gimme lurve, gimme lurve, gimme lurve, gimme lurve!”
@Adirondackwannabe How is it even possible to mess up chocolate pie? It still tastes like chocolate, right?
@lucillelucillelucille I’ll make it easy on you. Buy a pie shell. Buy a bag of Hershey’s special dark miniatures. Unwrap the chocolates and toss them into the pie shell. Throw that at me. I’m sure I can catch a few in my mouth before they hit the floor, and if not… hey, three second rule, right? And yes, I like lemon meringue too!
Hey! My turn. It’s my turn. I wanna throw a chocolate pie, too!
Hit me, baby one more time!
Somebody better give Wundy a pie, quick! He gets cranky when he can’t throw stuff…
He gets cranky no matter what happens. But one might as well be cranky with a chocolate pie vs. without.
Who? Me? Cranky? Oh that stings! [wipes chocolate pie from eye and sucks it off his finger]. Just give me good pie, and I’ll be happy as a clam. Or whatever.
[Throws a little crust lucille’s way, but not too much. Wouldn’t want to waste any more crust than necessary.] ;-P
Do clams like pie? I didn’t know that. You constantly surprise and delight me with your knowledge of all things…well…absurd. :-)
He he he… it always becomes about food… ;)
I do so love absurdity, @JilltheTooth, and it makes me very happy to find people who want to play. Wait… this isn’t the play question, is it? But let me ask you this: if clams could talk, would you listen? Would you offer it chocolate pie? Huh? Huh?
Sometimes I wonder what people will think, coming along years later and reading this (or other) threads. They won’t have the benefit of the cross-references. Will they seek explanations? Will they burn their e-devices? Will they shout at the screen in frustration? Or will they add their own little bon-mots and absurdities, playing with us long after we have ceased playing with anyone?
Somebody needs to print these things out and bury them in a time capsule. Hey, @lucillelucillelucille , how about lobbing some of that pie over here? As soon as I finish my sushi, my congestion should be cleared up enough to actually taste it…WASABI! WOOT!
@Jeruba Well, you just got some too! =0)
@wundayatta Oh darling, Pie Heaven is something we chocolate addicts dream about!
Why? Lurve is nothing but pie in the sky anyway.
Yes ma’am, but Pie Heaven? To be surrounded by pie, all kids of pie, with a pie over here, and a pie over there. Here a pie, there a pie, everywhere a pie pie. Pie with no guilt or calories…. zomg.
Anytime you’d like to find out, just call me up at 1–900 I think I’ll just go have a cigarette.
@YARNLADY Your last comment gave me quite a chuckle! Thanks.
Makes me wonder what flavor of pie lurve is. If someone asked that question (I can’t because I’m out of questions at the moment, I wonder how many people would get it.
Aaaaaaaaaaghhhhh. I should have known.
[Wundy runs off to flagellate himself with jelly tales. Or whatever they are called.]
I suppose it’s none of those things.
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