General Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Would you call 911 if your relative was seen on surveillance photo for bank robbery?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31594points) January 6th, 2011

Just saw this on TV “A local man was arrested and confessed Tuesday night to a bank robbery after his wife saw a surveillance photo on an evening newscast and called authorities, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office reports.

Earlier Tuesday, Troy Sandifar, 45, brazenly robbed the First Bank at 4601 Manatee Ave. W. at about 10:50 a.m. and sprinted down 46th Street West with stolen money in his fists, according to a sheriff’s office report.”

Would you call the police?

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26 Answers

filmfann's avatar

The Unibomber was turned in by his brother. You have to respect the guy for making such a difficult decision.
As for me, I never called the cops on my daughter when she was manufacturing and selling meth, but I didn’t give her shelter during that time.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’d give them the option of turning themselves in right (if I could get in touch with them as soon as I saw it) or me turning them in within a certain time frame.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes. Aunt Bitchy is going down! ;)

CaptainHarley's avatar

Definitely! All of my relatives know better!

Ltryptophan's avatar

Probably best to snitch. If they have that much evidence, it’s unlikely the fugitive will remain at large.

Perhaps a more pressing question is whether to tattle when one’s relative is sure to elude the authorities.

What if your dad robbed the bank forty years ago, and your current fortune was built on that withdrawl?

jenandcolin's avatar

I would tell if it were recent. However, as @Ltryptophan mentioned, if this happened many years ago I really am not sure if I would tell. I would like to think I would but I don’t know for sure.

talljasperman's avatar

Yes… I don’t like them very much

coffeenut's avatar

No, I’d call Crime Shoppers (they pay you)

janbb's avatar

So hard to tell without any back story. Some relatives – yes.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m sort of with @janbb on this. If I could get hold of a decent copy of the video there are some relatives whose faces I would PhotoShop into the thing if I could (and if I could get away with that). And then I’d call the police, FBI, local news outlets, etc.

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john65pennington's avatar

You know my answer.

majapl's avatar

oo, you say that you WOULD. but when you were in school, did you tell to the teacher that your friend is cribbing? I’m sure that you didn’t use to do that.

Anemone's avatar

I am a law-abiding person, but I would have really hard time turning someone I knew in to the police. It would really depend on the situation, though. I like to think I would, but in reality I might not.

iamthemob's avatar

In general, yes. But it depends on the timing of everything.

(1) If I was afraid that, at the time, it would increase the possibility that person would be harmed, no.

(2) If I felt that I could intervene and the call would likely get officers to understand that I should be there to smooth the process of getting the person to surrender, definitely.

(3) If I saw the person after and I wasn’t able to get the person to do it themselves and turn themselves in peacefully, probably (depends on the safety issue again).

(4) If I knew that there were other people at risk if I didn’t, a definitive yes.

deni's avatar

Well if I knew they were stealing money for drugs or something else bad, yes. Otherwise if my mom needed to rob a bank to be able to leave her scumbag boyfriend and be on her own again, fuck no I wouldn’t turn her in.

Jude's avatar

Of course.

Winters's avatar

How much is the reward?

blueknight73's avatar

Heck no! I would never snitch on my kin. Let the police solve it. The way banks are nowadays, they rob us more often then we rob them!

BarnacleBill's avatar

I would have no problem turning them in.

andylee11's avatar

yes, i would.

Serenity72's avatar

Definately!!! Even if it was my children.

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wildpotato's avatar

Of course not. What a dick move!

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